
Wednesday 19 February 2020


Okay you may or may not have heard this news before but as a massive Batman fan I just really wanted to put this up on here as according to's website this not only reveals what Robert Pattinson will look like in this NEW! Batsuite but it also shares a snippet of what the music for this NEW! film will sound like.

Here is the link for you to have a gander at if you haven't seen the video yet:

This NEW! suite judging on the Bat symbol on the front of the suite looks like it may be a little bit more mechanical, a little bit rough around the edges but apart from that it doesn't look like much has been changed from Christopher Nolan's Bat suite i.e it still looks like a proper Bat suite and not looking like the Bat suite that Ben Affleck wore that looked like it was made out of paper mache  and it also seemed to look to me like,- and I'm thinking here of how the Bat suite looked in the film "Batman vs. Superman",- the suite was bigger more robotic looking and the head part looked more like a helmet than part of the suite...can't think why the film makers did this maybe to make the Bat Suite more adapted to other more modern threats but now that I think about it how on earth this design was going to work as this must have made the Bat suite more heavier and less functional flying in the face of how Christian Bale's character Bruce Wayne said to Morgan Freeman's character Lucius Fox in Christopher Nolan's "Batman" film that he needed to be lighter and that he was carrying too much weight and that Lucius Fox says that he understands what Bruce Wayne is saying by him wanting to be able to turn his head every time you park the that I've read this back I do think I may have slightly over thought this a bit and may have slightly geeked out over Ben Afleck's Bat suite and Robert Pattison's Bat suite and shown how I really didn't like that Bat suite design and I think the less said about "Batman vs. Superman" the better as that film wasn't very good.

Anyhew...this new music that you can hear in this test camera footage that was debut by Matt Reeves who is directing and writing this new Batman film that will star Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne, Zoe Kravitz as Selena Kyle a.k.a Catwomen, Jeffrey Wright as Jim Gordan, Paul Dano as Edward Nashton a.k.a The Riddler, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, Colin Farrel as Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a Penguin, Jon Torturro as Carmine Falcone, and Peter Sarsgaard as Gotham D.A Gil Colson has been composed by Michael Giacchino and may suggest with the red in the footage like seems to say on what the tone and style of this film is along side this epic Nolan style music that for me does sound like it has elements of the "Star Wars" Imperial March in it...very foreboding and dark if you ask me, which might suggest this conspiracy that Bruce Wayne is said by the internet supposed to find out that involves all of Gotham's villains and is suppose to show what the other adaptions of Batman haven't shown before with Bruce Wayne being a really good detective so says the internet is going to be maybe dark with some unexpected twists...but that could just be looking into this too much.

Anyway this film is pencilled in so says for a June 25th 2021 release date.

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