
Thursday 19 April 2012

Catching Fire has been left in limbo!

As you may or may not know by now is that Gary Ross who directed 'The Hunger Games' which is amazing if you have seen this film or if you haven't yet then I'd strongly advise that you see this and here's a shameless plug from me but if you've seen 'The Hunger Games' and like the look of Jennifer Lawrence's hair then you should start using and  SACHAJUAN Professional Haircare products that were used on her hair...has pulled out of directing the sequel 'Catching Fire'.

After I saw this first film it was sooo action packed that I had to get this second book and the last one in 'The Hunger Games' series of books and I have to say that I really loved the books and I went a little crazier than usual when reading this as I ended up reading these every night all night up until 3 in the morning...this you might be thinking is insane but these books are insanely good!

Anyhew...I digress anyway the other day I was reading on Variety's website about how one of the reasons why Gary Ross has had to step down from going ahead with directing this second film because Lionsgate wanted a 19 month tight schedule to do all aspects of the film...which if your asking me from reading the book this is going to be very hard to do as you'll need to first find a hell of a lot of extra cast members, a hell of a lot of different locations to film at or even the studio might have to use some studio engineering like green screen or CGI for a lot of the different scenes, or like in some films the studio might even cut some scenes out that are in the book or even put some extra scenes in to make it a more exciting film.

But not only has there been this problem for the studio but Lionsgate has  been so far been having a very professional tug of war with Fox on who will get Jennifer Lawrence as she is locked in under contract to star in this next 'Catching Fire' with Lionsgate and she is also locked under contract to do  the 'X: Men First Class' sequel which she had already commited to do even before 'The Hunger Games' came in a quite amicable turn of events Fox are going to push back the start date of when they want to shoot  'X:Men First Class' sequel in January, and let Lionsgate keep to their plans to start shooting 'Catching Fire' in the late summer so it can meet it's already set November 22nd 2013 release date...I suppose this has ended so well as neither studio want this to be drawn out taking up time and money and at the end of the day if both of these studios are stuck in negotiations to see which one gets Jennifer Lawrence before the other then neither are making any films and their just wasting each others time.

But other than this Lionsgate have to be worried now that because 'The Hunger Games' has done so well with making a shed load of money at the box office that the already contractually locked in cast members-Jenifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth and Woody Harelson- might start to ask for an increase in wages but Variety reports that although they can do this "...but their  (Lionsgate) not contractly obligated to do so...".

So whoever Lionsgate get to director this next film they need to get a wriggle on and find a director who can work with screenwriter Simon Beaufoy who's still trying to write a script for this sequel...and there is the other major problem that they need to work out even before they start doing anything on 'Catching Fire', that is this film has to be either on a par or even better than 'The Hunger Games' so that this can be another successful franchise of movies for Lionsgate which brought Summit back in January.

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