
Tuesday 18 February 2020


God a lot of movie news seems to have been happening while I've been away during a recent house move but today I saw on various websites news on all these films that I just had to put up on here.

First I have seen on's website the surprising news that Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg will be back to direct and star in "Indiana Jones 5"...-bloody hell! really after "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull"?-, I've heard rumours about this for a while now but according to another article on's website and according to one article on release dates for this film have been delayed or pushed back on numerous occasions,-the last release date July 9th 2021-, directors and writers have been attached to this film then for various reasons left but now the original scriptwriter David Koepp is back to pen the script and according to's website he thinks "they've got a good idea this time".

And also according to's website Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has said that this will be a continuation not a reboot and that Harrison Ford will definitely be involved so that puts shot to all the other rumours that Chris Pratt, Chris Pine or Bradley Cooper could be cast as Indiana Jones...but also according to this same article on's website according to Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy "(they are) working away, getting the script where we want it to be and then we'll be ready to go" this sounds to me like nothing is really ready or confirmed yet and neither is any other cast members sooooo I'm not holding my breath for this film to come around anytime soon...but it has to be better than the last film and I was thinking that maybe for this to happen the film studio need to breathe new life into it like let someone new direct this other than Steven Spielberg,-I know you're probably all shouting "how can you get someone else to direct this other than Steven Spielberg he made this franchise!", but I thought that too and I even couldn't believe I was thinking it but what if you kept him on as a executive producer and advise a new director on how to keep this franchise authentic and Indiana Jones-y like "Indiana Jones and The Temple Of Doom",- and let there be other new characters in this film maybe possibly kill off or see Professor Jones in a retirement home but somebody maybe visiting him as they need his help in some way like deciphering notes from a diary or a text or a language of some kind but something has to be done to make this better than "Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" as did anyone really know what they were doing on that film as the story seemed to go all haywire with the Russians getting involved with the help of Ray Winston and wanting an alien's head so as to take over the world...I think.

But even more recent than these articles on's website was an article on's website that was published on February 14th says that Harrison Ford said in an interview on CBS's Sunday Morning show that he plans to start doing Indiana Jones in the next two with this being said and there still been no word on other cast members or script writers or anything else recently I am just as surprised as the writer of this article Matt Goldberg on's website that they're still going to do a "Indiana Jones 5" film.

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