
Monday 3 September 2018


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm seriously having to hold back on how excited I am to hear this news as this and probably to a hell of a lot of other MUSE fans has been a looooooong time coming to hear that finally there is an album on the way from MUSE....,-but there was an interview the band have done with various radio shows and magazines saying that they were thinking of releasing a couple more singles before releasing an album so I shouldn't feel so surprised among the massive tour the band have been on that this has taken so long to release-.

Anyhew...I was perusing's website the other morning as I was hearing on Radio 1's Greatest Hits show Muse "Time is Running Out" and that got me thinking "why are radio 1 playing MUSE as they don't normally play their tracks? and it came up on the homepage a NEW! MUSE single and music video had just been uploaded, if you haven't seen this yet here is the link below for you to have a little look at and see what you think of it:

I love at the 2:43 mark of this video the Queen style guitar solo that's in this song and I do like this thumping walking drum/bass line but I do think for me this is a bit of a grower but I think these visual effects are amazing and that MUSE should get some kind of award for how good these are because I bet these are just as amazing as the visual effects that the band uses live on stage when they go on these massive tours around the world that you can see pictures of on the bands Twitter page.

And with this NEW! Music Video I jumped on Twitter and saw on the bands Twitter page the AMAZING! news that's got me grinning from ear to ear looking like the Cheshire cat just thinking about this that there will be a NEW! album "Simulation Theory" will be released on November 9th 2018 and if you go to their official website you can pre-order this now to get early access to the bands 2019 tour.

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