
Monday 23 April 2012

New Blog that you just have to read!

I've been reading in magazine's lately that there is a growing trend of wearing pj slippers as this is a fashion trend that I think I'm going to take note of and start following because I always try to dress with comfort in mind because it might be just me but I don't see the point of putting yourself through wearing tight jeans, uncomfortably high high heels and a too tight summery looking shirt just to make yourself look very fashionable, but if your going out to have a drink or a meal with friends and because everything is sooo tight and uncomfortable you can't even properly walk down the street without grimacing, sit down without having to do it a special way so that you don't rip your jeans, or even sit down in comfort to enjoy yourself without thinking 'Oh god I can't really eat anything because if I do I'll definitely pop a button'.

And these definitely look like the pinnacle of comfortability!

But I shouldn't be soo surprised that fashion magazine have just picked up on this fashion trend as back in January I was reading what I think is the best must read blog all to do with things regarding etiquette, style and luxury I know what your thinking 'etiquette, style and luxury living what has this got to do with me?', but you'd be wrong to think this as everything on this blog has got everything from handy hints on fashion, thanks to the handy Ask the Agony Uncle you'll finally be able to handle those awkward moments that arise in everyday life...talking about these kind of situations a couple of years ago I was buying a CD in my local HMV and the guy behind the cashiers desk started saying 'Oh that albums really good' I know he was being nice but what do you say, all I ended up saying was 'Thanks' and then there was that awkward silence while he was scanning the bar code for this and taking my money to pay for the CD, to what gadgets and gizmos to have.


Now I know these are slippers and that slippers are for being worn around the house but being me I wouldn't mind wearing these out...on one of the rarer days in England when it isn't raining! and I think that in this growing trend of celebrities like Florence from Florence and the Machines, Taylor Swift etc being seen out in slipper shoes I don't think these would look out of place.

These Rubra Pipe Slippers have quilted embroidery and do look like they would be really comfortable or if your a huge fan like me of Agatha Christie who created the best characters for her brilliant whodunnit murder mystery book like Hercule Poirot and Miss. Marple you could just get your hands on a pair of theses bad boys,- which if you haven't already noticed come in black velvet and on the left slipper there is a British bulldog and on the right shoe there is a pipe- and walk around the house and pretend that your Poirot...or you could even walk round the house and pretend that your the other greatest character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes.

If your reading this and thinking this sounds a bit crazy or even a bit childish...well maybe it is but that's just me and I am not crazy I promise!

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