
Tuesday 10 October 2017

If There's One Thing You Do Today It has To Be This...The NEW! Trailer For Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Omg! Omg! Omg! the NEW! trailer for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has just dropped today and as I am the biggest fan of these movies I just had to watch this...and I still can't wait for this NEW! film to be released.

In case you haven't seen these films why the fuck not? I was thinking that if you hadn't then I'd fill in the blanks but there's just too much that's gone on in this film universe for me to fit in on one blog post...but here it is in a nut shell: there is a light and a dark side, the jedi knights keep the balance of this and the Alliance has been fighting the dark side of the Empire for years trying to tip the balance in their favour, this started with Princess Padme Amidala who was the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia who were separated at birth because there father was a Jedi knight Anikin Skywalker but he turned into Darth Vader leader of the dark side and was controlled by the Sith Lord and the republic feared that if the Sith Lord was to ever find out about the two children then he might go in search of them to either turn them to the dark side and gain more control or kill them, so Leia became a Princess and Luke became a pilot in sky fleet command but wanted to become a Jedi knight, but whilst the Rebel Alliance which Leia was part of along with Hans Solo, Chubaka, C-3PO and R2D2 were being hunted by Darth Vader Luke Skywalker went to be trained by Yoda on a planet called Tatoeen where he would learn everything about the force and how to become a Jedi knight but he cut his training short when he learned his sister and friends were in trouble when they tried to take out a satellite dish that was the command centre for the Death Star, and then he also learned his father was Darth Vader but just like his father he ended up with his hand being cut off by a lightsaber. So after this Luke always believed there was good in Darth Vader despite still being with the dark side and this was shown when Darth killed the Sith Lord but also died himself, and the last film showed that the Rebel Alliance had found plans for a bigger Death Star to be built and that Luke Skywalker had vanished and was still being hunted by the Dark Side and his sister, and that Rey a girl who had been finding pieces of scraps and pawning them for food was caught up in this fight as she finds the droid BB as well as Finn one of the  StormTroopers who disobeys orders and runs away from the Dark Side's command, and she finds she had some Jedi abilities and she also found that Kylo Ren who was the new leader of the dark side's armies was once Leia's son who had turned to the dark side after being sent away to Luke Skywalker to train and learn about the force and he kills his father Hans Solo.

I've just realised whilst writing all this that this really isn't writing it all down in a nutshell...but I did tell you that there had been a lot happening in this universe of films.

Anyhew...I am just sooooo excited now I've seen this new trailer, here is the link to the page:

It looks like to me that in this new film like Chubaka might just have a new friend. And what's happened to Kylo Ren since the last film for him to be friends with Rey? well I guess all will be revealed on December 14th 2017 when this film will be released in the UK.

But now I've seen this trailer I don't think I can wait that long.

This film is directed and written by Rian Johnson using characters created by the legendary director who created this franchise of films George Lucas.

Daisy Ridley who played Rey in the last film, Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker in the whole of the other films including the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", Oscar Isaacs who played Poe Dameron in the last film, Domhnall Gleeson who played General Hux, John Boyega who played Finn in the last film and Adam Driver who played Kylo Ren in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will return to reprise their roles.

Billie Lourd (Carrie Fischer's daughter) will according to star in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi", Andy Serkis who you may or may not recognise from playing King Kong in "King Kong" and Golem in "The Lord Of The Rings" will according to also feature in this film along with Laura Dern.

But has been known to state incorrect facts sometimes.

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