
Monday 17 September 2012

I'm back in the UK!

I'm finally landed back in blighty last night and now I'm going to be off to Top Draw London, so it's all systems go, go, go!

Paris was amazing! and to top it all off on the last day of staying in Paris me and the famile went to have lunch at L'Avenue Restaurant on Avenue Montaigne on the Champs Elysee and at the table across from where we were there was Ted himself Mark Wahlberg having lunch...I have to say that once me and my sisters saw he was there we got very excited and all the quotes from the film started coming out.

The apartment where we were staying at was amazing it was in the heart of Marmartre and the view from the apartment was right on the steps of Sacre Coure (sorry to any french people reading this if the spelling is wrong), and it was all systems go with  long nights and very early mornings on the metro to and from the Parc Expositions where me and my sisters company Scicheck Ltd. were doing a trade fair at Maison Object,-which we massively underrated as we all brought comfy shoes but with the size of this trade show we really should have brought hiking gear tent included as it felt like it took several days to get round just one of the many mazes of halls and 3 days for this was really not enough, if you wanted to get round all the halls then you really needed to stock up on water and snacks, you really needed a map, a compass and a well planned gap year to see everything that was here-, I thank god for Youtube and my own internal playlist of music that was on constant play as I don't know how me and my sisters would have survived!

To survive this week of walking around like zombies in the Paris heat Youtube was on morning, noon and night thankfully!

Important tunes to wake up to:



These songs were for  me very important for me to wake up with and to have stuck in my head all day,-although I am going to see both The Dead Famous and Ben Montague in concert which I am absolutely siked for and I can't wait to see both these amazingly talented artists did probably make me want to play these songs more than usual but I already do love these artists and this may sound a bit weird but I do constantly carry these artists songs around which makes any place I go a lot better-, which made me feel a whole lot better as I was suffering from flu during this week in Paris...fantastic just what you need when in Paris!

I do have to say though I love 'The Dead Famous-Hide Your Halo' but when I first heard it I'd automatically get Chrisitina Agulera's 'Stronger' which really was annoying for a while but now everytime I sing this wherever I go Christina Aguilera has gone....thank god! now it's nothing but uninterrupted 'Hide Your Halo' !.


I really love Elissa Franceshi and after I heard 'Rainbow on Fire' I brought her album which I urge you to have a listen to if you haven't already yet, or if you haven't got the album yet go and get it, download the songs and love the album...anyhew I think I may have druven my parents a little crazy by playing these favourite songs of mine from her album 'Into the Light' that I played every day and every night.

I just have to say this even though I think that it may sound a bit much, I think that 'Rocks and Tears' is an absolutly perfect song to be played on The Vampire Diaries when there is an emotional scene going on as I think it is right for it as it is is sooo cool like all the other tracks they play like Hurts, Ed Sheeran, Pheonix, The Civil Wars and Florence and The machine etc and it has the same kind of emotionality as these other tracks,-talking about perfect cool tracks that should be played on the UK Vampire Diaries Of Monsters and Men Little Talk.


Annoying tracks that got stuck in my head:


When I first saw Christina Perri's 'A Thousand Years' all I could think about is how much of a fire hazard it was that there were so many lit candles!

And of course no night is complete without a little bit of LMFAO:


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