
Sunday 18 November 2012

New Music...and then some! Part 1

I thought that I'd split these next few posts into 2 parts seeing as there was a lot that I wanted to post about so here is part 1...hope you enjoy!



I've put here Marina and the Diamonds new song "How To Be A HeartBreaker" and one of hers that I heard on The Vampire Diaries "Fear and Loathing", I don't really like the bands music so much anymore thanks to their last song "Premadonna Girl", I just thought that the dance track that was on this song really didn't suit their sound and now that I think of this it looks like this band have turned out like Gabriella Chilmea has as she had a fantastic song "Upside Down" that got used for a Sure Advert and I loved the song but then all of a sudden her sound changed and she went from cool sounding to really shit pop, -I think this probably changed as sales of her song or album weren't probably doing too good-, and now I think she has fallen into the oblivion of celebrity never to be heard of again. 

I was just thinking this as I loved their song "I Am Not A Robot" but now I have gone off them and when I heard this song on The Vampire Diaries I thought this sounded promising and the only real reason I've put this song up on this blog post is because I heard this on The Vampire Diaries and wasn't really sure at first whether it was or wasn't Marina and The Diamonds but after I had YouTubed it I found out that I was right.


This is sadly the last song from Ed Sheeran's debut album and thanks to the wonders of Ed Sheeran's mailing list I saw the video for this song the other day on his Facebook Page, I love the story of the video and it's cupid idea, I love this song from the moment I heard it on The Vampire Diaries...I have to say though that this has got stuck in my head thankfully and whenever I am on Youtube this is one of the top 5 of songs along with Linkin Park songs and many more that I have to listen to either after or during work as I just can't get enough of this video,and whenever I listen to it it really does make me smile.

I know this sounds bad but although I think that Ed Sheeran is amazing for what he has achieved with his debit album I still haven't got a copy of his album yet, yes I do realise that many fans of Ed will at this moment be shouting "Why The Hell not", well I'll tell you I would never hear the end of it from everyone in my family as they aren't massive fans of him as I am, they already think that the amazingly chilled and must have album that I feel really sorry that got nominated for a Mercury Music Prize but didn't win Michael Kimunka is despite me liking it they'd say this was probably depressive...but I do have to say that I think that he is a ginger genius!

The same can be said for The Lumineers "Hey Ho" I heard this song also on The Vampire Diaries  and I thought who sings this and thankfully the first break in the show was an advert to buy this album on Itunes and now it just seems to be everywhere and on every that I think about it this song is going the same way as Pheonix's "1901" which I absolutly love and bought the album after hearing this song as I loved it soo much and after hearing it once on NME TV it was on every single advert, so hopefully fingers crossed the album is just as good as Pheonix's Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix album and gets picked up by Rollingstone Magazine's as one of the must own albums list.

But I do have to admit that at first I wasn't completely sold on it, but now after hearing thousands of times thanks to it being on every TV advert its grown on me and I now really like it and am seriously considering getting the album on the back of this song! Can't Wait!




The other day when I was perusing MTV USA it came up on their Top 10 most popular stories that Green Day had recorded "The Forgotten" for the last film in the Twilight set of films and automatically as I am a fan of Green Day and think that some of the Twilight films like the forst one have some really good song in it like Paramore's "Decode" and "Magic", Muse's "Neutron Star Collider" and "You Belong To Me", Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years" etc, but yesterday on the music channel 4 Music they put together all these amazing tracks from each of the films and I thought this was an amazing idea and why had no one else thought of doing this until now as for the first time including this track I could sit down and listen to all of the tracks that I'd either not heard like Death Cab For Cutie "Meet Me At The Equinox",-I can't beleive I haven't heard this track before as I really like their music ever since I heard "Cath"- or had heard.

Anyhew...I was listening to this track on MTV USA and I have to say although I I love Green Day and sad to hear that recently they had to cancel some of their tour dates as Billy Rae the lead singer has gone into rehab for substance abuse, and even though Basketcase is still one of my all time favourite songs of theirs I thought that it was a bit too slow and I had to stop listening to it after about 15 minutes of it as I thought "I can't sit here listening to this"...I thought that I was judging the song way too harshly at first but then when I watched this chart and saw it again for the second time I still thought the same.

Anyhew...while I was perusing the internet the other day I stumbled onto some good news if you are like me and like the films but aren't a Twihard or even if you are this news will still be good news, I saw on the official Twilight website that Stephanie Meyer was reported as saying in an interview that she had been thinking of writing some books using the characters Jacob and Renesemee (if you haven't read the books like me then you won't know that Jacob imprints on Renesemee Bella and Edward's daughter, this is a shape shifter thing that means that when one of these shape shifters sees a girl or boy that they like they'll do anything and be anything to be in that persons life)

This when I read it made me think straight away that this is someone who can't let go of a series of films, and that they are just desperate to keep the money rolling inbut I just thought if your raking in a ton of money from this like J.K Rowling then why not see what else you can get out of it!

Also talking about the music of these films Christina Perri who wrote "A thousand years" for the first part of Breaking Dawn has been asked to do an extended version of this song for the secons part of Breaking Dawn as the people loved her song so much the first time.

Yesterday I was in Bristol and every shop has just seemed to started Christmas  shopping already I couldn't believe this as it's still November and not even anywhere near the 25th as this is when I and am surely many other people go and do their Christmas present buying, but anyway I walked past the jewellry counter in the John Lewis department store and everything was James Bond inspired, I.e many of the necklaces that I saw on display were either designed in a love knot style that Vesper wore in Casino Royal  which thanks to my new favorite website that is about everything Bond from the gadgets, jewelry, the cars, drinks, the clothes to the destinations that Bond travels was designed by Sophie Hartley who uses a lot of ancient symbols and motifs are the inspiration for a lot of her designs and you can see them all here at this link:

I have to say that the next day after I'd seen Casino Royal I went on a shopping trip with my sisters and everywhere we went and in every jewelry section there was some variation of this and even now their still doing this.

I also noticed that a lot of the other jewelry that was on display had been designed to look like the New Swarovsky Collection that has been specifically designed for Skyfall that Berenice Mahloe wears with her holsten dress that was designed by costume designer Janey Ternime who has said about the design of the dress which she wears in the casino at Macau where she meets James Bond for the first time as:

"I knew I wanted to create a bespoke crystal Tattoo effect for Severine's dress. We applied the crystal tattoos , with over 60,000 Swarovski elements , onto very fine tulle for the arms, neckline, back and sides of the dress accentuating Severine's exquisite figure".

She wears from this Collection a Black Bamboo Pendent, Black Bamboo Pierced Earrings and a Queen Cobra Ring that also comes in a double ring meaning that you can if you want to wear this ring on two fingers these were designed by Stephan Webster, this Collection although I had read on this website that this was going to be worn in the movie and I was excited to see it when I saw it although these are small looking pieces that look simply designed they are really very effective in being small but also looking really stand out pieces of jewelry that don't take anything away from the fantastically designed dress.

I think as well with this website, pieces of clothing and jewelry looking like they've been inspired by Skyfall and the movie being out near to Christmas everyone will be going crazy for something that is Bond inspired and I have to say that I think this is fantastic as right now I am panicking with what to give for Christmas presents this year so with this website I think that it might just come in handy with ideas for this!

I realise I have just ranted on about this website but I think it's amazing all be it making me look like a complete and utter James Bond nut job but everyone including me loves James Bond as everything from fashion, shoes to jewelery is inspired by Bond i.e the tailored look is everywhere now from men and women's shirts, men and women's jackets and coats, men suits and women's trouser suits, men's shoes there seems to be a lot of high rise boots out at the minute and from all the big named fashion houses like Boss, Timberland, Ralph Lauren etc.

Also I fantastic website that was the original tailor to James Bond is Anthony Sinclair, this is also I must visit website with it's Conduit Cut being the style of tailoring that was done on the first Bond's with it's slightly flared skirt, firm but natural shoulder, roped sleeve head, full chest and suppressed waist these were the first suits that for me went with the Aston Martin's...perfect partners!

This is really cool for me and is definitely something that you should check out!

I first heard about this amazing clothing line from The Dead Famous on Twitter that had done an acoustic version of their amazing "Hide Your Halo" for Cheer Up Clothing's Tee Room sessions (sort of their version of the Live Lounge), and all these clothes including the amazingly snugly looking new hats and the hoodies which were worn by Jamie in last night's episode of Made In Chelsea when they go to  Dorset when they are renting the Pensylvanian Castle in Portland, Dorset look really nice and I have to say that all these jumpers, hoodies, hats, accessories:

I've this link up to the place in Portland in Dorset where Made In Chelsea cast stayed and this looks amazing and may just help me out with deciding what the hell to do for my birthday this year!



"Show Her" is from the French band "Oh Dear Vegas", I loved this song when I first heard it on Soundcloud and from their I bought the album with their other fantastic songs such as "Modern Love", "In the Morning" and many others, I absolutly love this album and cannot get enough of it, when I first got my hands on the album I was just as excited if not more so than when Mads Langers album "Behold" came from Amazon and straight away I had to listen to it. I instantly loved all the songs on the album but this I have to say is still my favourite and I have to say that for a couple of months after this I listened to it everyday no matter if I was feeling down, angry or otherwise.

This album is a must own and a must listen to band as you will be juat as hooked as I was from the first song that you hear!

The other day I was also listening to TheFlyingSpaghettiMonster band that I've just started following on Soundcloud and these are fantastic, apart from their name being one of the most brilliant names for a band that I have ever heard their song "Too Much" I love. Everytime I listen to it it always makes me think of Babyshambles's "8 Dead Boys", and now I have had a little listen to it now towards the end of this song before the guitar solo the vocalist sounds a little bit like Pete Doherty.

These like The Begbies are from Scotland but these are from Glasgow and not West Lothian. 

Anyhew you should definitly check these guys out, the other day I had a little listen to The Begbies "Ashleigh" and this just sounds like to me like you could just put it on at a party and have a fantastic time to it! I've just realised that I haven't put on here where you can go to check these guys out, sorry about this, if you go on and go on their profile page.

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