
Monday 18 November 2013

Oh My God! All Bond Fans Stop What you are doing now and read this...Ernst Stavro Blofeld and SPECTRE might be back for more!

ywayI just read this on Empire's website and thought to myself  "To The Batcave!",-I know this isn't technically a James Bond phrase but you get the jist- that I had to just put this up here.

Anyhew...this news as an avid fan of  all things James Bond just made me so excited, but I've just thought that this is just another link back to the original James Bond films, as you may or may not know but many of the more recent Bond films have had scenes or things in them that hark back to these original films as in Quantum Of Solace Agent Fields was killed by Dominic Green via being soaked in oil and then draped on Bond's hotel bed like in GoldFinger where the girl was draped on Sean Connery's hotel bed soaked in gold, also there were the little quips of "Slate was a dead end" and in Sam Mendes's "Skyfall" there was the quip "he really wanted to get home" along with the story of how James Bond lost his parents in a climbing accident and that he went to Oxford and studied languages...the list of links back to the original Bond films goes on and I do realise that I have maybe gone on a bit too much here but I'm trying to say that more and more directors have already put scenes in their Bond films to try and make their films feel more like a Bond film by putting things in their James Bond films that made the original film what we ( the James Bond fans) know and love.

Previously though according to Deadline Hollywood Blofeld and SPECTRE couldn't be reused as back in 1991 when McClory who worked with creator Ian Fleming and writer Jack Whittingham on a script for Thunderball and the outcome of this was that McClory got partial copywrite for this story, but there was more legal dramas to come between Kevin McClory, MGM  and it's producers even after Thunderball was released in 1965, and in 1983 McClory used his rights to bring back Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again. In 1997 these troubles were kicked up a notch by Sony buying McClory's rights for $2million dollars with the intent of making a Bond franchise all of their own, but thankfully MGM hit back at Sony with a lawsuit and in 1999 Sony gave up this franchise idea but Kevin McClory continued with his lawsuit, but then when McClory died in 2006 his estate continued to be a never ending villain in this cat and mouse game between MGM and Danjaq (the hero's).

Anyway...the result is that MGM/Danjaq/EON have now bought all the rights held by Kevin McClory and his estate meaning that Blofeld and SPECTRE could come back in some form like Moneypenny was brought back in "Skyfall" to be Eve Moneypenny who shot Bond.

Of course there is a rather large pinch of salt had to be taken with this but saying how there how there have already been links to past Bond films put into modern day Bond films this might just might happen...fingers crossed! Anyway we'll just have to see if this does become a reality as Bond 24 which will be directed by Sam Mendes and screenplay written by John Logan is currently pencilled in to get released October 23rd 2015...oh what I can't wait that long! and all set to get released in the USA on November 6th 2015

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