
Thursday 19 November 2015

Fast and Furious are in the preliminary stages of developing spinoffs and prequels!

I know you may or may not have already seen this news story doing the rounds via various websites on the internet but I haven't had a chance to blog about it yet so I'm just catching up.

Anyhew...according to not only will there be three more Fast and Furious films but there might be some wiggle room for this, and that there might be spinoffs or even prequels.

According to Jeff Shell chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group:

"...Vin (Diesel) has a vision in mind for three more, so let's get three more done and then see where we are from there..."

And according to after the success of Fast and Furious 7 with this film being the first in the series of Fast and Furious to top $1 billion and benefited from the growth of foreign markets like China, where it made over $390 million, and also according to Jeff Shell China wasn't the only foreign market that this last film benefited from:

"It's new in China to them, it's new in Russia to them, it's new in most Latin America, so this is a series that's accelerating in my view, not slowing down."

So I'm thinking with this success of the last film why wouldn't the studio want to hold onto this money making machine a bit longer by probably now I think about it probably doing a Harry Potter style thing and do spinoffs, prequels, origin stories, etc -although when I've seen these films they do tend to be crap and films that just disappoint because you end up thinking why on earth did I waste my time watching that, so I'm thinking that these probably don't end up making as much money as other kinds of things that the studio could do to make money on the franchise-, the sky is probably the limit if you think about it with money making ideas for this movie franchise.
So I'm guessing the studio also had this thought as Universal Pictures Chairman Donna Langley has confirmed that according to talks were taking place about ways to broaden the series' reach:

"We're certainly in conversations about how we can expand the franchise now..."

She went on to say that:

" It's an ensemble cast and there's room to bring character's in and out ".

This sounds all very exciting news but also according to this next instalment will not be having any of the insane car stunts like ones in other films I'm thinking in particular like the ones in the last film such as the one where the car goes through 3 buildings when the team go to Dubai or the car stunt when the team go to get the computer hacker who has created "The God's Eye" and all the cars parachute out the back of a airplane and when they reach the ground Paul Walker's character has to run up the bus and jumps off onto Letty's car to get back onto land or even the stunt when Vin Diesel's character and the computer hacker jump off the mountain with only the computer hacker wearing a safety helmet, as according to this same article on's website, Vin Diesel and the people over at the studio promise that the upcoming films will be different in tone from the adventures that proceeded them. That's why the studio brought in F. Gary Grey, the director of "Straight Outta Compton" to guide the eighth film in the series.

Vin Diesel has also said that:

" We have a director who is going to bring the darkness out the character", and the actor also promises that this next film will be similar to his previous collaborations with F. Gary Grey such as the 2003 "A Man Apart".

Jeff Shell the chairman of the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group has also said that:

" You can't keep having every movie have bigger and bigger stunts forever and ever and ever."

And he goes on to say:

"Eventually you have to really focus on the story. We'll still have big stunts but bringing in this amazing storyteller is going to be great."

I understand that it would be even more ridiculous than the stunts they do now in the films if all the people involved with these films were to keep doing insane stunts forever as there is a limit to when stunts stop looking wow! that's amazing and that stunt just looks like it was totally insanely ridiculous...but I do have to say that these insane car stunts are probably one of the reasons why apart from the cars, the music, the action etc that makes these films so popular so I don't know if the stunts they will have in this next film will be able to stand up to stunts from the other movies and prove just as wow as other stunts.

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