
Monday 3 December 2012

Wolverine might be coming back for the next X:Men film!

I just saw this and I have to say that I'm not sure of what to make of this piece of news as it's exciting to hear that Hugh Jackman who has played Logan/Wolverine in all the X:Men films so far including a cameo role in X:Men: First Class is reported to be in talks to return to this role for the sequel to First Class X:Men: Days Of Future Past.

But here's where my excitement ends as according to The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision Blog this sequel X:Men:Days Of Future Past will feature actors from the first X:Men film which saw Magneto and co. kidnapping Rogue so as to transfer his power to her so as to make everybody that was human an X:Man so as everybody could be equal, and that The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision Blog also reported that on Monday Brian Singer who directed the first two X:Men films announced that Sir Ian McKellan who played Magneto in the first two  as well as Gandalph the Great in The Hobbit which I read the other day on the BBC website that New Zeland for the premiere of the film there turned the location for this to the opening of a Hobbit House in The Shire and rebranded its self for the evening as the Middle of Middle Earth which I thought was amazing and that it must have looked really spectacular, is coming back to this X:Men film as well as Patrick Stewart who played Charles Xavier in the first two films....but I just thought that both in the comic books and in the second X:Men film which was on recently on E4 Charles Xavier (the one played by Patrick Stewart) had been killed off.

If your not sure what the story for X:Men:Days of Future Past is then I'll fill you in this according to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision Blog is a story that unfolded over two issues of Marvel Comic Books called "The Uncanny X:Men" in 1981 that was written by Chris Claremont and came from the artists John Byrne and Terry Austin. The story was set in partially in an alternate future partially in the present. In the alternate future surviving mutants had been rounded up and put into concentration camps and giant robots called "Sentinels" patrolled America and most of the X:Men had been hunted down and killed.

This has kind of already been done in the X:Men TV show Alphas where from the trailers that I keep seeing of the new series all the mutants were rounded up and put in a maximum security prison and then the government wanted them out so as to help fight crime and reband with the team leader who played Noah Vosa in The Bourne films as the Charles Xavier character so as to stop the Magneto character led group of rogue mutants from creating crime. 

In the present day the X:Men were forced to stop a key event from happening in order to make sure this alternate future didn't happen.

Oh I get it now! You could put Nicholas Hoult (Hank) who has got another film coming out which is suppose to fill the gap left by Twilight "Warm Bodies" where he plays a zombie and falls in love with a human here is the second trailer for it:

Michael Fassbender (Young Magneto), James McAvoy (Young Charles) and Jennifer Lawrence (Raven/Mystique) in the past part and then but Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan in the present But still how on earth are you going to revive Patrick Stewart's character after Jean Gray's split personality The Pheonix ripped him to shreds. 

Warm Bodies is coming out over in the UK in 8th February 2013 go to IMDb to see the other release dates for other countries.

Speaking of films that are suppose to fill the gap left by Twilight there is a film coming out called "Beautiful Creatures", I heard ages ago about this film which does to me sound very much like Twilight but the only different is that it's the girl this time that is the mysterious one and not the guy. In this film the story is that Ethan wants to get out of town but then he meets Lena (mysterious one) who is a witch.

Here is the second trailer for this movie which according to comes out in the UK on 13th February 2013 go to the IMDb page to see the release dates for other countries.

And finally the other filler for the Twilight gap is The Host, the trailer has finally come out for it and it looks like a few of the things that go on in the book have been changed...Thank God! as my opinion of the book was that it was dull as dishwater! Here is the trailer for you to peruse:

The Host Poster 

According to this is due for release in the UK on the 29th March 2013, look at the IMDb page to find other country release dates.

X:Men Days of Future Past is out over here on the 18th July 2014.

I just wanted to put this film trailer up because I saw it the other day and it's's a first official trailer for Hansel and Gretel (not sure if I've spelt this right but watch and enjoy anyway):

Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters Poster 

This is out over here in the UK on the 15th March 2013.

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