
Monday 15 August 2022


 I've just read on's website that Warner Bros. Discovery is going into PR crisis mode and finally having to make a decision on what to do with "The Flash" movie after all the recent controversies led by Ezra Miller being arrested in Hawaii for assaulting a women and then rearrested for harrasment, a parent in Massachusetts filed for a temporary restraining order against him for menacing like behaviour against a now 12 year old child, parents of the Standing Rock activist Tokata Iron Eyes have filed for an order of protection against Ezra Miller alleging he had groomed Tokata and supplying him with a high dose of LSD. 

And the accusations don't stop there...also according to the Vermont State Police have reviewed surveillance images and statements to arrest and charge Ezra Miller with burglary of several bottles of alcohol from a home in Vermont and he has been ordered to attend a court hearing in September, and he has also been accused of housing a family with three young children in an unsafe environment at their 96 acre farm in Stamford, Vermont, and this police report also alleges that there were "unattended guns strewn around the home" and "frequent and heavy use" of marijuana in front of the children.

With all these things going on I don't know why Warner. Bros. Discovery haven't done something sooner...well now that I think about it I can think why they haven't done anything about this is because of "THE MONAAY",-so Cuba Gooding Jnr. would say in "Jerry Maguire",- the film apparently so says's website saying that "The Flash" is a $200million tentpole franchise for Warner. Bros. Discovery with the head of Warner. Bros. Discovery saying about their plans for bringing the DC universe to the big screen saying:

"We think that we could build a long term much stronger, sustainable growth business out of DC. And as part of that, we're going to focus on quality..."

He went on to say:

"We're not going to release any film before it's ready. We're not going to release a film to make a (financial) quarter, we're not going to release a film ( until it's ready). The focus is going to be, how are we make each of these films in general as good as possible".

Yeah right! this could just be me as my family do call me health and safety but I don't want to be watching this either on home release or in cinemas thinking "how uncomfortable were the other actors and actresses with working with Ezra Miller" or "how uncomfortable must it have been for the other crew members to work with someone who's so temperamental who could pop off at any time and who is so creepy" or "is this another Joss Whedon situation with Gal Gadot" despite what the quality of the film is because despite what this studio may think I still think that all this shit don't look good for all concerned.

So according to The Hollywood Reporter's website Warner. Bros. Discovery have three options to "avert" this crisis or as I keep thinking this should be called the three options to dig Warner. Bros. Discovery out of the massive hole that Ezra Miller has dug for the studio.

Option 1: According to The Hollywood Reporter the actor who has been accompanied by his mother in recent days has been giving the studio indications that he will receive professional help after he returned to the farm in Vermont. And if this goes ahead then Ezra Miller could give an interview a way down the road after some time explaining his recent erratic behaviour, and he would then do limited press for "The Flash" movie which is supposedly going ahead as planned and will be released in 2023...this if you ask me is just putting a plaster/band aid on a very big problem.

Option 2: According to this same The Hollywood Reporter article is if Ezra Miller doesn't get help then "The Flash" will still get released because let's face it with the figure of $200million in mind and with the whole backlash that the studio got for shelving the "Batgirl" film the studio has to recoup it's loses somehow and it also has to do something to bring film fans back on side. But don't bet on Ezra Miller playing a prominent role in any of the marketing or publicity for the movie. Nor would Ezra Miller be cast as "The Flash" going forward as this role would be recast for any future projects. 

Option 3: Also according to this same article or as website put it "the nuclear option"  this situation gets worse,- and let's face it if this is what has come out so far about Ezra Miller you just know that there's more to come and I bet it only get's worse-, and Warner. Bros. Discovery kills the movie indefinitely as Ezra Miller plays multiple characters and is in most of the film so even if the studio wanted to you couldn't reshoot any scenes with a different actor as it would be dead obvious it was a different actor.  


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