
Friday 18 September 2015

David Beckham for Belstaff at Mr. Porter

You'll want to take a look at this as it may just be me but not only are they're a few very nice stylish things in the new collection that Belstaff have just brought out, but you'll also want to take a gander at Mr. Porter's interview with David Beckham and the new short Outlaws film starring David Beckham and Harvey Keitel.

I have to say that now that I've seen this short film it seems like to me it has a feeling of Kill Bill like Quentin Tarentino has had his hands at the film, but now that I think about it this feeling could be more to do with the music being played in this Geremy Jasper written and directed short film that was made in partnership with Belstaff and executive produced by Liv Tyler.

Here is the link to the interview for your eyes to peruse over:

But it does seem to me that the director of this film may have taken some inspiration from Kill Bill as it seems like to me that in this film when David Beckham is sat down at a table with the same women who is sat at the back of the cinema at the end of the short film laughing it makes me think of when in Kill Bill: Vol 2 Uma Therman's "The Bride" character sits down with Esteban after driving to Mexico,- one of many father figures that Bill acquires that is also a pimp and a dugs lord- to talk about Bill and where is he.

And it also has a kind of a Kill Bill storyline to it as Harvey Keitel plays a revenge filled maniacal film director with what looks like horses going after David Beckham and him zooming off dressed head to toe in biker leathers zooming off across the Mexican desert on one of David Beckham's own motorcycles.

Also there seems to be in this short film a set of conjoined twins, evil bikers, a bearded lady and Ms. Katherine Turner starring as a trapeze artist.

And David Beckham looking like he's zooming off into the sunset with a girl in toe on his motorcycle.

And I have to say that it might just be me but all of these items from this new collection give you some really great ideas for any upcoming events, occasions or even for Christmas...I know, I know I said the C word and it's not even been Halloween yet but it's just a thought!

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