
Thursday 21 October 2021


 Ok so I wanted to take a bit of a break from catching up on all things regarding films,- and I'm guessing with the last posts I've put up on here you guys reading this could also do with a bit of a break from movie news,- and do a bit of a catch up on NEW! music that I've been listening to whilst in lockdown which you may or may not have heard.

Imagine Dragons released their NEW! album "Mercury Act 1" which if you haven't heard it yet I suggest you stop what your doing right now and buy this or download this album as I cannot stop listening to this as it is soooo I know that this word "addictive" can be a bit of a double edge sword for some but I can't think of another word to describe this album as I heard the first song on this album "My Life" and those strings on this song just hooked me in, I just wanted to hear the second song on the album immediately after hearing this, and now I can't stop playing this album whenever I get a chance to hear it

Here is the link below if you want to have a little gander at this if you haven't heard this song yet or if you just want to listen to this song again you can listen to it below:

Imagine Dragons - My Life (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Just thinking about this now unlike other albums I've heard from Imagine Dragons as I am a massive fan of this band where I can say that here's a stand out track from "Night Visions", "Smoke and Mirrors", "Evolve" or "Origins" I don't really have any stand out tracks as soon as I think oh I love "Wrecked" or "Cutthroat" or "Follow You" or "Monday" I'm thinking "well what about "Lonely", or "It's Ok" or "Giants" etc, as I love all the songs on this NEW! album as they all have their own distinct sound and for me they also sound awesome and definitely well worth hitting the repeat button after you've listened to them after the first time.

If you haven't heard the already released singles "Cutthroat", "Follow You" or "Monday" or "Wrecked" from "Mercury Act 1" here is the link below to have a gander at the official music videos or if you just want to see the video again:

Imagine Dragons - Follow You (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Wrecked (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Monday (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Cutthroat (Official Music Video) - YouTube

But at a push I definitely have to say that the stand out tracks from this album for me are "Wrecked", "Cutthroat", "It's Ok, "No Time For Toxic People", "Lonely", "Giants", "One Day", "Monday" and "#1". 

Here are the link below if you want to have a listen to these songs from the album if you've not heard them before:

Imagine Dragons - No Time For Toxic People (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Lonely (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Giants (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - One Day (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Monday (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - #1 (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - It's Ok (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

I just have to put this here that this might just be me but whenever I listen to "It's Ok" the laid back sounding guitar beat always reminds me of the song " Take A Walk On The Wild Side" by Lou Reed, here is the link to hear this and see what you think:

Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side (audio) - YouTube

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