
Friday 18 January 2013

Hallejulah HMV may have a savior!

I was just perusing the internet looking for something to fill the time while I've been snowed in and this story on Ditigital Spy caught my eye.

I was really sad to hear the other day when I came back from a family holiday in Lanzarote and heared on Radio 1 that HMV were going into administration, I couldn't believe this news when I first heard it but I do have to say that I knew before that HMV had been heading for trouble and I had heard that they were going to restructure some parts of the company so as to see if they could try and survive like they started doing live concerts, selling merchandise, mp3 downloads along with other things but alas this wasn't enough...

But now according to Digital Spy OpCapita the retail group who were GAME's white knight in shining armor have been among the many that have approached Deloitte who have been appointed to be HMV group administrators earlier this week including Hilco who own HMV Canada as well as private equity group Endless...but also Digital Spy has reported that there have been "...50 expressions of interest in HMV's assests..."

GAME Retail CEO Martyn Gibbs told The Financial Times that GAME Retail that:

"...We will constantly review our property portfolio based on what is available..."

He went on to say that:

"...We will not rule any stores that are becoming available, be that through an administration or normal property deals".

Digital Spy also reports that GAME Retail are wanting 40-45 store locations in towns where they don't have a presence.  

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