
Friday 30 September 2022


I'll try and keep this post short as I've been suffering with some flu like lurgy symptoms for the last couple of days,-and don't worry it's not Covid-19 just in case your wondering,- but also I'll try and keep this short as you may or may not have already heard this news already and I don't want to bore you if you if you have heard this already but Amazon Prime are developing a NEW! live action "Blade Runner" series which was just too exciting to not put up on here.

And more exciting than this is that Ridley Scott will produce this NEW! series and his Scott Free banner along with Silka Luisa who will be writing the script and will executive produce this series says Empire Magazine Online's website. According to Vernon Sanders Amazon Studios head of global television:

"We are honoured to be able to present this continuation of the "Blade Runner " franchise, and are confident that by teaming up with Ridley, Alcon Entertainment, Scott Free Productions, and the remarkably talented Silka Luisa, "Blade Runner 2099" will uphold the intellect, themes and spirit of it's predecessors."

And by the looks of things just going off the headline on Empire Magazine's website Amazon Studios aren't done yet as they are also developing a "Butch and The Sundance Kid" series that according to The Hollywood Reporter's website will be part of a larger franchise with multiple series and spinoffs with Kaz and Ryan Firpo writing the scripts for the series' and Joe and Anthony Russo's AGBO executive producing with The Hollywood Reporter's website also saying that this NEW! series will be set in an alternative America like "The Man In The High Tower".

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website Rege-Jean Page who you may or may not have seen in "Bridgerton" and in "The Grey Man" is also going to be credited along with Glen Powell who you may or may not have seen in "Top Gun: Maverick" who played the character "Hangman" as executive producers and will continue to remain actively involved in the show's creation. Rege-Jean Page will play the character "Butch Cassidy" and Glen Powell will play the role of "The Sundance Kid".

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website there isn't a director for this yet nor is there an episode count for this series. Mike Larocca, Angela Russo-Otstot and Scott Nemes will also executive produce for AGBO...but I don't know how I feel about this as "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" is a classic film and I'm normally of the view that you don't touch a classic movie or a classic song as it always turns out crap in my opinion and you end up just wanting to either watch or listen to the original and your left wondering why on earth did they mess with this in the first place but sometimes I do end up surprising myself like when I first saw "Blade Runner" I instantly fell in love with it and when I first heard that there was going to be a sequel I thought to myself "why? how can you do another film this has to have Ridley Scott involved, if this doesn't then this really isn't going to be as good as the first one", but thankfully Ridley Scott was involved and I liked this film especially I loved the scene where Harrison Ford's character "Deckard" and Jared Leto's character "Niander Wallace" walk down the steps of "Niander Wallace's" office with the lights turning on with every step down to the chairs that they sit on so I guess I'll have to wait and see what this will be like.

Also according to Empire Magazine's website director of "Blade Runner 2049" Denis Villeneuve has said that he would be interested in maybe dipping his toe back into the world of "Blade Runner" but according to him:

"The problem is the word "sequel". I think cinema needs original stories. But if you ask me if I'd like to revisit this universe in a different way, I can say yes. It would need to be a project on its own. Something disconnected from both other movies. A detective noir story set in the future...I wake up sometimes in the night dreaming about it."

This sounds interesting but I don't know how you'd do a detective noir storyline within the "Blade Runner" universe, but if you ask me I was thinking what might be an interesting idea would be to explore the idea that "Blade Runner 2049" threw up about how Niander Wallace wanted full control over the replicants he creates i.e. pregnancies and how tensions maybe escalate between humans and result in a war of some kind between humans who don't want replicants to replace them in all aspects of society...-I do realize as I write this that this may just be me and this may make me sound like one of those nutters that talk about robots rising up against humans and I may have thought about this a little bit too much but this is a sci-fi movie and series after all so anything could happen-.

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