
Friday 11 December 2015

Review: Stevie B Wolf NEW! EP Alone + Alive Out Now!

I apologise for how late this post has taken me to post, I've just been so caught up in all the Christmas festivities that I've not really got round to blogging as regularly as I would like to...but it's here now.

As readers of this blog may or may not already know I am a HUGE fan of Stevie B. Wolf and after hearing his cover of  one of my favourite bands Blink 182's "Dammit" I just had to hear what the rest of his new album/EP,- "Alone +Alive" which is out now- sounded like as this cover to me sounds like a really good cover even though I thought at first there are some songs like Blink 182, Foo Fighter's, Muse, 30 Second To Mars, Adele, Fall Out Boy etc that you just don't touch at all as they are classic songs that were perfect the first time they came around, these covers to me anyway just end up sounding like bad X Factor karaoke versions of these classic songs and I always end up hating them and it just gets me angry and feeling like "why would anyone do that to that particular song?!", but as I said in my last post about Stevie B Wolf this is a really chilled, laidback, acoustic version of the original song which I love.

Anyway I digress...anyhew after hearing this I really wanted to hear what the other songs from this new EP sounded like and of course when I messaged the man of the moment Stevie B Wolf on Facebook about when I could get my hands on this new EP I immediately downloaded all the songs when they became available to download. And thank god I did download these songs as I love listening to all these songs, and if you haven't already downloaded "Alone + Alive" then I'd seriously advise you to download it!

And you can't imagine how excited I was to hear that there was a music video for "Alone +Alive" that premiered on's website on the 18th November. I of course just had to watch this as I felt like I was so excited about this that if I didn't see it I was going to burst with how excited I was.

If you haven't seen this music video yet, here is the link to Pop Matters's website where you can also read their interview with Stevie B. Wolf:

All of the songs I think would sound so amazing on my local radio Spire FM or on "Later Live...with Jools Holland" as this would probably in my opinion get more people to listen to his music, but it just frustrates me that you'll probably never hear him on either of these instead you'll have to listen to One Direction or Justin Bieber and Stevie B. Wolf is in my view just as good if not better...well probably it's fair to say that his music is a different genre but it's definitely music that will get you tapping your toes along to...and I have just seen a tweet from Aled Philips from the now broken up band Kids In Glass Houses about how he would like to see some new bands come through so nobody has to watch the same pop acts like the bands I have mentioned above.

Also this may just be me on a rant here but where are all the A+R Music Talent Scouts from record labels when you have fantastic singer/songwriters like Stevie B. Wolf, Elissa Franceshi, dj's Eli +Fur, Mike Cavanagh etc as these all definitely have the potential to be HUGE artists! (and I think if it's all about the money for these big music labels then I definitely think that Stevie B. Wolf and some of the mentioned artists above and more that I have heard all have the potential to make the labels money!)

Anyhew....apart from "Dammitt" which gets stuck in your head and has an acoustic melancholic feel to it as I said in an earlier post about this cover from Stevie B. Wolf, and despite me feeling a little disappointed with the "Alone + Alive" music video, with this video having Stevie B. Wolf standing on what looks like a platform with the guitarists and the drummer standing in designated areas that were marked out in black, but I think this does remind me of James Bay's "Hold Back The River" music video as this is quite boring to see James Bay standing in the middle of a room playing the guitar with the drummer and guitarist stood around him while this room seems to be spinning, but I think that both songs are so distinctive in other words so catchy that as soon as you, now this could just be me but when I think about either song I immediately see in my mind these two music videos.

One thing I don't get in this music video is the different people like the little girl in a prom dress with mascara running down her face, the drunken man in a suit smoking a cigarette, the guy drinking in underwear, a white T-shirt, a bath robe and a bottle of some kind of drink in his hand or the man smoking with a suit on that's also suppose to be drunk...why are they in the music video?

I do like this song as it does definitely have a beachy feel to it, and I have to say that when I listen to it I do get this idea like there could be a group of people including Stevie B. Wolf sat round a bonfire on the beach singing along with his guitar then in the middle of the song he and the band could be on a stage with fairy lights set up across a piece of the beach where people are dancing and a girl walks in watching Stevie B. Wolf perform and when the song finishes he looks over at her.

I have just realised that this may sound just a little bit like the idea behind "Fire In Your Lungs" and that with Stevie B. Wolf saying about this song having duality with it saying about how love in general and heartbreak is never all one way and that this song has duality meaning that on one hand it's like one of the many songs that say "I miss you!", "I want you back!", and also like lots of other songs it says "We are never going to get back!", and "Don't call me!" that this idea may not be appropriate for this song. "Nothing But A Name", I like the guitars in this song and it does feel a little bit sad as it sounds to me that this song is saying that every now and again the girl's face that Stevie B. Wolf broke up with pop's up in his minds eye every now and again even though he did his best to erase her from his mind and that he acted like a menace until she finally walked away, and they should have been like a photograph that freezes a particular moment in time but they just ended up being two people who were hurt by this.

When I listen to "Getting Through" I like the sound of the keyboards with the guitars I think they go together really well, and I can just envisage sitting in a bar somewhere and this being played in the background and I just thought that for the time of year it would go really well if you were sitting right next to a warm fire having a nice mug of hot chocolate...very atmospheric! But that is one of the best things about Stevie B. Wolf's music that no matter what the occasion, the time of year or what mood your in his music is definitely going to get you feeling better and it will definitely get stuck in your head so you could carry it with you in your head all day...if your out and about with no access to Youtube or an Ipad where you could download it.

"Bold" I have just listened to really does feel like to me one of those songs on many albums that you've heard that's about Track 9 or Track 10 itself that signifies the end of the album so you feel "Oh is this album over then?" and you have to have a moment to decide whether you want to replay the whole album again or whether you just want to play a specific song,-and I have to say that that is a decision I would never do as I'm already so indecisive and I wouldn't know which specific song to choose if I had to decide, I probably be there all day at my Laptop not knowing which one to listen to again-.

This is going to probably be the last post I post on here until the new year so have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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