
Tuesday 8 November 2022



You may or may not have heard this news already, but according to's website Kenneth Branagh will be starring in a NEW! Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot novel "Hallowe'en Party" for the big screen.

Being a big fan of Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot and having watched nearly all the adaptions of Agatha Christie's novels I don't know how I feel about this as I didn't really like the modern adaption of the Agatha Christie novel "Murder On The Orient Express" or the adaption of Agatha Christie's novel "Death On The Nile",- I have to admit that after seeing the first adaption I couldn't believe he'd adapted "Death On The Nile" as this is my favourite Agatha Christie novel and this is in my mind the best Hercule Poirot novel-.

So when I heard that there was going to be another Agatha Christie novel adaption starring Kenneth Branagh I was let's say reserved about this as well. But as well as this being an Agatha Christie novel which means I'll definitely give it a go but I have just read that Jamie Dornan has just been added to the cast of this NEW! Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Michael Green adaption as well as Tina Fey and Michelle there might be hope for this NEW! adaption yet.

But also according to's website the plot for this will be set in post World War II Venice where Poirot is living in a self-imposed exile and being now retired, and while on Halloween he is invited to a decaying haunted palazzo to attend a seance where one of the guests is murdered where he is thrust into a sinister world of shadows and secrets. 

No matter what little ray of light these NEW! cast members as well as Kenneth Branagh, Jude Hill, Camille Cotton, Ali Khan, Emma Laird, Kelly Reilly and Riccardo Scamarcio I am still not sure about this NEW! film adaption, but I'll reserve judgement as, -now I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn't read or seen any adaptions of the novel "Hallowe'en Party" by Agatha Christie-, but in particular I'm thinking the ITV adaption of this and from what I've just read on Wikiepedia there is no mention of a seance in where has this come from all of a sudden? In this novel Hercule Poirot is asked by his friend Ariadne Oliver to investigate a death of a child at a Halloween Party that was being hosted at Rowina Drake's house whilst she was visiting her friend Judith Butler in a small village called Woodleigh Common.

In the novel a 13 year old drowns whilst apple bobbing having just said she saw a murder but she didn't know it was a murder until a year later, then when asked to investigate the death by Ariadne Oliver Hercule also investigates if this murder could be true or not, starting with making a list of all the disappearance's and deaths in the last few years in the area with the help of a retired policeman Superintendent Spence, this list includes an au pair Olga Seminoff, a dodgy lawyer Leslie Ferrier, Rowina Drake's aunt Miss Llewllyn-Smythe and a teacher at the local school Janet White. 

And according to a Wikipedia page Charlotte Benfield a sixteen year old shop assistant who was found with multiple head injuries,-but this isn't relevant to the story though-, Poirot finds out that the story the little girl told wasn't really her story it was her best friends story and she was just saying it to get attention, Rowina Drake and a gardener Michael Garfield started having an affair while Rowina was married and they plotted together to kill Rowina's aunt as she had found out about this and that she was going to leave all her money to Olga Seminoff in a codicil, so they paid Leslie Ferrier to forge the codicil and have it look like Olga and Leslie were working to get the money but both ended up dead and Rowena being paranoid that someone might have seen them move Olga Seminoff's body she killed the little girl when she told the tale...but Rowena then finds out that they weren't going to do all these murders and run off to the Greek Island that she'd secretly purchased using the money she inherited from her aunt Michael Garfield was more likely going to kill her off now he had an island where he could grow a garden for himself.

Although according to's website this film is promising to be a "...terryifying mystery...", so that's something.

Also according to this same article on's website production on this is said to begin on Halloween this year and is pencilled in to be released in cinemas by late 2023.


I don't believe this! Just when I've come back from holiday with my family the first thing I Google is "is there a new Evan Ryder novel?", - half hoping that enough time has passed for there to be an update on the last time I Googled this and there was nothing I just kept getting links to websites that sold the last Evan Ryder novel-, and to my surprise there is finally an answer...yes there is going to be a next book in the series.

Thank God! I feel like I have been waiting for this news forever!

I just Googled this and according to Fantastic's website the next book in the "Eric Van Lustbader: Erin Ryder" series will be called "The Quantum Solution" and will be released on 11th May 2023... if you're like me this will be music to your ears to hear there is a NEW! book in the Evan Ryder series of books so save this date for your diaries! If you haven't read this series of books, I'm not judging but I have to say shame on you! these are amazing! If you haven't read these books yet I highly recommend you start reading these but if you haven't read them, I'll catch you up:

Book 1: "The Nemesis Manifesto"- This introduces Evan Ryder who is the deadliest black ops agent who works for her friend Ben Butler who runs his own "shop" which has links to the Department of Defense..., when other agents start getting killed and her name is on the list she has to find out what is going on and how does it relate to her, whilst this is going on propaganda is being fed to Ben Butler's bosses about how he shouldn't be in his position as he is Jewish which threatens his position of control within the Department of Defense which turns out to be coming from Russia and Ben finds out that there is a mole in the USA government close to the President who is helping to spread this Russian backed propaganda. Evan Ryder finds out that this threat that is killing off agents is called Nemesis and that it has links to her past as she keeps having flashbacks of being in a red bricked building with two ravens and being with her friend Lyudmila Shokova Russia's best, most lethal and worst in Russia's history as she was head of the SVR but after many years she was found out to be passing information to the USA. This then leads to Evan Ryder going to Germany and finding out that Lyudmila Shokova's nephew has been working in secret for her to find out more about Nemesis and where are they based, and this leads both of them finding out that Nemesis is a neo-Nazi group that had kidnapped her and Lyudmila and used some kind of experimental concoction of drugs before that is why she can't remember anything other than a red brick building but they managed to escape, but this time when she gets kidnapped she manages to destroy the whole base and escape.

Book 2: "The Kobalt Dossier"- This is where Evan Ryder is forced back out into the field after her sister "Bobby" and her family go missing and the FBI are investigating and are watching the house and nearly arrest her and Ben after they go to her sister's house to see what happened and they already think that as Evan Ryder works for the Department of Defense she must have something to do with this, that's why wherever Evan goes to look for answers she and Ben get followed. Evan Ryder then finds that not only are her sister's kids missing but her husband has been killed and his head is buried in the backyard with a gag in his mouth and a message this leads her to find this is linked to a group called "Omega" and when she tracks down their stronghold Ben Butler gets shot and that Omega is led by the wife of a powerful politician and that they have the kids with the intent of weird experiments on them to create the perfect human being as this group has links to Noah's Ark theory from the Bible. Russia also wants to stop this group and they send their best agent "Kobalt" but there is no file on what this agent is and they even have the task of killing Evan Ryder, but we the reader find out that this is Bobby and that all those years ago when she "died" in a car accident she went over to work for the Russians.

Book 3- "Omega Rules" Ben Butler's black ops arm of the Department for Defense has been shut down after he was shot and he is completely devastated and left in so much pain from his wound that he spends his days in a wheelchair, so for the sake of him and for Ben Butler's daughter Zoe, Evan goes after the head of Omega and tries to put an end to this group once and for all. But this takes her to a mental health hospital in Austria where her birth parents are and they tell her that the head of Omega is actually her and Bobby's sister and that she used to work at the same hospital but would do secret unethical experiments on the brains of dead people and that she lost her job when she started becoming more fanatical about creating the perfect being based on what was written in Genesis chapter of the Bible.