
Wednesday 19 February 2020


Okay you may or may not have heard this news before but as a massive Batman fan I just really wanted to put this up on here as according to's website this not only reveals what Robert Pattinson will look like in this NEW! Batsuite but it also shares a snippet of what the music for this NEW! film will sound like.

Here is the link for you to have a gander at if you haven't seen the video yet:

This NEW! suite judging on the Bat symbol on the front of the suite looks like it may be a little bit more mechanical, a little bit rough around the edges but apart from that it doesn't look like much has been changed from Christopher Nolan's Bat suite i.e it still looks like a proper Bat suite and not looking like the Bat suite that Ben Affleck wore that looked like it was made out of paper mache  and it also seemed to look to me like,- and I'm thinking here of how the Bat suite looked in the film "Batman vs. Superman",- the suite was bigger more robotic looking and the head part looked more like a helmet than part of the suite...can't think why the film makers did this maybe to make the Bat Suite more adapted to other more modern threats but now that I think about it how on earth this design was going to work as this must have made the Bat suite more heavier and less functional flying in the face of how Christian Bale's character Bruce Wayne said to Morgan Freeman's character Lucius Fox in Christopher Nolan's "Batman" film that he needed to be lighter and that he was carrying too much weight and that Lucius Fox says that he understands what Bruce Wayne is saying by him wanting to be able to turn his head every time you park the that I've read this back I do think I may have slightly over thought this a bit and may have slightly geeked out over Ben Afleck's Bat suite and Robert Pattison's Bat suite and shown how I really didn't like that Bat suite design and I think the less said about "Batman vs. Superman" the better as that film wasn't very good.

Anyhew...this new music that you can hear in this test camera footage that was debut by Matt Reeves who is directing and writing this new Batman film that will star Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne, Zoe Kravitz as Selena Kyle a.k.a Catwomen, Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordan, Paul Dano as Edward Nashton a.k.a The Riddler, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, Colin Farrel as Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a Penguin, Jon Torturro as Carmine Falcone, and Peter Sarsgaard as Gotham D.A Gil Colson has been composed by Michael Giacchino and may suggest with the red in the footage like seems to say on what the tone and style of this film is along side this epic Nolan style music that for me does sound like it has elements of the "Star Wars" Imperial March in it...very foreboding and dark if you ask me, which might suggest this conspiracy that Bruce Wayne is said by the internet supposed to find out that involves all of Gotham's villains and is suppose to show what the other adaptions of Batman haven't shown before with Bruce Wayne being a really good detective so says the internet is going to be maybe dark with some unexpected twists...but that could just be looking into this too much.

Anyway this film is pencilled in so says for a June 25th 2021 release date.


Oh. my. god! I know I'm suppose to write a continuation to the last post I put up on here but I just saw this on's website and I just had to put it up on here right away...I mean it's "Bill & Ted" people!,- as you can probably tell I'm just a tad bit excited about this-.

Anyhew...according to Empire Magazine's website this picture is hopefully fingers crossed just the first in a long line of movie news and updates about this looooooooooong awaited threequel (as Empire Magazine's website puts it). Here is the picture below for you to have a gander at:

Bill & Ted Face The Music

According to Empire Magazine's website Chris Matheson and Ed Soloman who wrote the previous two "Bill & Ted" films, this film will see not only Bill and Ted on their journey to write the greatest rock 'n' roll song that will save the entire universe but audiences will see them all grown up with their daughters who according to's website will be played by Samara Weaving,-if you're like me and looking at this surname and it sounds familiar then you'd be right her uncle is Hugo Weaving who played "Agent Smith" in "The Matrix" films-, and Brigette Lundy-Paine.

According to this same article on's website this new "Bill & Ted Face The Music" will see William "Bill" S. Preston Esq. and Theodore "Ted" Logan facing middle age and having not written this greatest rock 'n' roll song ever that's going to save the entire universe and it feels like time is running out, and this isn't helped by a visitor from the future telling them that time's time and they should get cracking on writing this song or else life itself will cease to exist.

According to an interview Dean Parisot the director of this film did with Empire Magazine "Bill & Ted Face The Music" has "...gone from a homework assignment to saving all space and time . We bypassed all those possible traumas in the middle...", he went on to say in this same interview that "...they have an hour and 18 minutes. And let's say that they have to travel all over the place to try and figure it out."

well it just wouldn't be a "Bill & Ted" movie without seeing both "Bill & Ted" travelling around the world within a tight deadline like the first "Bill & Ted" film brought back Genghis Khan, Billy The Kid, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Plato etc for a homework assignment presentation.

I can't wait for more information on this new film to drop this film is pencilled in for a release on August 21st 2020.

Tuesday 18 February 2020


I was reading the other day on the internet that in a recent interview Vanessa Kirby had teased that she would be coming back to reprise her role from "Mission Impossible: FallOut" as White Widow the middleman for MI6 and according to this website which I didn't know but I guess you live and learn the daughter of Max from "Mission Impossible I" and along with according to's website Henry Czerny will be reprising his role from "Mission Impossible I" as playing the character Eugene Kittridge who you may or may not recognize as the one who thinks that Ethan Hunt is the mole and is working with Max a Czech arms dealer who works with rogue CIA operatives....I was thinking how on earth could this character come back as Ethan Hunt so spectacularly cleared everything up and showed he wasn't the mole it was Jim Phelps and his wife Claire.

Rebecca Ferguson is expected to return to these films along with Tom Cruise, director Christopher McQuarrie who it has also been said on the internet is going to shoot a seventh and eighth instalment back to back, Simon Pegg who played the character Benji Dunn. Also SkyDance will also be back to produce the next two "Mission Impossible" films and also according to's website Ving Rhames who played the character Luther Stickle a.k.a "the net ranger" from previous "Mission Impossible" films will also return to these films.

Also according to Shea Whigham who you may or may not recognize from "Fast and Furious 5" and "Fast and Furious 6" as the FBI colleague of Paul Walker's character Brian O'Connor who get's his nose broken in both those films by the character Brian O'Connor has signed on to star in both "Mission Impossible 7" and "Mission Impossible 8" along with Pom Klementieff is also signed on to star in "Mission Impossible 7" and "Mission Impossible 8" and Haley Atwell and Nicholas Hoult who according to the internet is going to be cast as the villain of the film.

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision section of their website "Mission Impossible 7" is pencilled in for a release on July 23rd 2021 with the 8th instalment of this franchise pencilled in for a release on August 25th 2022.


God a lot of movie news seems to have been happening while I've been away during a recent house move but today I saw on various websites news on all these films that I just had to put up on here.

First I have seen on's website the surprising news that Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg will be back to direct and star in "Indiana Jones 5"...-bloody hell! really after "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull"?-, I've heard rumours about this for a while now but according to another article on's website and according to one article on release dates for this film have been delayed or pushed back on numerous occasions,-the last release date July 9th 2021-, directors and writers have been attached to this film then for various reasons left but now the original scriptwriter David Koepp is back to pen the script and according to's website he thinks "they've got a good idea this time".

And also according to's website Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has said that this will be a continuation not a reboot and that Harrison Ford will definitely be involved so that puts shot to all the other rumours that Chris Pratt, Chris Pine or Bradley Cooper could be cast as Indiana Jones...but also according to this same article on's website according to Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy "(they are) working away, getting the script where we want it to be and then we'll be ready to go" this sounds to me like nothing is really ready or confirmed yet and neither is any other cast members sooooo I'm not holding my breath for this film to come around anytime soon...but it has to be better than the last film and I was thinking that maybe for this to happen the film studio need to breathe new life into it like let someone new direct this other than Steven Spielberg,-I know you're probably all shouting "how can you get someone else to direct this other than Steven Spielberg he made this franchise!", but I thought that too and I even couldn't believe I was thinking it but what if you kept him on as a executive producer and advise a new director on how to keep this franchise authentic and Indiana Jones-y like "Indiana Jones and The Temple Of Doom",- and let there be other new characters in this film maybe possibly kill off or see Professor Jones in a retirement home but somebody maybe visiting him as they need his help in some way like deciphering notes from a diary or a text or a language of some kind but something has to be done to make this better than "Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" as did anyone really know what they were doing on that film as the story seemed to go all haywire with the Russians getting involved with the help of Ray Winston and wanting an alien's head so as to take over the world...I think.

But even more recent than these articles on's website was an article on's website that was published on February 14th says that Harrison Ford said in an interview on CBS's Sunday Morning show that he plans to start doing Indiana Jones in the next two with this being said and there still been no word on other cast members or script writers or anything else recently I am just as surprised as the writer of this article Matt Goldberg on's website that they're still going to do a "Indiana Jones 5" film.

Monday 3 February 2020


I know I'm very late to the party on this one, but when I saw the trailer of this up on Facebook the other day I just had to put this up on here as for me this trailer has been a long time coming and when I finally saw it I just breathed a huge sigh of FINALLY!

If your like me and haven't seen the first trailer for "Morbius: The Living Vampire" don't worry here is the link below:

This to me looks bloody amazing and I can't wait to see this when it comes to cinemas in the UK according to on July 31st 2020 with Sony/Marvel coming to an agreement finally to see Sony/Marvel characters being more intertwined...i.e as part of this new agreement between Sony/Marvel will work together on a "Spider-Man 3" movie, and that Disney/Marvel will co-finance 25% of this for a 25% equity stake in this so says's website with the proviso that Spider-Man appears in one more Disney/Marvel  this could mean that Spider-Man could make an appearance in "Venom 2" that will be directed by Andy Serkis who you may or may not recognise from films such as "King Kong" he played the CGI gorilla, and "Lord Of The Rings" he played Golem and now Sony can make references to the MCU in their films and that Sony can in their future films allude to the MCU so says but only if Tom Holland is involved with that particular production...and also according to's website in this new "Morbius: The Living Vampire" movie J.K Simmons's character will have a small supporting/cameo role that will act as a bridge for the two universe's with not only this but a mural in the background of one of the scenes of "Morbius: The Living Vampire" of Spider-Man and graffiti saying "murderer" on the wall supposedly alluding to the doctored pictures that The Daily Bugle printed framing Spider-Man of killing the character "Mysterio" at the end of "Spider-Man: Homecoming", and a surprise cameo from Michael Keaton's character from "Spider-Man" it looks like from this first trailer of "Morbius: The Living Vampire".

But also according to's website the president of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige doesn't want characters like Morbius and Venom to be the centre of attention and won't make them core characters in the bigger and more impactful MCU spanning arcs and only want them to have small or quick cameo roles and not have much involvement in the franchises more important films, but Sony though would like to see these characters play a prominent role in future "Avenger's Endgame" style event movies and have a big impact on the MCU...and if you ask me this might make more sense as this would mean that Venom and Morbius can get their own films and it wouldn't look like Venom, Morbius and Spider-Man have all been thrown together in one film just to make it interesting to see what that would look like in a film but story wise wouldn't make any sense why or how their in a film together as all these characters are never in the same comic books together and the only reason you've put them in one film together is so as to make the film studio a hell of a lot of money but it would probably just be a big flop for the studio.

Also according to's website this third Spider-Man film is set to be released in cinemas on July 16th 2021 and will be produced by Amy Pascal through her banner Pascal Pictures which she has done on the other two Tom Holland Spider-Man led films.

Also according to the cast for the first two Spider-Man films Tom Holland, Zendaya, Marissa Tomei, Jacob Battalon, and Jon Favrou will be set to return for this third film, with Kevin Feige directing alongside Jon Watts meaning that Peter Parker/Spider-Man will be able to continue his adventurers in the MCU with Sony and these other characters from the Spider-Man films can continue onto their own film franchise's separate from the MCU.