
Thursday 23 August 2012

I've hit the motherload...Matrix 4 and 5 to be done in 3D!

Holy Crap Batman! This is for me the motherload of news that I have seemed to hit on on Metro's website...I can't believe this is being done as I am a big fan of this and I especially loved Matrix 1...I can even remember how one of my friends at school told me after he saw this first film that he just had to attend a fancy dress party as Morphios!

The second one for me was alright but it wasn't anything on the first film.

Anyhew according to Metro Keanu Reeves had spoken to Andy and Larry Wachowski about the possibility of shhoting two more films in 3D.

Metro reports that Reeves met the brothers around Christmas time when they told him that they'd been working on completed scripts for two more follow ups to the Matrix franchise.

The Wachowski brothers are also reportedly planning on meeting one of the most infamous directors around these days James Cameron to ask him about the possibility of shooting these films in 3D.

Keanu Reeves has reportedly said on this that these films will revolutionise the action genre just like the first Matrix movie did.

I don't know how this might be done and how exactly he'll come back into the fold as Neo as forgive me if I'm wrong but at the end of the last one when Trudi died he also died....but now that I remember it there was a voice over saying that he went away and no one saw him again but he would return...but hopefully not in the comic way that Kim Jong Il says he will return my other favorite film 'Team America:World Police' when he is really a cockroach and goes to a toy spaceship and yells 'I will weturn!'.

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