
Thursday 29 November 2012

More Harry Potter...and just in time for Christmas!

I saw this headline on Entertainment Weekly "Harry Potter: Page to Screen:The Complete Filmaking Journey" and I have to say that I was curious to see what this new latest Harry Potter spin off merchandise was, as you'll all be aware by now there is at the moment the Wonderbook for the Playstation which comes with a wand and lets kids imagine their at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But now according to Amazon USA has brought out a $1,000 collector's edition of eight volumes of books that show the journey from book to cinema screen with six of these book detailing the work behind the scenes from the creative departments-wardrobe, props department, special effects etc- and the seventh book detailing the relationships that developed between the cast and the crew over the period of time that it took to make these films, each of these books has been designed to look just like some of the books found in the library at Hogwarts and it even comes with a to scale replica of  "The Monster Book Of Monsters",-this is the book that looks like a monster and in one of the movies got opened by Ron I think and tried to bite him who opened it but then ran under his bed and had to be put back together by Hermione-.

This collectors edition of books doesn't officially come out until December 4th 2012.

I do have to confess that I have read these books and I have to say that I remember queuing up for the last book in the series with my dad and there were hundreds of people there some little kids with their parents wearing fancy dress which I thought was cute but then when you see grown ups like 30, 40 year olds really going the whole hog wearing full Dementer outfits, or full Harry Potter outfits or even Quidditch outfits with broomstick it get's weird and looks very wrong!

But despite me not being a fan of J.K Rowling the creator of this series I do think this is a really cool idea of having books that look like they've come from the library of Hogwarts but I think that the coolest part of this is getting the replica of the Monster book.  

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