
Monday 28 September 2015

New Must Listen To Music Alert!: Martin Luke Brown

You may or may not have already heard of Martin Luke Brown and his amazing song "Scars On Scars", if you have you might have heard his music either through the wonder that is Facebook or through BBC Introducing, Beats 1 via Jack Garrett, Radio 1, or if you were at this year's Boardmasters, or if you went to this year's Reading and Leeds Festival or if you've listened to Huw Stephen's show, but either way you just have to give his music a listen to as it's instantly addictive!

And I have to say that just thinking about this song I have now got this song stuck in my head...but that's no bad thing as I love this song and I have to say that as soon as I heard this song I headed to Amazon's website and just had to download this song as well as his other EP "Take Out On Me" because I really wanted to hear what if any songs or albums were on Amazon's website sounded like as this song was so good.

And I have to say thank god I did download these two EP's!

It frustrates me that he hasn't had as much press attention as some of the crapper artists or bands such as the made to order 1 direction bands that seem to be made and don't really get any press attention or they do but they become overnight hits, and get access to all the shows on primetime TV so everybody in the public domain can hear or at least have access to their music and can therefore build their fan base or at least gets an instant fan base but haven't had to really work at building this, or the latest band that Radio 1 are typically going crazy for at the moment like Foals,- if your a fan of Foals this is just my opinion and I won't apologise for that, but I don't know how after they're god awful performance on "Late Live...with Jools Holland" where they were just screaming, you can say that was a great performance,- because he sounds so amazing and with one listen to his EP you'll become an instant fan of his music and no doubt like me you might feel sad when you get to the last song on "Take Out On Me" and have to immediately press the replay button to listen to all of these songs again.

I can also guarantee that by the end of today you will be humming the tune to "Scars On Scars".

I also have to say that after listening to this EP it definitely has a feel of Tyler James' album "A Place I Go", with the first track from the EP "Take Out Of Me" having a definite Justin Timberlake vibe to it with a definite R 'n' B vibe to it.

Also, track 2 on this EP "Stitch" also has an old school motown beat to it, and it might just be me but the following track "Thorns" always make me think of something floating down a river, and now that I just thought about it the music video for this song could be that Martin (who's from Leicester by the way), is stood overlooking a bridge staring at an envelope thinking should he post it or not then he decides to crumple it up and then throws it in the river below and then walks away singing whilst having flashing images running through his mind of "the girl" that he means the song for, and then you see that the girl is walking down by the same river that the letter is making its way down and she picks it up and by the end of the video she knocks on his front door having read the letter and it saying all the words in the song and shows him that she got the letter.

But this could just be me. He is also doing a couple of free tour dates, so if you would like to see him live in the flesh and see how fantastic he is with your very own eyes then why not go on over to his Facebook page and see if he is coming to a venue near you!

Also if downloading "Scars On Scars" and "Take Out On Me" isn't enough for you then why not sign up to his mailing list to get a free download of his song "Nostalgia".

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