
Thursday 25 March 2021


God it feels like I've not put anything up here for ages! but I apologise for that but this lockdown has been a little bit of a trying time,-not that I'm not saying it hasn't been a trying time for everyone else during this COVID 19-, what with migraines, flu, sore throats, slipping on the kitchen floor and badly hurting really has shown me how clumsy I am and that I really can't be left alone to my own devices!

Anyhew...back to the point of this post, I'm a huge fan of "The Jason Bourne" film franchise and when I was going on a family holiday and I'd completely forgotten to pack a book that I was reading at the time I saw in one of the shops in the departures lounge "The Bourne Enigma" and completely tore into this book on said holiday and was completely hooked from there so as soon as I came back to the UK,-before COVID 19 in case your wondering,- I bought the follow up to this book "The Bourne Initiative" which I also completely tore into and loved but after I read this book I really wanted to be able to read the next book in the series so I started to Google when this was coming out but found out that shortly before lockdown via that publishing of the next book in the series was to be abandoned and they had no information on when this was going to come out.

So one day when I was googling to find more information about this I found out that Eric Van Lustbader who had co-wrote many of the original Jason Bourne books with Robert Ludlum and then after Robert Ludlum's death he continued this book series and according to an interview with "The Real Book Spy" website Eric Van Lustbader said that:

"Originally, the whole idea from the Ludlum estate was for me to write a book in conjuncture with each Bourne film that came out. So, in the beginning, it was like every two or three years. But the films became so popular and successful that the publishing company called and asked if they could get a book each year..."

Yikes! one book a year that sounds like a lot of pressure even for me and I'm not even a writer! not only this but in this same interview with "The Real Book Spy" Eric Van Lustbader goes on to say that:

"I had my own books too and that meant that I'd have to write two books a year..."

He then goes on to say that:

"So, it's official, I've talked to the executive of the Ludlum estate- who is a friend of mine, and who originally asked me to take up Bourne for him- and I'm eternally grateful to him. It's been a great ride, but it's time for me to do something else."

  And that:

" I had pretty much said everything that I wanted to say with Bourne, and that I wanted to do something different. Something more..."

Enter "The Nemesis Manifesto" and the new female protagonist Evan Ryder, neo-Nazis, double agents, triple agents, inter agency wars, Russian sleeper agents in the high echelons of American politics and that's just some of the things you'll read in this NEW! book, but according to this same interview with Eric Van Lustbader on "The Real Book Spy"'s website this is just one of the authors upcoming book projects as the next book in this NEW! book series "The Kobalt Dossier" is according to is expected to be published on the 8th July 2021...definitely one for the diary! and the other book projects is "The Sum of All Shadows" the fourth book in Eric Van Lustbader's Testament book series.