
Thursday 26 July 2012

Lilo in Scary Movie 5 talks

I was reading this news the other day and I just had to post this, according to The Wrap Lindsay Lohan is in talks to star in the fifth installment in this spoof series that takes the mickey out of  the 'Scream' series of films...but if your like me and am a huge fan of the 'Scary Movies' movies you'll know that they haven't just taken the mick out of this series but they have more recently done a montage comedy of the 'Twilight' films in 'Vampire's Suck'...I absolutly love this 'Scary Movie' take down of another hit film franchise.

Hopefully this as well as the other film that she is going to be starring in called  thriller 'Canyons' which is a film adaption of a novel written by Bret Easton Ellis this will be directed by Paul Schrader...this I hope she can do without getting into anymore trouble as on the set of the Lifetime Channel's TV movie of 'Liz and Dick' which if you haven't already inferred from the title of the show outlines the troublesome marriage of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor she was reported to have smashed up her car after driving back from the set after a 9hr shoot, then she was reported to have collapsed and rushed to hospital from exhaustion but Paramedics reported (according to The Hollywood Reporter) that she was suffering 'from some kind of exhaustion and dehydration' after she Tweeted that she had been working '85hrs in 4 days', these hours if correct would be over the set amount of hours set by SAG-AFRA (the union for actors) as well as state labor laws

Though Lindsay Lohan wasn't the only person on the set for 'Liz and Dick' that complained as it was also reported that two crew members from the Hair Department left the production of this suffering from exhaustion and severe dehydration.

In a statement from SAG-AFRA said:

"We have spoken with representatives from the company and they are fully aware of their contractual obligations. We will ensure that all applicable penalties will be paid".

So it looks like Lilo has stirred up a hornets nest for Liz and Dick.

Anyhew....the trailer for her new thriller 'Canyons' is out now over on 'The Wraps' website but the thing is that it doesn't appear to be like any movie trailer I have ever seen, that's because their seems to be no featuring of the movie itself in the trailer, no stars and no first look at what the plot line for the movie is...but it does show a few shots around LA.

Here's the link to watch it if your interested:

All is known about this is that Lindsay Lohan will play a character called Tara.

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