
Friday 2 November 2018


OMG! I have just read this and as I am a massive fan of this film I just had to put this up on here...and because this is probably the best news I have heard since I have been away from blogging and having to deal with being diagnosed with skin cancer.

According to Ridley Scott has begun forward progress on a sequel to "Gladiator", and also according to this same article on this website the charge for this sequel is being led by Ridley Scott and his Scott Free banner.

If you haven't seen this amazing, cinematic genius, once in lifetime film as with the scale of it you'll  never get another film like it, like "The Lord Of The Rings" films, why the hell not!? it's been out long enough for you to have seen it by now either on DVD, on TV or any streaming services,-I do realise here that I may have gone on a bit but I am just a MAHOOOSIVE fan of this film-, then I will fill in the blanks for you:

Russell Crowe plays Maximus Decimus Meridius commander of the armies of the north and is favoured by the leader of Rome Marcus Aurelius, and this of course causes tensions between him and his son Commadus who is played by Joaquim Phoenix, but he Commadus also is wanting of his father's power when he dies and he also wants the love of his sister Lucilla who has been widowed by her husband Lucius Farris and has a son also named Lucius just like his father, but when Marcus Aurelius tells Commadus that when he dies he wants to give his power to lead Rome to Maximus to stop the corruption that has occurred within Rome's politicians and this then turns Commadus to murdering his father not just because of this but because he thinks his father loves Maximus more than he does him and Marcus tells him that his faults as a son are his faults as a father. Also when Maximus tells what he thinks are his friends in his generals that he thinks that Marcus Aurelius has been murdered and that he means to go home as was promised to him after the war to his wife and son these generals arrest him and on Commadus's orders take him out to the woods and murder him and also on Commadus's orders the army goes to Maximus's house and burn and hang his wife and child and when Maximus finds this out by killing the marshes sent to kill him and riding home he then is sold into slavery and sold to Oliver Reed and taught how to be a gladiator and he soon becomes the best gladiator and in honour of his father Commadus puts on 180 days of games meant to be played out in the gladiatorial arena and invites the best fighters to this and therefore Maximus goes with the intention of killing Commadus, but of course when Commadus finds out that Maximus isn't dead he sets about trying to kill him with tigers on chains in the arena but Maximus kills them, and when he thinks people are conspiring against him and helping Maximus with the advise of one of his politicians he arrests a senator and lets it play out this plan to get Maximus out of Rome with the help of his friend "Sisero" and have 2 horses waiting for them, he then kills Sisero and arrests Maximus and has him in handcuffs and stabs him and then has Maximus dressed up ready to fight so he can take him on in the arena but he also arrests his sister who was a part of this conspiracy and tells her he wants her to love him as he has loved her and he wants her to have his children so that the Cesar blood line will live on and he'll kill her if she looks at him in a manner he finds displeasing, if she decides to take her own life or does anything that he doesn't like he'll kill her. Then Maximus despite his stab wound manages to kill Commadus and asks Lucilla to free the prisoners and he then dies going home to his wife and child in the afterlife.

Anyhew...according to this sequel will focus on Lucius the son of Lucilla and will show how strong an influence Maximus left on him.

Also according to this same article Ridley Scott wants to direct this sequel and Paramount will be the studio developing the project with Universal Pictures having the option to co-finance this, but at the moment Paramount are setting Peter Craig on to write the script with Scott Free producing with Red Wagon's Doug Wick and Lucy Fischer and Walter Parkes and Laurie McDonald of Parkes + McDonald also producing.

Also according to this same article this could happen very quickly, and although this sounds very exciting this could take a bit of a back seat as according to this same website Ridley Scott is right now directing his first TV series for TNT "Raised By Wolves" which will be filmed in South Africa, he's also got several other projects in the pipeline such as the Scarlet Johansson starring drama about the photojournalist Lyndsey Addario, and a potential film about the formative years of Merlin for Disney which will be produced by Ridley Scott and Gil Netter and is being rewritten by Chris Weitz.

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