
Monday 20 August 2012

Review: The Bourne Legacy

This below post will definitely contain spoilers so if you don't want to see the results as you haven't seen it yet please look away now!

The other day after I'd returned to HQ after going up to London to see the fantastic Dead Famous Live at the Paradise by way of Kensall Green which is a fantastic pub/restaurant that has the amazing melted brie parcels which if your wondering is just deep fat fried melted cheese and if your like me and are partial to some cheese than you'll love these but if you are turning your nose up at the sound of these than I have to say that you are judging way to quickly on this as you really need to try these before you fall in love with these.

Anyhew....this is going off point but when I came back from this I went to see 'The Bourne Legacy' which I have been eagerly anticipating, but I have to say that I was a little disappointed at it because to me this film didn't seem to have a story eventhough it did seem like it was building into something like a Matt Damon Bourne film not only because in one scene Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner's character) writes on a mirror 'NO MORE', but because Tony Guilroy had made sure that there were lots of fast paced action sequences like how Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) takes down a drone that's trying to kill him using the tracking device in his hip which he cuts out, and then he comes back to America and stops Rachel Weisz's character from getting killed by special agents that are employed by the CIA that use her medical group to give out tablets and tests on the agents then send them back into the line of fire when she tries to leave the country for Canada after a co-worker of hers locks all the doors in the lab where they work and starts shooting people...leaving only her as the only surviver... and then after he's killed all the agents in her house he puts gasoline all over it for her to then set fire to.

And then when they go off to Manila, Philippines they have to have a very fast paced tense motobike chase which he gets shot and then she takes off her helmet and throws it at the guy chasing them on another motorbike (this guy is from another programme called LARKS) and then they both fall off the bike and an old fisherman helps them then.

So to me after I saw this I was left feeling like there wasn't much of a story and that it only really felt like this was more of a snowball movie, meaning that there really wasn't a story in this but that the events in the movie were the start of a snowball effect and that it was going to eventually sooner rather than later going to go somewhere.

I can't be too harsh on it though as I thought it was very comical how at every turn in the movie there was either a file or a TV station with Matt Damon's face on as Jason Bourne and that it did feel like to me that  Matt Damon was peeking round every corner of the movie or from the background he was jumping up and down shouting 'Don't forget I used to be in this film!", and I would say that the one true saving grace of the movie was Moby's 'Extreme Ways'...this always puts a smile on my face as I know people get annoyed with him as his records do seem to be overplayed but as a hardcore fan of the Bourne films and as a music lover how can you not love this song and have the biggest smile on your face while listening to it, this though I realise may just be me though that this song has this effect on.

Also as a last point although there were lots of links to the other films such as every day Cross has to take a blue and a green pill as well as do his own blood samples and then he gets given maps with coordinates of where he needs to go...this if your not as big a fan of the films as me goes back to the first film where just before Jason Bourne shoots Clive Owen, Clive Owen tells him that Treadstone give you pills, they send you texts, maps of where you need to go.

Also I have to say that the love story thing that they've tried to do with Rachel Weisz character and Jeremy Renner's character it's not really believable.

All in all I have come to the conclusion that I may have had too high an expectation of this movie and that I maybe should have known that this film wasn't going to be as good as Matt Damon's Bourne films and maybe I just need to get used to it as I think my dad hit the nail on the head when he said that it was just like with James Bond and how every time there is a new actor people moan that that one will never be as good as the last one but then it turns out that that actor was if not the same probably better than the last, so I guess I just need to sit tight and wait to see the next one as the ending of this film if you haven't already gathered was left open ended.

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