
Friday 3 June 2016

Stephen King's "It" update!

Like I was saying in my last blog post this adaption of this book of Stephen King's "It" seems to me to have been long time coming and there seems to have been a lot of conflicting reports about this firstly I heard via Empire Magazine's website that Cary Fukunaga was going to be directing this movie remake and that Will Poulter who you may or may not recognise from ""The Miller's" and "The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader" where he played Edmund who got turned into a dragon was reported to be cast as the demonic clown Pennywise.

But...and this is a big but now according to The Hollywood Reporter's website this is all changed

According to an article on The Hollywood Reporter's website Cary Fukunaga who walked away over creative differences which put the film back a year while New Line Cinema were looking for another director for this and thus made Will Poulter unavailable to be in this movie so of course he dropped out and now Andy Muschietti who directed the surprise horror "Mama" will now direct and Bill Skarsgard who is the brother of Alexander Skarsgard who will be starring as Tarzan in this summer's "The Legend Of Tarzan" film is in final negotiations to play the role of the demonic clown Pennywise instead.

This article also reports that this film adaption of Stephen King's book will be told in two parts, the first part will tell the kid's story, and the second part will focus on the adult's who have to band together again to fight "It" once and for all even though they have no memory of the first battle.

The story follows a group of teens called "The Loser's Club" who defeat a creature called "It",-and if you are familiar with the story for "It" you'll know that Pennywise is a clown which is the form that an evil entity frequently takes the form of and lives in the sewers and when he smiles is all killer teeth-.

Barbara Muschetti, Seth Grahame-Smith, Roy Lee, David Katzenberg and Dan Lee are producing this film adaption, with John Silk executive producer and Richard Brener, Walter Hamader and Dave Neustadter overseeing this for New Line Cinema.

Talking of all these Stephen King books that are being adapted to be made into movies one other Stephen King book that I think all Stephen King fans, fans of "The Shining" film would appreciate and just because in my opinion it is a bloody good story should that should be adapted into a film should be "Doctor Sleep",-if unlike me you haven't read this you must read this as it's such a page turner and it's so gripping and thrilling you'll find it hard to put it down as you'll want to find out what happens next, I relise now that I've said this if you want to read this book and not know what this is about STOP READING NOW!- this story picks up after the events at the Overlook Hotel and follows Danny Torrence and how he is still tormented about what happened at the Hotel and how he turns to drink and alcohol to dull his shining and how he drifts from town to town and has lost touch with Dick Hallorann and how Mrs. Massey (the ghost from Room 217) along with other ghosts from the hotel still haunt him, so when he was younger he was told by Dick Hallorann to create lock boxes in his mind and to put them there so that he wouldn't be scared of them anymore. But then he comes to a New Hampshire village called Frazer where he decides he's going to get clean so he gets a job part time working on a tourist train and then in the evenings he works at an old people's home where along with a cat which is said by the staff of the old people's home that if he goes into a patients room then that person will die but he also has the reputation of using his "shining" to help these patients cross over and it's in Frazer where he comes across Abra a little girl who has an even more potent shining than he does and after she witness a murder of a little boy by "The True-Knot" (a group of quasi immortals that feed off of people's "steam" and they travel round in campervans) that they try and hunt her down as they think that her steam will cure all of them that are getting sick and dying as well as helping them live for ever, this inevitably leads to Danny having to have a showdown with them that leads back to the campsite that is located right next to the old site for The Overlook Hotel and a showdown with the true knot's leader Rose who he has had repeated warning via his shining to stay away from the lady in the top hat.

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