
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Best news ever...Inbetweeners 2 is coming!

I've just heard the best news today.... whatever your doing today do this one thing and put this date into your diariesthere will be a second Inbetweeners film, but this time the boys are going down under!

According The Inbetweeners Facebook Page the release date for this particular road trip is Wednesday 6th August 2014.

Just to wet your appetite here's a picture of Neal, Jay, Will and Simon:

Photo: Does anyone fancy a date with The Inbetweeners? How about WEDNESDAY 6 AUGUST...  Cinema release date for THE INBETWEENERS 2 across the UK and Ireland.

Me and my sisters are big fans of the show and of the first film of course so I can't wait for when this second comes out....this date is of course now firmly set in my diary and I now hope that it is now firmly set in yours as well.