
Monday 3 September 2012

New Music!

I will be away for a bit so there won't be very much news on here for a bit but do not fear I will leave you with some fantastic new music that I have heard lately.

One of my favorite films recently is 'Drive', I just love how it's all got a 80's style to it and it also feels very much like a film noir but most of all I love the music and I have to say that there has been one song from this movie that I just loved when I first heard it in this movie and I always meant to after my first viewing of this film to Youtube it so as to find out who the band is that sings it, but I always forget and then it always used to annoy me that it got played in the Sky adverts and then someone would ask me "who is the band that sings that?" and I'd always have to say "I don't know".

This is my favourite song from the movie but while I was listening to this yesterday I came across this other song used in the movie and I have to say that although it's not my favourite it does get stuck in my head...but in a good way, right up until it was going round and round in my head and I couldn't go to sleep as it made me want to listen to this song and then wake up and watch the movie.

Also, I just had to put on how every time I see the L'Oreal Elvive advert with Claudia Schiffer in I always think that the song being played in the background is Claire Mcguire but I heard the full version of this song in an episode of Home and Away the other day and I have to say I was wrong and thanks to Youtube I found out that it was "The Temper Trap-Lost Love".

This video reminds me of the hellish cross country running I used to do at school and this really reaffirms for me how much I hated P.E!

Anyhew....I really think this has to be on my summer chilled list along with Jack Johnson, Ben Howard and most importantly The Virgins for making me so chilled out and relaxed that it transports me mentally to the beach...if you haven't already got it yet you definitely need to buy yourself a copy of  The Virgins first album 'The Virgins' as I got this for Christmas last year and I popped this on the CD player and instantly was transported from glum Britain to feeling like I was lying by the pool in somewhere very hot and to far far away land!

Also I just had to put these other songs that I'm loving at the moment:

Boy Like Girls 'Be Your Everything' I really like this video, I love this band and have been a fan of these guys since I first heard 'The Great Escape' ages ago,-I have to say that this song does occasionally come into my head and because it's been a while since I've played this on Youtube I always find myself thinking who sings this, but thanks to Youtube (I have no idea what I'd do without Youtube) I refound out that the band who sings this is 'Boy Like Girls'-.

Greenday "Oh Love", I absolutly love this band and love 'Basketcase', but recently it did really annoy me as the other day I was watching the build up at Reading Festival to Kasabian coming on the main stage and instead of showing these guys they showed 'Florence and the Machine', I have to be honest I loved the songs on her last album 'Lungs' but I really do think that she can now on some of her songs overdo the one high note she can hit, and that night she really went over the top and made me question whether she actually has some lungs on her (pardon the pun) or could you stick her album on in a spa while your trying to get relaxed for a facial treatment, i.e is her music just whale music? the break of her slapping the floor of the stage over and over again they played a snippet of Green Day performing Basketcase and these I have to say looked incredible in that snippet and had all of the crowd really hyped up with some of the crowd even doing their own mosh pits, and I was thinking that Green Day's set looked much more exciting than Florence's set so I was left wondering why on earth did they just leave this on rather than cutting back to Florence's set.

Also I have to put on here Ben Montague's new son Another Hard Fall I absolutly love this guys voice and am a massive fan of him since I heard 'Haunted' and saw him at the glee club in Oxford ages ago with my sisters...although there weren't very many people there it was a fantastic gig that made me feel very sorry for him as he is very talented and I thought back then that more people should really take some time and listen to his music as it's fantastic and this song is no exception to "Haunted" and "Love Like Stars".



If you've not heard anything from this guy yet why on earth not and if not just have a listen to any of his other songs or why not book yourself to one of his gigs and see him live as he is just fantastic live, or better yet as this was released on Sunday on Itunes why not go along to Itunes right now and buy yourself this.

Also I cannot post this without mentioning "The Dead Famous" and their new single and video for "Hide Your Halo":

I really like this video and I really like the song and like every other time I Youtube this band I just have to stop what I am doing and listen to all their dongs as they are all soooo addictive to listen to...but I have to say that they are amazing live so much so that I am going to see them again on October 1st, I suggest that if you haven't already heard any of their songs you need to drop everything that you are doing right now and switch over to Youtube and listen to all of their other songs and I guarantee that you will become an instant fan and then if you've listened to all of their tracks go and download their song 'Superstar', if this isn't giving you much of a reason to download this track you might warm to more to the idea that this download is free!

You now have no reason to not download this track!

I have to say that the black and white parts of this video makes me think of Sin City and I love the sparks flying off the flames that are in front of the lead singer, but I have to say if I knew I was shooting a music video and was told that you have to stand behind some sparks that will be flying off from a fire I don't think I could stand there and look as cool as James (lead singer) does...I think I would have to take a couple of steps back to feel that there was a comfortable distance between me and the sparks as I wouldn't want any of these sparks flying onto any of clothing that I was wearing as I think I would have a fear of these setting on fire.

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