
Monday 15 November 2021


 You may or may not have already heard this but I was just reading on's website and I still can't believe this is real and not just a joke...Ridley Scott has confirmed that the script for this sequel is written and this will enter production after his latest film "Kitbag" has finished.

I think I'm still in shock as I am a massive fan of this film and this film is so epic in everything such as the story, actors performances as there was massive amounts of awards given to this film not the actual guy who delivered this, amount of extras used on the epic locations in the film etc and the two major characters in the film Maximus Decimus Meridius and Commadus played by Russell Crowe and Joaquim Pheonix both die at the end so I always thought that your not going to be able to do a sequel that is going to be as epic as this film...but I guess I was wrong if Ridley Scott is going to try, fingers crossed and hopefully this doesn't end in tears and ends up looking like an epic fail trying too hard to be like the last "Gladiator".

So hopefully the idea for this sequel will be better than the idea that was floating around in an an early draft of the script in 2006 where according to this same article on's website Maximus was to be resurrected by the Roman gods and sent back to Earth to halt the development of Christianity. Thank goodness then that this never saw the light of day and that Ridley Scott preferred a more grounded historical fiction approach. As Ridley Scott said in an interview with's website that:

"...We have a good footprint, a good logical place to go. You can't just do another Gladiator type movie. You've got to follow...there's enough components from the first one to pick up the ball and continue it."

So this would tally with how says that this sequel will follow the character Lucius the son of Lucilla who was named after his father who was friends and served in the army with Maximus, so this would show according to this same article on's website a 25-30 year time jump which apparently Russell Crowe is expected to make an appearance in, but just how I don't know because his character died after Commadus stabbed him in the side and put his armour on in the Coliseum to "conceal the wound".

According to's website this will enter production after Ridley Scott's next film "Kitbag" finishes...but I just have one thing I'd like to ask when on earth is there going to be another series of "Taboo" as this lockdown would have been perfect for another series with a captive audience...I know this sounds bad but I was just thinking that this sequel is also perfect because people will definitely want to see this whether either in cinemas or streaming so it'll definitely be a money maker but this could also be risky as hell because if it doesn't make it up as good as the first then it will get absolutely panned by everyone and will leave everyone thinking "why did Ridley Scott not just leave this film at one".

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