
Monday 15 November 2021


 You may or may not have already heard this but I was just reading on's website and I still can't believe this is real and not just a joke...Ridley Scott has confirmed that the script for this sequel is written and this will enter production after his latest film "Kitbag" has finished.

I think I'm still in shock as I am a massive fan of this film and this film is so epic in everything such as the story, actors performances as there was massive amounts of awards given to this film not the actual guy who delivered this, amount of extras used on the epic locations in the film etc and the two major characters in the film Maximus Decimus Meridius and Commadus played by Russell Crowe and Joaquim Pheonix both die at the end so I always thought that your not going to be able to do a sequel that is going to be as epic as this film...but I guess I was wrong if Ridley Scott is going to try, fingers crossed and hopefully this doesn't end in tears and ends up looking like an epic fail trying too hard to be like the last "Gladiator".

So hopefully the idea for this sequel will be better than the idea that was floating around in an an early draft of the script in 2006 where according to this same article on's website Maximus was to be resurrected by the Roman gods and sent back to Earth to halt the development of Christianity. Thank goodness then that this never saw the light of day and that Ridley Scott preferred a more grounded historical fiction approach. As Ridley Scott said in an interview with's website that:

"...We have a good footprint, a good logical place to go. You can't just do another Gladiator type movie. You've got to follow...there's enough components from the first one to pick up the ball and continue it."

So this would tally with how says that this sequel will follow the character Lucius the son of Lucilla who was named after his father who was friends and served in the army with Maximus, so this would show according to this same article on's website a 25-30 year time jump which apparently Russell Crowe is expected to make an appearance in, but just how I don't know because his character died after Commadus stabbed him in the side and put his armour on in the Coliseum to "conceal the wound".

According to's website this will enter production after Ridley Scott's next film "Kitbag" finishes...but I just have one thing I'd like to ask when on earth is there going to be another series of "Taboo" as this lockdown would have been perfect for another series with a captive audience...I know this sounds bad but I was just thinking that this sequel is also perfect because people will definitely want to see this whether either in cinemas or streaming so it'll definitely be a money maker but this could also be risky as hell because if it doesn't make it up as good as the first then it will get absolutely panned by everyone and will leave everyone thinking "why did Ridley Scott not just leave this film at one".

Monday 8 November 2021


I know you may or may have not seen this trailer or heard this song already but being a massive fan of 30 Seconds To Mars I just had to put these up on here.

If you haven't seen this NEW! trailer yet here is the link below for you to have a little gander at, or if you have seen it here is the link for you to have another look at it:

MORBIUS Trailer 2 (2022) - YouTube

The plot for this movie is that Dr. Michael Morbius who will be played by Jared Leto has a rare blood disease and in an attempt to cure himself as you can see from this trailer he inadvertently infects himself with some form of vampirism.

This might just be me but I'm just going to say it, this looks like Sony are again trying to get another under the radar box office hit like they did with "Venom" as this film also cast an actor audience wouldn't normally see playing a comic book character but it worked with Tom Hardy and now Jared Leto,-but lets be honest even if your like me and a little bit curious to see Jared Leto as "Morbius the Living Vampire", comic book adapted films do seem to be making a boat load of money lately-.

This also might just be me but I'm going to say it anyway this might be a breach of the compromise agreed by Sony and Marvel but this could have been a good opportunity to reintroduce the character Eric Brooks aka "Blade" as according to's website "Blade" and "Spiderman" in the comic books both "Spiderman" and "Blade" take down Loxias Crown/Hunger who will be played in the movie by Matt Smith...and the character "Blade" is a vampire hunter anyway that's part vampire part human so you could have him hunting Morbius anyway...but if your like me and have seen the NEW! "Eternals" movie you'll have heard the voice of "Blade" in the after credit scenes with the character "Black Knight" so what this means I have no idea but I have theories so please don't quote me on any of these as their just my opinions and may not actually be true...

Anywho...I was just doing some Googling on "The Black Knight" as ever since I heard before I watched "The Eternals" movie that "Blade" was in this movie and not in "Morbius" movie I just couldn't believe it because having watched the "Blade" movies it makes more sense to me if his character is in "Morbius" and not in "The Eternals" movie especially as his character is half human, half vampire and hunts and kills other vampires because they killed his mother and made him a monster so I thought that this character could be maybe hunting "Morbius" in this film that I thought would make more sense than being in "The Eternals" film,-well as I write this I think that this makes more sense than putting Harry Styles in another after credits scene as a Titan/brother of Thanos that wants to help Thena and the other "Eternals" that go on the ship across the universe to find other "Eternals",-anyway I digress I read on Wikipedia that Sony could be using the storyline from the comic books of "MI-I3" which according to Wikipedia is part of the "Secret Invasion" crossover event that involves "The Black Knight" fighting with a team to stop vampires from invading Britain and also involves " The Black Knight" finding out that he has a fake "Ebony Blade" and that this fake was made by Dracula and encourages him to kill and that he has to go to Wakanda to get the real "Ebony Blade" back but still holds on to the vampiric blade...or they could be using the story from the comic books after "The Defenders" and "The Otherworld" where "Dane Whitman/Black Knight" is now in modern times and he learns that "The Ebony Blade" has a blood curse that every time the sword draws blood it drives it's user closer and closer to madness.

So Sony could like I read on Collider's website the other day could be opening this cinematic universe up to it's more supernatural areas of the comic books or I think it could be making this cinematic universe dark like the DC universe so it can compete against the likes of all the Avengers films, "Doctor Strange" and make more people buy tickets to see these darker more action packed films like "Venom", "Blade" and "Morbius" in cinemas when they do get released.

Anyway...this film has a pencilled in date of January 21st, this has now changed to April 1st 2022 and will be directed by Daniel Espinosa, the screen play and the screen story has been written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless.

If you haven't heard 30 Seconds to Mars ft Illenium "Wouldn't Change a Thing" here is the link below to have a little gander at or just listen to it again if you have heard it:

ILLENIUM - Wouldn't Change a Thing (feat. Thirty Seconds to Mars) - YouTube

I may be biased as I am a big fan of 30 seconds to mars but even though this does sound different to their other songs as this sounds a bit more poppier,-if that's even a word-, than other songs of the band I do like has a more chilled vibe to it...and if you haven't heard some of Illenium's music before here is a link to some of his other tracks:

Gryffin, Illenium - Feel Good ft. Daya - YouTube

Illenium - Fractures (feat. Nevve) - YouTube

And you might have heard this track that Illenium is on:

The Chainsmokers, ILLENIUM - Takeaway (Official Video) ft. Lennon Stella - YouTube

Monday 1 November 2021


Macklemore fans, Bogey Bogs fans, Ryan Lewis fans just stop what you are doing right now and listen up! Even if you have heard this amazing announcement or not you need to hear this!...Macklemore have dropped as of Friday a NEW! music video for their NEW! music "Next Year ft Windser". Here is the link to this NEW! music video below:


I have to say that after hearing this NEW! music I may have pressed the repeat button on a couple of hundred times.

I'm a massive fan of Macklemore and when I heard this song I just had to jump on and hear this NEW! music because this news just made me sooo excited and now I've heard this NEW! song I love it and this just might be me but every time I hear this song it always makes me smile and I think thank god Macklemore's I'm just thinking to myself when is the album coming out or is there even going to be a new album or another single?

Also if you guys are watching this NEW! music video and wondering "what the hell is Bogey Boys all about" it is a clothing collection inspired by Macklemore's enthusiasm for golf. Here is the link for you to see this collection below:

Bogey Boys

Thursday 21 October 2021


 Ok so I wanted to take a bit of a break from catching up on all things regarding films,- and I'm guessing with the last posts I've put up on here you guys reading this could also do with a bit of a break from movie news,- and do a bit of a catch up on NEW! music that I've been listening to whilst in lockdown which you may or may not have heard.

Imagine Dragons released their NEW! album "Mercury Act 1" which if you haven't heard it yet I suggest you stop what your doing right now and buy this or download this album as I cannot stop listening to this as it is soooo I know that this word "addictive" can be a bit of a double edge sword for some but I can't think of another word to describe this album as I heard the first song on this album "My Life" and those strings on this song just hooked me in, I just wanted to hear the second song on the album immediately after hearing this, and now I can't stop playing this album whenever I get a chance to hear it

Here is the link below if you want to have a little gander at this if you haven't heard this song yet or if you just want to listen to this song again you can listen to it below:

Imagine Dragons - My Life (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Just thinking about this now unlike other albums I've heard from Imagine Dragons as I am a massive fan of this band where I can say that here's a stand out track from "Night Visions", "Smoke and Mirrors", "Evolve" or "Origins" I don't really have any stand out tracks as soon as I think oh I love "Wrecked" or "Cutthroat" or "Follow You" or "Monday" I'm thinking "well what about "Lonely", or "It's Ok" or "Giants" etc, as I love all the songs on this NEW! album as they all have their own distinct sound and for me they also sound awesome and definitely well worth hitting the repeat button after you've listened to them after the first time.

If you haven't heard the already released singles "Cutthroat", "Follow You" or "Monday" or "Wrecked" from "Mercury Act 1" here is the link below to have a gander at the official music videos or if you just want to see the video again:

Imagine Dragons - Follow You (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Wrecked (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Monday (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Cutthroat (Official Music Video) - YouTube

But at a push I definitely have to say that the stand out tracks from this album for me are "Wrecked", "Cutthroat", "It's Ok, "No Time For Toxic People", "Lonely", "Giants", "One Day", "Monday" and "#1". 

Here are the link below if you want to have a listen to these songs from the album if you've not heard them before:

Imagine Dragons - No Time For Toxic People (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Lonely (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Giants (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - One Day (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - Monday (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - #1 (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

Imagine Dragons - It's Ok (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

I just have to put this here that this might just be me but whenever I listen to "It's Ok" the laid back sounding guitar beat always reminds me of the song " Take A Walk On The Wild Side" by Lou Reed, here is the link to hear this and see what you think:

Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side (audio) - YouTube

Tuesday 19 October 2021


I do realise that whilst I may have posted on my last post the NEW! teaser trailer for "The Flash" movie I didn't actually say anything about it more of just went on a rant about how I don't think James Gunn's "Peacemaker" looks good and how I thought that the James Gunn directed "Suicide Squad" film was shit and despite watching the home premiere of this movie on Amazon Prime despite this I thought the film was massively disappointing and really seemed to throw everything at this with having bad characters that had no point to them like "Bloodsport", "Weasel", "T.D.K" (aka The detachable kid), "Savant" etc as well as throwing a Kaiju,-if your unfamiliar with this term this is according to Wikipedia a Japanese genre of films and television featuring giant monsters-, into the mix and the only character the audience could kind of warm to was the Sylvester Stallone voiced character "King Shark".

If you haven't seen this film "The Suicide Squad" here's a recap:

The film opens with the character "Savant" walking through "Belle Reve" prison watching Idris Elba's character "BloodSport" cleaning the floors and toilets and Pete Davidson's character "Darkguard" walking out of the toilets making a comment to "BloodSport" whilst removing some toilet paper from his crocs, and "Savant" making his way to sitting outside in a concrete courtyard sitting on a bench throwing around a ball in the style of Steve McQueen "the cooler king" in the film "The Great Escape" and then him proceeding to kill a chirping bird with the ball like this, then in comes Viola Davis's character "Amanda Waller" who wants to get "Bloodsport" into "Task Force X" and he says he's not doing it but then she says that he has a visitor which turns out to be his daughter who has got caught shoplifting and charges will be filed and she'll go to an adult prison this time unless he helps her and only then will Amanda Waller think about helping his daughter. "BloodSport" gets angry and threatens her whilst putting a pencil to her neck she tells Captain Rick Flag and the rest of the army guarding her to stand down all the while telling "Bloodsport" that he's a leader or she'll make him one, then everyone gets introduced to each other saying they need to go to Corto Maltese to obtain information on "Project Starfish" but this goes horribly wrong as in everyone bar Harley Quinn gets killed and they have to bring in Team B which is headed up by "Bloodsport" but then they find out that Rick Flag isn't dead he has been taken to camp that is their point of contact and whilst there they find out Harley Quinn has been taken prisoner and they then go on to rescue her but it turns out that she doesn't need rescuing and that she's killed the dictator that took her hostage as well as all his guards. Then when the whole gang sneak into the city to look for the head scientist of "Project Starfish" at a local bar the thing they need to stop this project is in a massive tower and that they can't exactly blow the tower up as the tower houses "Project Starfish"...this turns out to be a massive Kaiju starfish that was found by astronauts from America who brought it back to Earth to do experiments on it and it killed loads of people and in the tower are these people with smaller tentacle kaiju stuck to their faces also having had experiments done on them as the bodies are still alive but they've been taken over by the starfish and the real purpose of them being there is to make sure a computer drive with everything on never sees the light of day but after Harley Quinn and team kill the now released Kaiju into the world "Bloodsport" threatens Amanda Waller with exposing the computer drive to the world unless she lets the team go and help his daughter.

So getting back to the task at hand...according to Digital "The Flash" trailer sets up the DC multiverse and explains how "The Flash/Barry Allen" who is played by Ezra Miller can meet Michael Keaton's version of "Batman/Bruce Wayne" as you can hear in a voice over from Michael Keaton's version of "Batman" says:

"Tell me something. You can go anywhere you want, right? Any timeline. Any universe. Why do you want to stay and fight to save this one?"

This multiverse layout would also explain why in this NEW! teaser trailer you can see two "The Flash" and how Ben Affleck is according to's website going to appear in this movie as "Batman" which will be directed by Andy Muschietti and has been produced by Barbara Muschietti and Michael Disco and will be co-executive produced by Walter Hamada and Marianne Jenkins. But this layout would also explain why as according to Digital's website:

"...this version of the Flash moves so quickly that he can travel to any universe at any point in its timeline..."

This NEW! teaser trailer also teases that "the Flash/Barry Allen" will find the original "Batmobile"...thank god as I think this car along with the "The Tumbler" from the Christopher Nolan directed "Batman" was the best looking cars...with "the Flash/Barry Allen" pulling back a dust sheet saying "Holy..."

This film is according to's website set to be released in the UK on 4th November 2022 and if you live anywhere else in the EU here is a link below to's website for other release dates:

 The Flash (2022) - Release Info - IMDb



 !This article may contain spoilers so if you don't want to know and remain surprised when these get released please look away now!

Yesterday I saw that there was a NEW! trailer up for both James Gunn's NEW! spinoff series "The Peacemaker" with John Cena reprising the role of "The Peacemaker" from the James Gunn directed film "The Suicide Squad" and that there was a NEW! teaser trailer for "The Flash" film which will (surprisingly for many "Batman" fans like myself) star Michael Keaton who will reprise his role as "Batman/Bruce Wayne" from "Batman" that was directed by Tim Burton and stars Jack Nicholson who played the character "The Joker"...and from the looks of this teaser trailer the original "Batmobile" will be back as well.

PEACEMAKER Official Trailer (2022) - YouTube

THE FLASH Official Trailer (2022) - YouTube

I just have to get this off my chest, I tried to get around it but after seeing this teaser trailer for "Peacemaker" I just can't avoid it...I may be a bit biased saying this as I really enjoyed David Ayer's "Suicide Squad" film, it had an amazing soundtrack,- in my opinion for those who may not agree here-, it got an Oscar for the hair and makeup department even though the critics panned it...but I think we can all agree that film critics don't watch films for their main function which is to entertain audiences as they also panned "Venom",...and I know some people reading this next thing I'm about to say here may not agree but I'm going to say it Jared Leto did an amazing job playing "The Joker" as if you think about it this role has been played in all other "Batman" films by some amazing actors like Jack Nicholson who did in my opinion a stand out performance as this character in the film "Batman" that was directed by Tim Burton, Heath Ledger who played the role of "The Joker" in the film "The Dark Knight" that was directed by Christopher Nolan who got a posthumous Oscar award for this performance in this big shoes to fill, also the casting of Margot Robbie to play the character Harley Quinn was great as this character got a spin off animated series and also gave Netflix "Bright" that was directed by David Ayer and starred Will Smith and Joel Edgerton and for the box office "Suicide Squad" made a load of for continuity reasons I don't know why a new director was hired to make a new version of this when everything worked in the studios favour especially the casting as I thought that in "The Suicide Squad" the character "Peacemaker" was a shit character that did everything that Will Smith's character "Deadshot" from David Ayer's "Suicide Squad" film did but had for no reason what so ever had a shiny bright helmet on his head and just seem to shoot everything with a stupidly big gun.

And while I think about it what was the point of the character "Bloodsport" as he had the exact storyline as Will Smith's character in that he was an assassin that gets recruited into "Task Force X" via Amanda Waller using his daughter as leverage to make him help her...the only difference I could see in James Gunn's film was that instead of casting Will Smith it was Idris Elba. 

So with this being said I don't really know how James Gunn managed to get a mini series that according to will consist of eight episodes that were written by himself and that he directed five episodes. And having seen the trailer yesterday I have to say that the CGI for this looks really obvious and shit...just like in the NEW! "Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City" film CGI zombie infected dogs.

Rant over...if you haven't seen the New! trailer for "Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City" here's the link below:

RESIDENT EVIL: WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY - Official Trailer (HD) | In Theaters Nov 24 - YouTube

This film according to will be released in the UK on the 3rd December 2021 and if you live in the USA this will be released on the 24th November 2021 and if you live anywhere else in the EU here is the link below to see a full list of release dates:

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) - Release Info - IMDb

Saying this "Peacemaker" will be according to's website released on HBO Max on January 13th 2022 and will be an origin story that will see "Peacemaker" as a vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it. 

James Gunn's Troll Court Entertainment, Peter Safran's The Safran Company in association with Warner Bros. Television will produce this series along with Matt Miller and John Cena co-executive producing this series according to's website. 

Monday 18 October 2021

LET'S START CRANKING UP THAT OLD BLOGGING MACHINE AND LET'S GET READY FOR THE NEW! BATMAN FILM feels like an age since I was last on here,-I apologise to anyone who see's the "God" bit and may or may not feel offended by this but there was no offence intended,- and I apologise to everyone about that but there has been a lot going on so I felt the need to take a step back for a bit.

So this post and any others that follows this one is going to be a bit of catch up on NEW! music and films news, any home premiere's that you may have seen or not seen and movie suggestions for if your still stuck at home not knowing what to watch or in case there's nothing on the TV, that is going to ease me back into blogging.

So sorry if you may or may not have already heard this news before.

Yesterday I saw that there is now a full trailer for the NEW! R-Patz Batman and there is now a date of release for this movie,-well a pencilled in date of release at least, especially with all the delays this film has had due to COVID-19 stopping filming or R-Patz and another member of the film crew testing positive for the virus etc etc-, which I'll put the link below for you to have a little gander at if you've not seen it yet or if you just want to watch it again:

THE BATMAN – Main Trailer – Warner Bros. UK & Ireland - YouTube

And so we the audience have had to get by with still images of what this NEW! Batman will look like, what the NEW! Batmobile will look like and what the teaser trailer looks like...see link below if you haven't already seen this:

The Batman - DC FanDome Teaser - YouTube

So I think it's fair to say that all Batman fans including me have been on tenterhooks about this new Batman film and have been curious to know how this NEW! Batman film will all look like. 

Well...I have to say after seeing the NEW! Batmobile I was excited to see what else this film had in store, and after seeing this NEW! trailer for this film that will be directed by Matt Reeves and has been written by Matt Reeves, Peter Craig and according to Mattson Tomlin it did leave me with the immortal words in my head from "Gladiator":

"I will win the crowd, I will give them something they have never seen before..."

I might be paraphrasing here but it was interesting to see that this film does show a different side to Batman/Bruce Wayne's character like I've heard Matt Reeves say in interviews he's given about this film, saying that he wanted to show the detective side of the character more.

According to the story for this NEW! Batman is that:

"...Batman has been operating in Gotham City for over a year now, and while not everyone is used to the masked vigilante yet, he's clearly built a rapport with Commissioner Jim Gordon..."

Who will be played by Jeffrey Wright who you may or may not have seen in the James Bond film "Casino Royale" playing the character Felix Leiter, other newcomers to this film are Zoe Kravitz who will play the character of Selena Kyle/Catwoman, Paul Dano who will play the character The Riddler/Edward Nashton who you may or may not have seen in other films like "Prisoners" where he played the character Alex Jones or you may have seen him in "Knight and Day" where he played the character Simon Feck and new for this film Colin Farrell who will be playing the character of Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin and the other villain of the piece John Tourturro who you may or may not have seen in "Transformers: Dark Of The Moon" where he played the character Simmons who was the ex FBI agent who worked in a diner after everyone thought he was crazy for believing in aliens trying to communicate with humans, who will play the character Carmine Falcone...and more importantly than this Andy Serkis will play the character of Alfred.

This film will be produced by Matt Reeves and Dylan Clark, and will be executive produced by Simon Emmanuel, Michael E. Uslan, Walter Hamada and Chantal Nong Vo.

The pencilled in date for this is 4th March 2022.


Thursday 25 March 2021


God it feels like I've not put anything up here for ages! but I apologise for that but this lockdown has been a little bit of a trying time,-not that I'm not saying it hasn't been a trying time for everyone else during this COVID 19-, what with migraines, flu, sore throats, slipping on the kitchen floor and badly hurting really has shown me how clumsy I am and that I really can't be left alone to my own devices!

Anyhew...back to the point of this post, I'm a huge fan of "The Jason Bourne" film franchise and when I was going on a family holiday and I'd completely forgotten to pack a book that I was reading at the time I saw in one of the shops in the departures lounge "The Bourne Enigma" and completely tore into this book on said holiday and was completely hooked from there so as soon as I came back to the UK,-before COVID 19 in case your wondering,- I bought the follow up to this book "The Bourne Initiative" which I also completely tore into and loved but after I read this book I really wanted to be able to read the next book in the series so I started to Google when this was coming out but found out that shortly before lockdown via that publishing of the next book in the series was to be abandoned and they had no information on when this was going to come out.

So one day when I was googling to find more information about this I found out that Eric Van Lustbader who had co-wrote many of the original Jason Bourne books with Robert Ludlum and then after Robert Ludlum's death he continued this book series and according to an interview with "The Real Book Spy" website Eric Van Lustbader said that:

"Originally, the whole idea from the Ludlum estate was for me to write a book in conjuncture with each Bourne film that came out. So, in the beginning, it was like every two or three years. But the films became so popular and successful that the publishing company called and asked if they could get a book each year..."

Yikes! one book a year that sounds like a lot of pressure even for me and I'm not even a writer! not only this but in this same interview with "The Real Book Spy" Eric Van Lustbader goes on to say that:

"I had my own books too and that meant that I'd have to write two books a year..."

He then goes on to say that:

"So, it's official, I've talked to the executive of the Ludlum estate- who is a friend of mine, and who originally asked me to take up Bourne for him- and I'm eternally grateful to him. It's been a great ride, but it's time for me to do something else."

  And that:

" I had pretty much said everything that I wanted to say with Bourne, and that I wanted to do something different. Something more..."

Enter "The Nemesis Manifesto" and the new female protagonist Evan Ryder, neo-Nazis, double agents, triple agents, inter agency wars, Russian sleeper agents in the high echelons of American politics and that's just some of the things you'll read in this NEW! book, but according to this same interview with Eric Van Lustbader on "The Real Book Spy"'s website this is just one of the authors upcoming book projects as the next book in this NEW! book series "The Kobalt Dossier" is according to is expected to be published on the 8th July 2021...definitely one for the diary! and the other book projects is "The Sum of All Shadows" the fourth book in Eric Van Lustbader's Testament book series.