
Monday 3 September 2012

Review: TED

This may be a little premature to write this review but I just couldn't resist after I had seen this with my sisters.

What can I say about TED...TED is fucking hilarious! And I have to say that the audience is absolutely polar opposite to each time I saw 'The Dark Knight' as each time I saw this film the audience was soooo quiet you could hear a pin drop, and this happened each and every time I saw this film.

Anyhew...the audience including me and my sisters were in fits of tears with how hard they were laughing at every moment of this film.

If you think that the trailers that are all over the TV are the only funny bits in the film you are dead wrong, I really think that whoever cleaned those clips up to make into some sort of trailer for this movie is a miracle worker because these aren't even the whole clips or even the proper ones for that portion of the movie it's from.

From the get go of the film you are in fits of laughter with TED walking in to Mark Wahlberg's parents kitchen after he first comes to life with Mark Wahlberg's mum saying to TED 'Your like the baby jesus' to the voiceover guy saying that 'over time as with everything nobody really gives a shit about a talking bear' and then this cuts to a montage of TED through the years being taken away in handcuffs by two policemen at airport security then having his mugshot now where he sits on the sofa all day with Marky Mark with a bong smoking drugs...right up until the moment where Mark is late for work and TED drives him to work with huge wooden blocks on the foot pedals of the car but then he smashes into a parked car that is waiting to get rented...."My bad I was sending a Tweet".

The most hilarious part though of this movie is when because both TED and Marky Mark have grown up obsessing over Flash Gordan (which I also grew up with) and TED throws a house party after he gets thrown out of Mark Wahlberg and his girfriend Lori's (Mila Kunis) apartment after he invites over four prostitutes and one of them 'Sauvignon Blanc' has a poo on the floor and TED says after they come home 'Sauvignon Blanc, she's balsy' in his new apartment and Flash turns up and instead of Mark Wahlberg being at a works do with his girlfriend he slips out to see Flash and when Lori finds out he gets dumped and stays at a hotel and says some harsh things to TED, but TED then follows him and is soaked through but because it's such a shit motel he still opens the windows to the outside gardens and then he has a huge fight with Marky Mark involving some hard hitting, some pulling down of pants and spanking of Mark Wahlberg's ass with one of the TV aerial then the TV falls on his stomach.

But both of them ending up saying to each other "I love you man".

But there is also a hilarious point when TED gets a job and wears a little suit to the interview and tells the manager of the big Cosco like store he gets a job at that he slept with the managers wife and then the manager says 'No one's ever spoken to me like that before, your hired'...but when he gets caught having sex with his girlfriend in the back of the store while it's a busy time at the store he tells the manager that the other day he sold a carrot he used while having sex with Tammylee his girlfriendand then he sold it to a family...the managers reply is that that is balsy and that we need someone with balls you're promoted.

But with this there is also a sad part in the movie when TED gets kidnapped by a weirdo dad and his even creepier overweight son and they get cornered at an American football team's ground and while TED is climbing to get away from the weirdo dad he pulls on TED so much so that TED rips in two and dies, but Lori has the idea to take him back home and sow him up but it doesn't work and Lori wishes on a shooting star for him to come back to life and as you would expect that Lori and Mark Wahlberg get married and Flash Gordan is the minister that does the service.

This for me is a 5* comedy film and if you haven't seen it yet I strongly urge you to go and see this or if you are waiting for this to come on DVD make sure you preorder this as you do not want to miss this film as I'm betting that it will be sold out pretty quickly!

I have also just found on Amazon UK that you can get your hands on an actual TED and I am not kidding you, it is true:

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