
Thursday 26 July 2012

Lilo in Scary Movie 5 talks

I was reading this news the other day and I just had to post this, according to The Wrap Lindsay Lohan is in talks to star in the fifth installment in this spoof series that takes the mickey out of  the 'Scream' series of films...but if your like me and am a huge fan of the 'Scary Movies' movies you'll know that they haven't just taken the mick out of this series but they have more recently done a montage comedy of the 'Twilight' films in 'Vampire's Suck'...I absolutly love this 'Scary Movie' take down of another hit film franchise.

Hopefully this as well as the other film that she is going to be starring in called  thriller 'Canyons' which is a film adaption of a novel written by Bret Easton Ellis this will be directed by Paul Schrader...this I hope she can do without getting into anymore trouble as on the set of the Lifetime Channel's TV movie of 'Liz and Dick' which if you haven't already inferred from the title of the show outlines the troublesome marriage of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor she was reported to have smashed up her car after driving back from the set after a 9hr shoot, then she was reported to have collapsed and rushed to hospital from exhaustion but Paramedics reported (according to The Hollywood Reporter) that she was suffering 'from some kind of exhaustion and dehydration' after she Tweeted that she had been working '85hrs in 4 days', these hours if correct would be over the set amount of hours set by SAG-AFRA (the union for actors) as well as state labor laws

Though Lindsay Lohan wasn't the only person on the set for 'Liz and Dick' that complained as it was also reported that two crew members from the Hair Department left the production of this suffering from exhaustion and severe dehydration.

In a statement from SAG-AFRA said:

"We have spoken with representatives from the company and they are fully aware of their contractual obligations. We will ensure that all applicable penalties will be paid".

So it looks like Lilo has stirred up a hornets nest for Liz and Dick.

Anyhew....the trailer for her new thriller 'Canyons' is out now over on 'The Wraps' website but the thing is that it doesn't appear to be like any movie trailer I have ever seen, that's because their seems to be no featuring of the movie itself in the trailer, no stars and no first look at what the plot line for the movie is...but it does show a few shots around LA.

Here's the link to watch it if your interested:

All is known about this is that Lindsay Lohan will play a character called Tara.

New Music!

The other day I was on Entertainment Weekly's website and I stumbled on these sound bites of new music from 'Pink', 'The Killers' and 'Nelly Furtado'.

And I have heard the very exciting news that has got me boucing around and has definitly improved my Monday morning that the music video for their new song 'Settle Down' off their new album that you will be able to see at 8:00pm tonight on the E! channel, Vevo and on their website

I am a massive No Doubt fan and I was hugely excited when I heard that they were coming back with a new album, and now I have heard this I can't wait to see the music video for I don't want to sound too corny by using the words of the white rabbit from 'Alice In Wonderland' but:

"I don't want to be late for this very important date"

Also if like me you want to have a little listen to 'Settle Down' then go over to now and press play and if you want to get your hands on the single then you can get it now over at

This song has definitly cheered me up to no end as it's Monday and it is raining here in the UK again...this rain at the moment seems to be never ending! But when I put this on it instantly made me want to dance and mentally it transported me to somewhere much more sunnier than where I'm sat at the moment which I'm all for because I'd love it if just for once there could be a summer but then again when I think of this track and other 'No Doubt' songs I am instantly reminded that all of these have a summery sound to them and I think coupled with my other favourite song by 'Swayze- Buzzin' that your instantly transported to somewhere else immediately:



And now here is the new video 'Settle Down'....I was reading the commets that people had written about this video and I have to say one caught my eye saying that this was a very disappointing video for such a big comeback....this I know is someone's opinion but this video is just them having a party and with them coming back what better way to celebrate their comeback than to have a get together and a party, even on the top of a truck (very rock 'n' roll!)

I don't know how any of the band managed to get on top of these trucks and keep looking down the camera without looking absolutly petrified....I think if I were asked to do this I would have a hard time not wanting to look down and having a severe case of vertigo! 

Also here is the the link for you to hear Pink's new song 'Blow me One last Kiss':

This is co-produced by Kelly Clarkson, I like this but then again I'm just so excited to hear anything from Pink as I absolutely love her music from her first album to 'Perfect'...and I can't wait to here what the other songs are going to be like.

Here is the link to hear Nelly Furtado's 'Spirit Indestructable' video link:

This new track seems to me...well it sounds a little bit like her other single 'Big Hoops (the bigger the better) as the track starts, I've just had another listen to Big Hoops to see if this is a valid point that I'm making but I've just realised that they've used the same slowed down intro then it but I still like it and think that although it uses this it may sound a bit similiar but doesn't sound the same...which I like as I hate it when I hear a band/singer that I like make one really good song and then when their second song comes out it sounds exactly the same as their last song....really turns me off wanting to buy their album!

Here is the new song 'Runaways' by 'The Killers' video link:

This sounds like their getting back to their first album which me and my sisters played to death so much so that when I uploaded this album to my iPod that is for me a must listen to album some of the songs sound a little bit scratched....but I am glad that The Killers are back as they to me only sound at their best when they are a team (come to think of it now this is also true for when Oasis were still trying to churn out songs before they decided to go their separate ways) and I think this is true with Brandon Flowers solo career and with the saxophonist committing suicide this is a probably a very good thing that their back together.

The new album of their 'Battle Born' is out on 18.09.12!

Thursday 12 July 2012

Russell Crowe to be in new Eli Roth Dracula!

I was perusing Deadline Hollywood this morning and I found this piece of news that I don't know what to make of. Eli Roth who was in QuentinTarantino's 'Inglorious Bastards' and he also directed the franchise of 'Hostel' movies, he is set to direct for Warner Bros. 'Harker' which is going to be a 'reimagining' of the classic Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'.

The story for this spec script that has been written by Lee Shipman and Brian McGreevy  for this new twist on this classic story is that Dracula is being tracked by Jonathan Harker who is a Scotland Yard Detective 

Russell Crowe is set to play the main character 'Dracula',-this is wh;postID=5795545483863982495y I didn't know what to make of this news as I've seen nearly all of Russell Crowe movies and I just don't see Russell Crowe as Dracula and I don't really know how this will come off so I guess I'll have to reserve judgement on whether this was a good casting call or not until this gets released-, but the 'Harker' character in this hasn't been cast yet but 'Harker'.

Warner Bros. bought the rights to this back in February 2011 and was going to have to put this on the back burner because of a whole host of problems such as the 'Akira' film that was going to be an adaption of the anime classic that was going to star Garett Hedlund and Keanu Reeves (which as you may or may not know this now isn't going to be made now because of cost reasons...typical!), this was going to be overseen by Collet-Serra who is now directing a new Liam Neeson film called 'Nonstop, also Russell Crowe has been in talks to be part of this film since early this year but because he's already part of the epic adaption of 'Les Miserables' as well as 'Superman:Man of Steel' he wasn't going to available for some time. Warner Bros. though are hoping to get this going next year so hopefully fingers crossed that there will be another team up between Eli Roth and Russell Crowe.

If your like me and don't already know Eli Roth and Russell Crowe have already teamed up for new directing role for RZA (he's from the Wu-Tang-Clan that sang 'Gravel Pit', if you want to have a little listen to remember what this song was or if you just want to listen to this the video is below for your viewing pleasure) which it's script was co-written by Eli Roth and RZA:

   The Man with the Iron Fists Poster 

Here is the link for the trailer on

This to me looks like Quentin Tarrantino has mixed Kill Bill with House Of Flying Daggers and then mixed in some really good music from the likes of the Black Keys (if you haven't bought their album El Camino yet I urge you to get this right away as this is an awesome album and has to be one of your summer must have albums) as well as some comedy! On to another winner I think with this collaboration between Quentin Tarantino and RZA.

This film,-'The Man with Iron Fists'- is according to IMDb is set for release in the US sometime this year and as yet there aren't any other country release dates yet other than Sweden which it will be released over there on the 8th February 2013.

The story for 'The Man With The Iron Fists' is that RZA plays a town's blacksmith that arrives in China's 'Jungle Village' is forced by radical tribal factions to create elaborate tools of destruction, but when these wars boil over he channels an ancient to transforms himself into a human weapon. Along the way he fights soulless villains, iconic heroes but he must be able to harness the power that he channels so as to save the people in his adopted country.

'Harker' will be produced by Appian Way and it's partners Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davidson Killoran.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Thank goodness for Soundcloud!

A couple of months ago I was watching 'The Andrew Marr Show'...I know what your thinking but I don't normally watch this show as this to me is just another show about politics and another platform aside from the news where we're suppose to get angry at everything and it's also another way of scare mongering us as a nation (which I have to say I am getting sick of as everyday I wake up and there's another thing in the news that we're suppose to get scared at, i.e you can't have a diet where you eat bacon or a lot of red meat as it gives you cancer) so normally I don't watch this as it's a waste of time in my opinion, but I tell you what is a real waste of time is the debate show that is on after this show that's hosted by Nicki Campbell who used to host watchdog with Anne Robinson.

Anyhew...I digress the point I'm trying to make is that Tom (the vocalist of the band) said that 'There's not many bands out there at the moment, it's all female vocalists like Adele and that rock and roll will come round again', this has seemed to have stayed with me for some reason. I think this has stayed with me because it got me a bit angry as although there might not be a lot of bands that get a lot of radio time because girls like Rihanna, Beyonce or Adele seem to release songs every day so that audiences don't forget there out there and so that people keep buying their albums and singles...but thanks to the godsend of things like Soundcloud, Twitter and Facebook (which I wouldn't know what to do without them!) there are a hell of a lot of fantastic bands and artists out there that I think should be getting on radios for everyone to hear their music and it always frustrates me to hear that they work really hard to write their songs or music, get the studio time to record it and then put the record on Itunes and Amazon for people to download but even when they've been round to all the record companies of every size and they are still not being signed even though their music is soooo commercially viable!

This really gives me the idea to not sit idly by and really do something about this!


For all other fantastic songs of theirs please go to their website or Facebook page and you could even download their songs from Amazon or Itunes...which I highly recommend you do.

This is an amazing French band that on their self titled label 'Oh Dear Productions' their track I am loving at the moment and these are definitely on my summer playlist and I think these as well as Pheonix should definitly be on yours too as these tunes are soooo relaxing and really take me back to when I was on holiday by the pool with the family in Ibiza! They along with Pheonix tracks make me really smile and makes me feel a whole lot better with this stupid weather that we are having lately here in Britain!

Also there is a fantastic band that I think you should definitly have a listen to from Scotland 'The Begbies' is their bandpage on Facebook, go now and have a little listen:

I love their 'Off the Cuff' album, to me (and I don't mean this to sound offensive at all) the guitar sounds very raw which I love as they sound very like 'The Libertines' and they have a definite vibe of 'The Dead '60's'-I know I have said this before on this blog but I love that their music has vibes of both these bands as I absolutly love 'The Libertines' and never stop listening to 'Up The Bracket' album on my Ipod and I do have to say that I was unusually upset when this band broke up,-I say unusually as normally when a band breaks up I'm normally like 'Oh that's sad but they've broken up' I'm not like these diehard fans of bands that are really broken up about the band splitting up-.

This and many more under the radar bands that should be on the radio or that you should 'like' on Facebook are all here on this link to my dashboard for you to have a little listen to:

Before I forget there is also a great band from Las Vegas, Nevada 'Play For Keeps' that I think you really need to go over right now to their Facebook page and have a little listen to their music...I love their song 'Head over Heels' and it's poppy beat, to be honest all of their songs have a really pop rock sound to it but all of the songs do once I've listened to them once really make me feel when the song gets to the end a bit sad that the track is coming to an end so this just makes me want to play all of these songs on repeat...and I really think Cameron Dettman (lead vocalist) has a really nice voice, and as well as their songs being really addictive to listen to their songs I think would be great for radio air play as it's really easy listening as it's pop but also rock which is popular at the moment as Kelly Clarkson although she writes a lot of pop rock-y songs that do have a a lot of air play on the radio.

Sunday 1 July 2012

New 'Hunger Games:Catching Fire' news

According to Entertainment Weekly actress Jana Malone (she played Abbie Cornish's 'Sweet Pea' little sister), is in the lead to be one of the many actresses and actors linked with this follow up film to be cast as 'Johanna Mason' who is described in the book 'Catching Fire' as having a 'wicked ability to murder'.

Also if you have been hearing rumours of Mia Wasikowska, Taylor Kitsch and Robert Pattinson are just some of the names that have been thrown into the neverending mix of who, where and what is happening with this sequel that is going to be given the new name of 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'...which if you ask me just rolls off the tongue a lot better than 'The Twilight Saga:...' or 'Harry Potter and the....' (no offense to fans of these movies, but I do have to say that when a new one of these film).

There has already been  denials from both Taylor Kitsch and Robert Pattinson that they are going to be starring in this sequel.

But this time this rumour fingers crossed might come true but you never can tell if these types of stories are true as for example I tend to read 'The Sun' sometimes and sometimes they run stories about films, music and celebrities that sound really exciting and then there's either an official statement that the person they say is going to be in the movie isn't going to be in the movie in question or right when the film gets released I go to the cinema to see the movie in question as I'm excited that an actor/actress is going to be in this movie and then when I see the movie I'm left baffled as to where on earth the papers got their 'sources' that this actor/actress was ever going to be in this movie.

Also now I think about this probably why Lionsgate has changed the titled for this sequel from 'Catching Fire' to 'Hunger Games:Catching Fire' as this title makes it sound more like this is part of a series of other 'Hunger Games' films which are yet to come after this one, this makes more financial sense I would have thought as the first film grossed a hell lot of money and stayed at the No.1 spot on the USA Billboard charts for a couple of weeks which upped the stocks of Lionsgate and if you group it together with further films from this series hopefully this will up the stocks for the studio even more.

Also if like me you saw this first film and are dying to know when this film will get released in the UK then your in luck as I have just found this website:

Thanks to the website for directing me to this website.