
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Shiver me timbers...Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is being written!

I apologies for the pun in the title for this post but I just couldn't resist! I was perusing the internet the other day and I saw this, not only are the Mouse House Disney wanting another Alice In Wonderland but according to Variety they have got someone to write the script for Pirates Of The Caribbean 5.

According to Variety Disney have got Jeff Nathanson to write the script but here's the confusing bit according to IndieWire's The Playlist blog Terry Rossio had two years ago signed on to write this new edition to the cash cow who is actually writing this damn thing! Well I've just tried to see if I could find any new updates on any blogs that could help me out, but unfortunatly all I kept getting was the same as this story.

I can understand if Disney has decided to hire a new writer for this fifth film because I've seen Pirates Of The Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest and I have to say that it was a bit shit and wasn't anywhere as good as the first film that Terry Rossio co-wrote.

But on the other hand Jeff Nathanson has written 'Catch Me If You Can' with Leonardo DiCaprio in and I have seen this but I do have to say that I thought this was soooo slow and boring that I walked out half way through...and I've never had to do this with any other film so I think that it's fair to say this is saying a lot! So maybe it's best if Terry Rossio who has co-wrote all the other films in this series stays on so as to make this film fast moving, action packed and above all enjoyable.

Johnny Depp hasn't officially signed on the dotted line for this yet but I'm guessing that depending on how much money he is offered to do this role he'll be back for the role...but Variety does say that Johnny Depp has said he would return if the material was good.

Apart from this not much is known about the plot details whether any of the original cast members other than Johnny Depp are going to come back or not so we'll just have to wait and see for any more news on this.

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