
Thursday 17 January 2019


You may or may not already know this but I thought I would just put this up here I was just reading on's website to see if I could see if there was any news on this film other than the Jared Leto film of him shaving off the beard and getting ready for the role but unfortunately all I found was an article that was published on their website on the 9th October 2018 that Sony producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach said in an interview with that the next movie spinoff in the Spiderman Universe that would be brought to film would be "Morbius: The Living Vampire" and Matt Tolmach said in this same interview that he thinks that:

"...the plan is early part of next year. We're still working on it..."

That is to say that filming for this could start fingers crossed early next year, but according to's website Sony have scheduled July 10th 2020 which according to this website looks more like a release date if all goes well.

And Avi Arad went on to say in this same interview what he thought about this film possibly being R-rated:

"...what I said to you before, it depends on the story. If the success of the story on being R-rated..."

Avi Arad went on to say that:

" Then of course, we can do it. But at least for me, I have grandkids, kids, all these things, and some of these movies, they're dying to see. You know? As I took my grandson, seven, to the recording session of "Venom". And he had the time of his life."

This sounds like to me that Avi Arad is suggesting that this "Morbius: The Living Vampire" movie might be an R rated film and Matt Tolmach even goes on to say in this same interview with that:

" I don't think there's a rule written somewhere in stone that all of them have to be one thing, alright?..."

Also according to an article on's website there is no word yet on whether this film will feature any of "Morbius: The Living Vampire" comic book foes like CIA agent Simon Stroud, Vic Slaughter, Doctor Paine or Bloodbath...and also according to this same article on's website the most disappointing news of all,-well for me at least as I am a huge fan of  the"Blade" movies- it looks like "Blade" will not be featuring in this movie...although this same article does mention that Wesley Snipes has been teasing other Marvel projects with "Blade" in.

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