
Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lady Gaga in toy lawsuit!

The other day I was reading on Entertainment Weekly's website that Lady Gaga has got herself in hot water with MGA Entertainment who were planning on releasing a doll of Lady Gaga around Christmas, but now this lawsuit $10million lawsuit that they've slapped her with means that any one who was thinking that they'd got their perfect christmas gift for that person that is a fan of hers you'll have to go back to the drawing board and think of a back up present.

According to Entertainment Weekly MGA Entertainment says that at the last minuit Lady Gaga, her management as well as her licensing copanies asked for the dolls voice chip to be removed which has now delayed its release date, saying that Lady Gaga's people had:

"....engaged in intentionally and deliberate delays..."

So now with the release date being pushed back it means that this toy wouldn't get released in 2013 more in line with when her perfume and next album comes out.

Lady Gaga's people though are confident though that their in the right and that there is no legitamate reason for dragging Lady Gaga's name into this dispute even though the dispute is mainly between MGA Entertainment and Lady Gaga's record label, which MGA Entertainment is also asking from her licensing company Bravado International a $1million for the rights to produce a doll in her likeness.

Lady Gaga's people have said that she will:

"...vigorously defend MGA's ill conceived lawsuit and is confident that she will prevail..."

But MGA begs to differ saying they are in the right and have offered to show a recorded sample of the back and forth dialogue that they have had with her people.

According to MGA they were asked by an intermediatory from Lady Gaga's camp back in March that the doll be more supermodel like, and that they also recieved an email saying to "think a prettier version of Gaga. Thin out the cheeks and sharpen the jawline. Give her more of a cat-eye and sexier, poutier lips".

And then according to MGA Entertainment they were told by her camp that they like the dolls silver Grammy outfit and the doll's green crystal dress but they wanted a 'Born This Way' zombie ensemble as well...including they say with "...a removable head to reveal a bloody stump..."-this to me sounds like the doll was going to be a toy that came right out of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and that it might of needed to come with its own age restrictions as I don't think that parents will have been buying this toy for very small little monsters, but then again her main market is teenagers-.

Anyhew...MGA go on to say that when all these demands were met and they then sent out samples to her and it was at this time that she asked for the voice chip to be pulled.

They also say that on April 23rd Lady Gaga was keen on having the shipping for this delayed until her new album was released.

But on a lighter note for all you fans of Lady Gaga you'll be happy to know that she has been cast as La Chamelion in Robert Rodriguz's 'Machete Kills' which if your a fan of Robert Rodriguz films like me then you'll know this is a follow up of his other 'Machete' film starring Danny Trejo which you'll have seen in 'Once Upon A Time In Mexico' as the guy who works for Johnny Depp's CIA Agent Sands who is told to get El (played by Antonio Banderas) out of hiding so as to stop the local maffia from executing a coup on the President lead by General Marquez on the day of the dead in Mexico.


In typical Robert Rodriguez  ironic style La Chamelion is a character that likes to play with silenced pistols but still likes to look demure while doing it.

Also ironically Charlie Sheen has also been cast...I'm not so sure if there is going to be any guns or things to blow up that Tiger Blood drinking machete wielding Charlie Sheen should be near it but I guess that if anything gets blown up that shouldn't you can always say that it was Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson,-who has also been cast-, that did it.

Also Vanessa Hudgens, Sofia Vergara, Willian Sadler, Demian Bichir, Michelle Rodriguez and Edward James Olomis will star.

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