
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Brangelina brood following in mummies footsteps!

According to Metro 1 of the many many many many children of Brad and Angelina Jolie will be taking their acting debut by acting alongside Angelina on the set of her new film Maleficent...the film adaption of the Disney classic Sleeping Beauty.

According to Metro Angelina's four year old daughter Vivienne will play Princess Aurora and Ellie Fanning will play an older version of her.

According to The Sun Newspaper,-which knowing what this newspaper is like you may or may not want to believe their "source" at this newspaper, and asthis newspaper is part of the Murdoch News Corporation Empire and how the ethics of some journalists at this newspaper has been called into question of late you may be like me and want to hold any of their "sources" to the stories they print with a hint of salt-:

"Angelina thought it would be a fun experience for Vivienne to share, and Vivienne is a natural".

She will be starring alongside Imelda Staunton who you might recognize from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix as Dolores Umbridge who is appointed by Cornelius Fudge the Minister for Magic who like everybody else doesn't believe Harry when he says that Lord Voldermort has come back and that he killed Cedric Diggery , Sam Riley who you might also recognise from Brighton Rock where he played pinky who is a gangster, Miranda Richardson another Harry Potter export as you might recognise her from Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire as the annoying Daily Prophet journalist who makes up things during the Triwizard Tournament to make it more interesting like in the film of this she makes up that Harry is dating Hermione Granger just because she's seen her wishing Harry good luck.

Juno Temple who was recently in the new Batman film as Anne Hathaway's partner in crime will also be in this as one of the fairies that look after Aurorer.

This doesn't have a date up yet of when it will be released in the UK but says that it will be released over in America on the 14th March 2014.

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