
Tuesday 21 February 2017

If these demands are met there could be another "Matrix" film...

...well so says's website.

It feels like an age since I last put anything up on here and I apologise profusely for that but I have to say I have just recently been getting over a chest infection so go easy on me I thought I just thought I'd gradually ease myself back in to the swing of things...and I have to say that while I was perusing the internet today I just had to put this up on here as this was just too exciting not to put up here. I said I was perusing the internet today and I saw this on's website and as I'm a massive fan of "The Matrix" films,-I mean who isn't a fan of these amazing films-, this got my attention and I have to say it made me very excited just to think that Keanu Reeves would possibly do another Matrix film...but I have to say though it has been a long while since the last film "The Matrix Revolutions" in 2003 so there will obviously be a lot of dust to get off of this film series,-I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist thinking this-, so I'm thinking has it been left too long to make a new one of these films although it may have been a hell of a financial success in it's day I'm just wondering would a new instalment just upset and disappoint fans of this series because now I think about it obviously there would be lots of people going to their local cinema to see if this would be any good and if it stood up to the other films in the trilogy, but would it just look like it was trying too hard to start up a film franchise long since put to bed.

Anyhew, I digress this does sound though like a very interesting idea to make another "Matrix" film though.

Back to the point though, according to's website in an interview with Yahoo! Movies Keanu Reeves said he would possibly do a "Matrix 4" if these certain demands were met:

"The Wachowskis would have to be involved"

This for me is a given...and:

"They would have to write and direct it. And then we'd see what the story is..."

Again for me this makes total sense to get the Wachowski's to write and direct the film as these films were their brainchildren so why would you let anyone else direct a "Matrix" film?