
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Thank goodness for Soundcloud!

A couple of months ago I was watching 'The Andrew Marr Show'...I know what your thinking but I don't normally watch this show as this to me is just another show about politics and another platform aside from the news where we're suppose to get angry at everything and it's also another way of scare mongering us as a nation (which I have to say I am getting sick of as everyday I wake up and there's another thing in the news that we're suppose to get scared at, i.e you can't have a diet where you eat bacon or a lot of red meat as it gives you cancer) so normally I don't watch this as it's a waste of time in my opinion, but I tell you what is a real waste of time is the debate show that is on after this show that's hosted by Nicki Campbell who used to host watchdog with Anne Robinson.

Anyhew...I digress the point I'm trying to make is that Tom (the vocalist of the band) said that 'There's not many bands out there at the moment, it's all female vocalists like Adele and that rock and roll will come round again', this has seemed to have stayed with me for some reason. I think this has stayed with me because it got me a bit angry as although there might not be a lot of bands that get a lot of radio time because girls like Rihanna, Beyonce or Adele seem to release songs every day so that audiences don't forget there out there and so that people keep buying their albums and singles...but thanks to the godsend of things like Soundcloud, Twitter and Facebook (which I wouldn't know what to do without them!) there are a hell of a lot of fantastic bands and artists out there that I think should be getting on radios for everyone to hear their music and it always frustrates me to hear that they work really hard to write their songs or music, get the studio time to record it and then put the record on Itunes and Amazon for people to download but even when they've been round to all the record companies of every size and they are still not being signed even though their music is soooo commercially viable!

This really gives me the idea to not sit idly by and really do something about this!


For all other fantastic songs of theirs please go to their website or Facebook page and you could even download their songs from Amazon or Itunes...which I highly recommend you do.

This is an amazing French band that on their self titled label 'Oh Dear Productions' their track I am loving at the moment and these are definitely on my summer playlist and I think these as well as Pheonix should definitly be on yours too as these tunes are soooo relaxing and really take me back to when I was on holiday by the pool with the family in Ibiza! They along with Pheonix tracks make me really smile and makes me feel a whole lot better with this stupid weather that we are having lately here in Britain!

Also there is a fantastic band that I think you should definitly have a listen to from Scotland 'The Begbies' is their bandpage on Facebook, go now and have a little listen:

I love their 'Off the Cuff' album, to me (and I don't mean this to sound offensive at all) the guitar sounds very raw which I love as they sound very like 'The Libertines' and they have a definite vibe of 'The Dead '60's'-I know I have said this before on this blog but I love that their music has vibes of both these bands as I absolutly love 'The Libertines' and never stop listening to 'Up The Bracket' album on my Ipod and I do have to say that I was unusually upset when this band broke up,-I say unusually as normally when a band breaks up I'm normally like 'Oh that's sad but they've broken up' I'm not like these diehard fans of bands that are really broken up about the band splitting up-.

This and many more under the radar bands that should be on the radio or that you should 'like' on Facebook are all here on this link to my dashboard for you to have a little listen to:

Before I forget there is also a great band from Las Vegas, Nevada 'Play For Keeps' that I think you really need to go over right now to their Facebook page and have a little listen to their music...I love their song 'Head over Heels' and it's poppy beat, to be honest all of their songs have a really pop rock sound to it but all of the songs do once I've listened to them once really make me feel when the song gets to the end a bit sad that the track is coming to an end so this just makes me want to play all of these songs on repeat...and I really think Cameron Dettman (lead vocalist) has a really nice voice, and as well as their songs being really addictive to listen to their songs I think would be great for radio air play as it's really easy listening as it's pop but also rock which is popular at the moment as Kelly Clarkson although she writes a lot of pop rock-y songs that do have a a lot of air play on the radio.

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