
Friday 24 June 2016

Meatloaf ok after collapsing on stage and much more unbelievable news!

I was just perusing the internet to see if there was any more news on Meatloaf after he was filmed live on stage in Edmonton in Canada whilst on his cross Canada tour was taking place collapsing as he reportedly sang "I Will Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)"...and I found this surprising piece of news.

According to Times Colonist's website MeatLoaf will continue on this tour,-in a "the show must go on attitude" I guess, sorry for the pun I just couldn't keep it to myself I had to do it- and will play his scheduled Saturday night gig that is due to take place at the Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, Canada.

This same website also states that Meatloaf has stated a media blackout for his Canadian dates, so this means no previews and reviews of his shows are available not even any updates or further information have been released via his official Facebook page or his verified Twitter this to me sounds rough because I was thinking if you were a fan of Meatloaf and had bought tickets to any of these Canada gigs or if you just wanted to know if he was alright after he collapsed then because of this media blackout you wouldn't be able to find out if you could still go to these gigs or if these gigs had been cancelled and were going to be rearranged for another time or if you just wanted to find out if he was ok or not.

And I'd think if you were a fan and had bought tickets to anyone of these tour dates I'd think you'd be feeling pretty anxious about the news of him collapsing because according to Times Colonist website this isn't the first time that this cross Canada tour of Meatloaf's has had many a fan sitting on the edge of their seat, not only because you may or may not know that according to several other reports Meatloaf suffers with a syndrome that causes an irregular heartbeat as well as this collapse being attributed to dehydration and asthma, but some of these tour dates have already had to be cancelled such as a tour date that was scheduled to take place on June 18th in Cold Lake, Alta but according to Times Colonist website Meatloaf then returned to play in Lethbridge on Tuesday...and he is also said to be scheduled to play a gig in Penticton on Thursday fingers crossed.

But according to Times Colonist's website these stumbling blocks haven't put a damperner on his plans to reunite with long time songwriting collaborator Jim Steinman to release Meatloaf's new album "Braver Than We Are" which is set to be released later this year on September 16th according to Rollingstone Magazine's website.

The first single from this new album "Going All The Way" is said by RollingStone Magazine's website to be:

"...a multi-movement symphonic-rock epic in the vein of  "Paradise By The DashBoard Light" and "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)"  with all the attendant melodrama of those hits."

And RollingStone Magazine's website goes on to say that this song:

"The song features additional vocals by Ellen Foley, who sang on "Paradise", Karla Devitto, who appeared in the "Paradise" video and sang Foley's part on the "Bat Out Of Hell" tour."

RollingStone Magazine's says that this album will feature 10 never before released Steinman compositions, and that Jim Steinman got final say on the mix and the composition of these songs before they were deemed finished.

This same article also states that Paul Crook former Anthrax guitarist has helmed this new album of Meatloaf's as well as also playing guitar on this same album.

And if you want to hear a preview of this new song by Meatloaf then why not click on the link below to RollingStone's Magazine's website:

After hearing just the first few bars of this song it sounds like to me that Meatloaf's voice is more than a bit shaky and maybe time to hang up his coat and probably let "Bat Out Of Hell" die with dignity, I see why he is only touring one country and maybe why now I come to think abut it Meatloaf is not doing any press for this album and just touring it because if his voice isn't up to much then people will probably think it's just because it's live and Meatloaf is probably doing more than just singing so fans are going to be lulled into wanting to listen to what the song's sound like normally after the shows or from YouTube before these shows and therefore there might not be as bigger response from people buying physical copies of this album or from streaming or downloading this album...but I do realise before anybody reading this either on their laptops, androids or Iphone's start screaming at their screens whilst reading this post this is just my opinion.

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