
Tuesday 1 February 2022


I was reading this the other day on the internet and I still don't know what to make of this as according to The Hollywood Reporter's website that the director of "Spiderman: No Way Home" has joined the creative team behind this reboot of the "Final Destination" film franchise that will be a HBO original release that is simply called "Final Destination 6" at the moment.

Jon Watt's will also according to's website will be producing as well as writing the story for this reboot, along with Guy Busick, Lori Evans Taylor also writing this "Final Fantasy 6". Also according to's website Richard Brener and Dave Neustadter will be executive producing. Craig Perry and Sheila Hanahan Taylor will produce this project.

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website also joining this creative team is Dianne Mcgunigle and Jon Watt's wife and manager as a producer.

I didn't know what to make of this as the last time I checked there has been 5 "Final Destination" films and by now everybody knows the story/ premise of these movies,-which is if your not sure I'll fill in the blanks for you, someone gets a premonition that during some kind of situation like in one film a girl gets a premonition that there's going to be a massive pile up on a major road that will kill a load of people and she stalls her car on the on ramp of the same road stopping people going on the road but one by one they all die as death doesn't like to be cheated, then there's a guy who get's a premonition before he boards a flight that people are going to die so stops getting on the plane and guess what happens to these people that get off the plane they start dying one by one, and then there's someone getting a premonition before they get on a rollercoaster etc etc,- so how on earth can you reboot this franchise as surely there are only so many times you can make a film using the story where death doesn't like to be cheated before it get's boring and predictable what's going to happen and even though The Hollywood Reporter's website says that the first movie grossed $112 million worldwide and trying to throw new writers into the mix in order to reboot this film franchise still won't work because it just looks like New Line Cinema and HBO Max are just trying to make money off of this already successful film franchise because their maybe wanting to do a horror film but are stuck for ideas for an original horror movie because how can you do a reboot of this storyline that's fresh and original that will bring new audiences as well as already fans of this film to want to watch this film especially now during the pandemic as people really don't want to travel to the cinema or anywhere I imagine if they don't have to, so if it's just going to be a rehash of other "Final Destination" films people will definitely not want to go to go to the see that as they'll feel that they've been cheated out of money to buy tickets and popcorn or whatever people eat at the cinema just to walk out of that screening feeling like they shouldn't have bothered and that it maybe would have been better to watch this at home on a streaming service.

So let's hope this new story for this "Final Destination 6" movie doesn't disappoint as according to's website says that a group of first responders escape death's grasp, they start to be killed by increasingly unlikely and killer mishaps...let's guess these mishaps mean people will die one by one in gruesome ways like in the one of the "Final Destination" films for example two girls got mysteriously trapped whilst in a tanning bed, a star athlete got his head chopped off whilst weightlifting in the gym, another "Final Destination" film had someone that didn't believe that death was slowly killing the group off with his own nail gun whilst stacking shelves at the local hardware store.

There's not a release date for this yet so I'll update this post when I find out more.



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