
Monday 25 January 2016

A New Labyrinth in the works?

I have always been a big fan of David Bowie and his music...I mean who wouldn't be a fan of David Bowie's music? and I still can't believe such a music legend is dead, not only this but I saw the other day the unbelievable news that a new Labyrinth was going to be made.

I know people say that this film is a cult classic but I think it's just soooo bad it's hilarious...but then again now I think about it according to Entertainment Weekly "...this was the last film that the Muppets master Jim Henson made before his death in 1990..." so obviously this was a man that had had previous with working with puppets and making family fun films for the cinema screen...but this did fail commercially when it was released in 1986 so says Entertainment Weekly....can't think why maybe it had something to do with the dulux dog puppet that looked very much like it ran on wheels at the end of the movie.

Anyhew...for all the movie's faults this is still something I would say you should definitely take a look at if you haven't seen the film, but if you have already seen the film you'll already know that the story to this film sees David Bowie playing the role of King Jaroth the Goblin King who snatches away a teenage girl's (played by a young Jennifer Connelly) baby brother away after she wishes her baby brother away and takes him to his fantastical castle where she has to get him back before the King turns her baby brother into a goblin....with the help of some muppets of course.

I've just read on and I didn't even know this but apparently this film was originally written by Monty Python Terry Jones and produced by George I think I'm right in thinking that this film was suppose to be a comedy of sorts.

According to both Empire Magazine's website and this film will not be a remake it will a sequel of sorts to the original movie.

And according to

"TriStar ( an arm of Sony's) has inked a deal with the Jim Henson Company to produce a new version of the film, with Guardians of the Galaxy co-writer Nicole Perlman charged with penning the new Labyrinth script."

So apart from this there is nothing else known about what will become of this, whether it'll just be an idea that never sees the light of day or whether it'll actually get the green light as they say and gets made we'll never know.

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