
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Stretch Armstrong getting his own stretchtastic movie!

Back in July on The Hollywood Reporter's  Heat Vision blog it reported that Stretch Armstrong was getting its very own movie and that Breck Eisner was in negotiations to direct this but now we can it's been made official that he will direct this without Taylor Lautner who was originally on the cards to be in this film.

Stretch Armstrong as you know is a toy that is owned by Hasbro and as part of an agreement between Hasbro and Universal made all the way back in 2008, but back in January this stretched (pardon the pun) right off Universal's lot and into the hands of Relativity Media's regardless of Taylor Lautner's rumoured involvment with this film and several release dates for this film being released and then nothing coming of it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision blog Relativity Media have been working on the film, working off a script that has been written by Dean Georgaris who has written scripts in the past for 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider:The Cradle Of Life' as well as 'The Manchurian Candidate',-I have to say that going on these two films being on his CV as past films that he has written scripts for then this isn't bad, as I've seen both and although the first Lara Croft was for me the better of the two but this second one I still do watch it every time that it comes on the TV, 'The Manchurian Candidate' is a fantastic film with Denzel Washington in and a must see if you haven't seen it already and I do have to say that this film is probably a lot better than Lara Croft but to be honest they are very different styles of films as Lara Croft is more a family fun film and the Manchurian Candidate isn't really a family friendly film as it's certificate is 15 and there's one bit in the film where the main character played by Liev Schrieber sleeps with his mother played by Meryl Streep-, so this film may be not one that you sit down with the kids to watch.

Ryan Kavanaugh from Relativity Media, Brian Goldner and Bennett Schier from Hasbro are going to be producing with Tucker Tooley from Relativity going to be executive producing.

Hasbro CEO and President Brian Goldner has commented that Stretch Armstrong could "potentially to move "Stretch" out of '12 and into '13".

This then would seem to back up how report that Stretch Armstrong will get released over in America on 11th April 2014, but apart from this there isn't any other for now we'll just have to see what happens

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