
Tuesday 19 March 2019


I was perusing the internet yesterday and saw this and thought I just had to put this up here.

According to The Express Newspaper's website James Gunn will be writing and directing this "total reboot" says DC Comics producer Peter Safran who spoke to JoBlo writer Paul Shirley, according to Peter Safran "...its The Suicide Squad and I think people should be extremely excited about it..."

He also went on to say that:

"It's everything you would hope from a James Gunn script and I think that says a lot and that promises a lot and I know we will deliver a lot..."

Peter Safran went on to say about whether there would be a conflict between Marvel and Warner Bros. he said:

"It was all handled incredibly elegantly and everybody knows on both sides Suicide Squad is the priority today and he'll finish that movie and then everybody knows his next film will be Guardians..."

I don't want to turn this into a rant but I just have to get this off my chest... I'm with what the fuck is Disney thinking rehiring James Gunn to direct "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3" for along with the studio hiring him for this, I'm excited that at last there's some news out about "Suicide Squad 2" but this is really fucked up to me that after everything James Gunn did you'd hire him and that actors from "Guardians Of The Galaxy" like Dave Bautista and Zoe Saldana come out and defend his behaviour saying "Oh that's just his humour" that's not humour that's nobody humour to make jokes about paedophilia and rape it's demeaning to anybody who has been in that situation, it makes them look even stupid for coming out and defending this it's as if their saying that it's ok for someone to make a joke about this when it clearly isn't, and it's especially stupid of Disney as they want to be seen as a company that releases family friendly films or films that you can sit down with the family at home knowing that children aren't going to be too scared of any of the action that's in the film, there's not too much violence, swearing or bloodshed in the film so this to me just sounds like rehiring him might just hurt their brand image as I don't think too many families knowing what has happened are going to feel ok with going to the cinema to watch this and I would have thought people who don't have families but know what has happened might just boycott the film anyway as their against the whole firing him and then seeming to hire him when all the heat has died down.

And now that I think about it the studio are even more stupid for hiring him for "Suicide Squad 2" because this just goes way beyond the slogan that was on all the posters and part of the PR for the last "Suicide Squad" film "It Feels Good To Be Bad" because this just looks like the studio have completely lost sight of creating a fun filled action packed comic book movie and it just looks like the studio cares more about money than morals.

There I've said it...rant over!

Anyhew...according to this same article on The Express Newspaper's website not much is known about who if any of the cast of "Suicide Squad" are going to be returning but what is known is that Margot Robbie will return to reprise her role as Harley Quinn along with Jared Leto who played The Joker...but also according to The Express Newspaper's website Will Smith who played Deadshot will not be returning according to

"Sources say scheduling was the ultimate factor and that the decision was made on amicable terms between both sides with no hard feelings..."
And apparently Joel Kinnaman has already reportedly told The Hollywood Reporter that he expects to reprise his role in "Suicide Squad 2" as government agent Rick Flag.

This same article on The Express Newspaper's website seems to also suggest that James Gunn might kill off most of "Suicide Squad" original cast and if any are recast to reprise their roles from the original movie they might just be seen for minutes then killed off...but I was just thinking if this is true then other than having a massive explosion to kill all the characters off who the hell are you going to replace these characters with?

And why would you want to replace the original cast this might just be me but I thought that it was a really good cast in "Suicide Squad" everyone in the film seemed to me to be really good at their own individual characters and I can't even believe that there has been no word yet on whether Viola Davies will be recast as she was amazing especially when she shot everyone in the room working with her to get the cast of the film to get her out of the city after "Enchantress" and her brother had built a machine to destroy the world and she just gave a glare to Will Smith's character "Deadshot" and he said "Now that's gangster"...who else can you cast that can do that?

And I have to agree with this article on The Express Newspaper's website that not recasting the original cast to make some sort of link between the first "Suicide Squad" and this second film or picking and choosing some of the original cast of "Suicide Squad" might be a bad move as in The Express's Newspaper's website's own words:

" This does not bode well for Warner Bros, who's DC Comics adaptions have been hit and miss..."

Dave Bautista has already been reportedly campaigning to join the cast of this reboot as what I don't know character wise.

This same article on The Express Newspaper's website also states that James Gunn is reportedly looking to start production on this in Atlanta, Georgia on September 2019 with a release date pencilled in for August 6th 2021.


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