
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Must read PledgeMusic campaign....The Fever, The Focus

You may or may not have already heard about this news, but I'm soooo excited about this news I just had to post about it up on here,-but I've been so ill recently with the flu on top of dealing with a Deep Vein Thrombosis that it has taken until now for me to blog about this-, anyhew Alex Davies and Ed Minton from Elliott Minor have gotten together to create The Fever, The Focus and have launched a PledgeMusic campaign to launch their new 2016 mini album!

Here is the link to their PledgeMusic page where you can sign up to buy anything and all manner of cool things from this new mini-album of theirs,- which as I am a massive fan of Elliott Minor for ages ever since I first heard "Parallel Worlds", and as soon as I first heard this very exciting news I of course ran over to PledgeMusic's website as quickly as possible and signed myself up to get my hands on this new mini-album of theirs as well as a download of their NEW! demo format version of "Hurricane"-, tickets for their secret launch party show which is on the 5th March at the London Garage (on the PledgeMusic page tickets for this show can ONLY be purchased through PledgeMusic), to even Alex and Ed coming round to your home with acoustic instruments for "...for an evening of music for you and your friends and family..."  And even more but your just going to have to see for yourselves just what you could get your hands on!

In exchange for all of us the fans pledging to buy any of these items you'll get to have access to behind-the-scenes recording updates, video clips and many more could even if you follow them on Facebook be able to see much more updates!

If you unlike me you haven't heard The Fever, The Focus's demo version of "Hurricane" here is the link to their Soundcloud page where you can have a little listen and see what you think of it or if you want to download this or their cover of The Weekend's "I Can't Feel My Face" then I'm afraid you'll have to have pre-ordered this or sign in to PledgeMusic to access this content on their PledgeMusic page.

And if your anything like me you'll probably already have downloaded the demo version of "Hurricane", so I think it is fair to say that this has a feel of Pop Rock about it, so I can't wait to hear what the rest of this new mini-album sounds like when it comes out on the 30th April.

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