
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Exclusive Sin City 2 news!

From the first time I heard that Sin City was on the cards to be made into a film I was really excited but now with this new news thanks to The Hollywood Reporter with more news on this it makes it seem like Sin City 2 is moving on a pace.

According to the Heat Vision Blog on The Hollywood Reporter website some of the cast from the first movie are coming back for this one: Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke, Rosario Dawson (she in the last film was head of the prostitutes in Old Town that was going out with Dwight who was played by Clive Owen), also they say that they've got sources that say that Clive Owen will be returning to play Dwight...

But with the script that Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller have written which is a combination of comic book storylines especially "A Dame To Kill",-the events in this story take place before and after some of the events in the first Sin City)-, where Clive Owen's character has facial surgery and appears as a new man...this means that there will definitely be at least one new face that will be in the cast.

Also if your like me and you don't really know the story of "A Dame To Kill" then I'll help fill in the blanks...its stroyline was that a man called Dwight gets himself involved in a complicated and deadly relationship with a femme fetal named Ava.

Jamie King who was in the first movie who played the golden haired prostitute that Mickey Rourke's character Marv was in love with she is set to return as Goldie's twin sister who if your like me and you've seen this movie you'll know that when Goldie gets killed Wendy goes looking for whoever killed her and when Marv goes to her house to find out the same thing as Wendy she automatically assumes that it was him that killed her sister...but then she falls in love with Marv and he then dies by going to the electric like me your probably thinking how on earth are they going to bring Mickey Rourke's character back from the dead and I was thinking that whatever the storyline for this is it has to be a convincing one...not like the storyline in Tim Burton's Batman the storyline of how Harvey Dent became Two Face was that he was in court and he got a pot of coffee thrown at him.

Another newcomer is Jamie Chung is going to replace Devon Aoki who in the first film played Miho who killed Jack the policeman who was going out with waitress from the bar where Jessica Alba's character dances on the bar as a cowgirl.

According to Heat Vision Miho plays a key role in finding double dealing Ava. It also says that apart from this casting for other major parts in this film is still taking place so this sounds like to me that the other characters of Wendy, Marv, Nancy Callaghan and the other returning cast members characters might just have bit parts in this movie.

Also I was reading that the release date for this is 4th October 2013.

Monday 29 October 2012

Review: Snow White and The Huntsman

I've been buying a lot CD's and DVD's lately some I have to say are a lot better than others such "Snow White and The Huntsman" and "Dark Shadows" as I thought that with all the hype around Snow White that I'd have a little look at it regardless of the many bad reviews from people....and now I've seen it I don't know why I didn't listen to it!

I watched it with my family and we were all just sat there thinking "WTF...What Story is this?" because it was really really as removed from the Disney story as possible but it did have elements from the Disney one like it had dwarves in, an enchanted forest, the poisoned apple, and a wicked witch played by Charliz Theron.

I do have to say though that the best part of the film was the CGI Mirror that comes off the wall in Ravina (the wicked witch's) chamber and comes to life.

The new story of Snow White is that Snow White's father after her mother dies goes into battle against an army that is created using magic and after this army gets defeated he comes across what he believes is a prisoner, Ravina and he quickly marries her but even going down the aisle she isn't happy and sees other young beautiful women around her including the young snow white. After this she kills snow white's dad with a dagger to the heart ranting that men ruin women and that they use them and when their done they throw them aside. Then she welcomes into the castle her brother's magical army after she's killed the king and so the castle get's burned and ransacked so then as time has gone on snow has been locked up in what I think is an ok tower as she has a sizable fireplace and a bed with a small window to let in the light as well as some Gladiator style figureens that I think are suppose to represent her mother and father, but these look more like stick figureens like twigman in Tropic Thunder than the wax figureens in Gladiator.

And that it one day takes a bird to show her that there is a nail sticking out of the tower that's been there the whole time for her to finally escape from the tower, she then runs into the enchanted forest which is a lot scarier than the Disney version but here is where the scene stealing in Twilight where she tries to run after Edward after he's told her he's breaking up with her and she then gets lost and trips and falls onto the floor of the forest and curls up into a ball and stays there until she gets found, this happens again once she's in the forest as it starts turning into all the things that she is scared of, for example branches turn into deadly snakes that when she leans on them start to crawl on her, but this time she falls asleep curled up into a ball.

The dwarves as well aren't like the Disney ones they were miners but now they have just become thieves like Chris Hensworth's Huntsman who already knows theses not so dwarvish dwarves (Nick Frost, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane (Lovejoy) ) and from then on all Kristen Stewart's Snow White does is run from Ravina's weirdo brother who is hunting her and Chris Hensworth just getting drunk but doing most of the fighting with axes's.

Also there is no continuity in this as when they come across a camp of women who have scarred themselves on purpose so that they can raise their families in peace without Ravina wanting them so as to like in the Mummy open up her mouth and suck the youth out of girls so as to make herself youthful and beautiful she gets a strand of hair braided but then later on in the movie she has a huge fishtail braid going down the left side of her neck.

Then comes the bit in the movie when Snow White has rallied the troops and is leading an army to fight Ravina but when the camera cuts between Ravina and the army it makes it look that Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart are in two different movies as here is where the scene stealing continues as all of Snow White's army ride onto a beach just like in Robin Hood and also in Robin Hood when they reach the gates of the castle big vats of tar gets pulled down onto the army of snow white.

But after all this here is where Snow White does her first bit of fighting she pushes someone outo f the way to face off with Ravina in her chamber but even here she seems to not be a very good fighter with Ravina keep throwing her around but then she helps her win the fight by burning herself and shouting how Snow White can't kill her and that she has lived thousands of lives, but then steps out of the fire still ranting that she need to only to live one more by taking the heart of Snow White but what a inevitable ending where she stabs her with a dagger like the Huntsman tells her earlier on in the movie that when your backed into a corner and have no choice but to kill someone you need to drive a dagger home into their body and see into their eyes, into their soul so she does that and then she inevitably ends up as queen but at her ceremony she is holding a twig of a tree supposedly this is the mark of her family crest.

All in all this is a disappointing film that looks like Charlize Theron was trying to get something out of like an award but all she managed to do was look ridiculous especially with the plaster of paris bath she has that has no reason to be in the film and I can't think why on earth this was put in the film other than to fill the movie.

The competition weighs in with Microsoft's NEW! Surface Tablet

I just bought my copy of this months Empire Magazine and this was inside the front cover, and now I've been on Microsoft's website to see this bad boy in more detail, I have to say that I really like how with Microsoft Type Cover this is a cover as well as a keyboard, and that you can with the aid of a stand you can turn this Tablet into a screen so as to do work, or you can just use this as a Tablet to watch HD movies via Xbox (to do this you'll need to buy the Xbox), make movies, help you with cooking by watching the programme the recipe's or take photos by putting the Kickstand up and as it's leaning back you can start straight away hands free filming or capturing the photo and then if need be you can with email apps and social media share it.

I also like how you can with Touch/Type Cover (I've just read on Microsoft's website about Touch and Type Covers that you can use to work on this and to me there is no difference between these two other than the Touch Cover is pressure sensitive, media controls and a Trackpad), you put these over the display and it automatically turns off the Tablet and stops you from opening windows or from writing giberish sentences when your not looking like you can do if you've not locked your phone's keypad and the next time you use it you see that you've phoned someone by accident or you've started writing an email in nonsensical words as if the cover is on the display or folded back then keystrokes are automatically disabled...this I now see while reading this sounds a lot more understandable and easier to use than the Ipad as when my sister first got this we were constantly asking each other how the hell do you use this.

This is also made from something that sounds cool VaporMg, this is a molton magnesium alloy and is three times lighter than aluminum with a highly durable exterior...sounds very cool! But I also like the anti-fingerprint coating that this has on the display so as to keep the display looking as clear as the day you buy it!

Another good thing about this is that Microsoft have used an optical bonding technique to reduce the space between the panes of the display which helps minimises light refraction so you get nothing but crystal clear videos, games and photos, also there is an extra wide viewing angle so you can show others around you easily exactly what your viewing.

This to me sounds already like it's got a whole lot more on Ipad but I've just noticed that if you look careful there is a sign that they've put on the bottom of the Tablet that is similar to the icon square that is where you press on the Ipad to see your email or any other apps that are on your Ipad....sneaky!

But just when I'm starting to warm to this Tablet in favour of the Ipad I finally see the catch with all these amazing things that come with this always it's the price you'll need £399.00 if you want your very own Surface. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

IPad Mini?!

This if true would be really cool but at this moment this is all rumour as Deadline New York have been sent an invitation by the press for an October 23rd meeting at San Jose California's Theatre over in America...they including me don't really know what to make of this even though they report that their invitation does say that:

"We've got a little more to show you...."

This to me sounds ominous, it sounds like a line from a horror movie, where all the journalists that are invited to this event are locked in to the theater once their inside and then the lights get turned off to the sound of a scream...que Hercule Poirot.

Or this could sound an interesting alternative outcome to the Levinsome Inquiry into journalistic ethics.

Rumours have already been going on that Apple have been prepping their own smaller and cheaper version of the IPad so that they can compete with Amazon's Kindle Fire, Google's Nexus 7 and Barne's and Noble's Nook tablets.

This smaller version the IPad Mini would have 7 or 8 inch screen verses the 9.7 inch screen that the IPad has and it would sell for £185.00 (or under $300).

Nothing is known apart from these rumours...well I said that nothing has come out from Apple about this but I've just got this email from Apple as part of a gneral email from them and:

As part as this email you can now pre-order this from Apple Online Store now and can get it shipped to you free or there is a Wi-Fi type says the email and buy this model from your local Apple Store from 8:00am on 2nd November.

The screen is 7.9 inch, ultra-fast wireless, iSight camera with 1080HD video recording,view web pages in Safari. See where you are and what’s around you using Map, there is 308G with LED backlit display.

And for more exciting info on the 10 hr battery life built in and other apps you can use on your iPad Mini go to the link:

More on The Mummy Reboot

Deadline New York have reported that Universal Pictures have set as the new director of this.... as Len Wiseman who has just done the new Total Recall that looks from the trailer very much done in the style of a video game with the 360 shots and the CGI Special Effects.

He'll be making the film from the Jon Spaihts and Universal are thinking of a summer 2014 release...fingers crossed that this can actually happen.

This is going to be produced by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci who are doing the pilot for FOX's adaption from film to TV "Sleepy Hollow", according to Deadline New York when they interview him saying that:

"When I first heard Universal was relaunching this, that is the image that popped into my head, the period tale, the old monster, but when Bob and Alex pitched it, there was a great new take and approach, and a very different mummy".

 The monster that Len Wiseman is talking about is the one that

Alex Kurtzman even told Deadliine that the new script that Jon Spahts has written puts the mummy into a new, modern day context.

Orci and Kurtzman are going to produce this through their Universal Pictures based banner of Paper Products, along with Sean Daniels and Jim Jacks who produced the original Steven Sommers version of the "The Mummy". 

After seeing and being a fan of these Steven Sommers movies I'm not really convinced how you can make a new approach to the mummy...but as I am also a massive fan of "The Underworld" films that were directed by Len Wiseman I'm a thinking that this mummy character might get an new revamp darker look just like the age old folktale of vampires and werewolves that has now been totally taken over now by "Twilight", making really good films like |"Underworld" and "Blade" have to take a bit of a back seat...unfortunatly.

But according to Len Wiseman it sounds like it wasn't him that is going to be making this film have a darker tone to it like the original it was more Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, with Len Wiseman saying that:

"One of the things that interested me with this mummy is, he's still in essence a man...They haven't turned his brain into a monster brain . He still has a personality and is very cunning and calculating.He's a true character in any form, and in creature, even if he is that staggering creature, it becomes more important that he's a thinking, calculating person".

But although this sounds like it will have a very different tone to it Alex Kurtzman still says that it'll still stay attractive to the same audience as the original with him saying to Deadline that:

"We're reaching into the deep roots of "The Mummy", which at it's beating heart is a horror movie and then an action movie, and putting it into  a context that is real and emotional...It's still a four quadrant film but as a lot of  recent movies have proven, audiences are hungry for more than they used to be. You can still have a family movie, an action movie that's more grounded than these used to be."

From these little snippets from Deadline's interview with Len Wiseman, Roberto Oric and Alex Kurtzaman there is a lot that is suggested about this new take on "The Mummy" but Alex Kurtzman did nearly slip up on what this take would be, saying that:

" Without saying too much , we've drawn a lot of inspiration from Michael Crichton's books, and how he ground fantastical tales in modern-day science".

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Stop What Your Doing right now. Stop Everything! Scarface is being redone!

I can't believe what I'm reading right now on Deadline New York, but I thought it had to be blogged about because this is breaking news.

According to Deadline New York Universal Pictures are developing a new version of the iconic  movie that starred Al Pacino that was released in 1983 and was how could you forget about Tony Montana who muscles his way into the drug world so as to take over from his boss who takes him under his wing and into his business fold, and then he sees his bosses girlfriend and he then wants to take her off his boss as well as his business.

This though says Deadline will not be a sequel or a remake, but it will take two elements from this film, i.e that an outsider, an immigrant barges his way into the criminal establishment in pursuit of a twisted version of the American dream, becoming a kingpin through a campaign of ruthleswsness and violent ambition.

Now Universal Pictures have just hired Paul Attanasio, along with Marc Schmuger and Martin Bregan who will produce this rewrite under his Global Produce banner to rewrite this from the first draft that was first written by David Ayer.

But for the moment Universal aren't saying where the new Tony will come from.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hungry Hippos and more are set for the cinema screen!

This to me is just one of the best pieces of movie news I have heard apart from how Hungry Hippos and Monopoly will get their own films.

When I first read about Hungry Hippos getting a film on the Los Angeles Times website the first thing I thought was what on earth is going to be the story behind this film.

According to The Los Angeles Times Habro has signed a deal with Emmett/Furla Films, (this is an independent production and finance company that will make "The Hungry Hippos", "Monopoly" and "Action Man" films).

Again I have to say that how on what on earth will the story for these board game...I do have to say though that I think the most bizarre film to make is one for Action Man. My first thought though was that this film might have a more Ben 10 feel to the film but if this is the case then I think it might be a bit of a shit film.

The first film in this 3 movie deal is going to be Monopoly which according to Empire is going to be done by Ridley Scott. In an interview with him at the BAFTA's last year they interviewed him, and he said that he was:

"...trying to figure out what tone of comedy it could be. It could be a really big film..."

But he did also say in this interview with Empire that:

" idea where we're going with this but it's the most popular board game in the world..."

But according to The Los Angeles Times this Monopoly film was going to be produced by Ridley Scott at Universal, he still will produce this though with Emmett/Furla Films.

These films though are going to be family friendly films ( that was a big surprise! I never expected that) with a broad appeal.

Also according to The Los Angeles  Times Emmett has said in an interview that he hope to spend less than $100 million on each of these films.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Baywatch will be there....on your cinemascreens sometime soon!

I read this the other day on Empire online and after I'd calmed down after first reading this and laughing out loud numerous times I had stuck in my head all day the theme tune to this TV case you haven't had the chance to see any reruns of old episodes of Baywatch the TV series you won't have heard the "I'll be there" theme song.

I have just  read on Vulture that Robert Ben Garant who co-created and starred in Reno 911! will direct for Paramount Pictures this comedy adaption of the TV series that starred both Pamela Anderson and David "The Hoff" Hasselhoff.

The script for this has been written by Peter Tolan and will be produced by Ivan Reitman, but I have also just seen that Vulture reported that Thomas Lennon who Be Garant co-created Reno 911! with.

Monday 8 October 2012

Film's coming to DVD!

Thanks to and Facebook I have just pre-ordered the "Batman:The Dark Knight Rises" which comes out on December 3rd 2012.

But if your like me and can't wait to own some of the amazing films that are out at the moment here are the UK release dates...these could change so fingers crossed:

  • The Bourne Legacy UK Release Date: December 3rd 2012
  • Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter UK Release Date: October 22nd 2012
  • Dark Shadows UK Release Date: October 15th 2012
  • TED UK Release Date: November 26th 2012
  • The Amazing Spiderman UK Release Date: November 26th 2012
  • Total Recall UK Release Date: December 26th 2012
  • Magic Mike UK Release Date: November 26th 2012
  • What To Expect When Expecting UK Release Date: October 2012
And if you were one of the very few who went to the cinema to watch Katy Perry's film "Part Of Me" this will be released in the UK on November 5th 2012.

  • And last but not least Top Cat UK Release Date: October 15th 2012.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Even Julien Assange WikiLeaks gets its own film!

I was just perusing Deadline New York's website and I came across this piece of intriguing news...I say intriguing because I really didn't know what to make of it.

According to Deadline New York Dreamworks has already bought the screen rights to two books about Julien Assange and WikiLeaks and the events that lead up to him hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy because he didn't want to go back to Sweden to face a law suit of sexual assault on two women.

Anywho...the books that they have got the screen rights for are "Inside WikiLeaks:My Time With Julien Assange At The World's Most Dangerous Website" which was written by Daniel Domscheit-Berg who used to be Julien Assange's right hand man at WikiLeaks, and the other book is "WikiLeaks: Inside Julien Assange's War On Secrecy" by David Leigh and Luke Harding.

This though isn't the end says Deadline New York for film studios to be making films that are based on Julien Assange, apparently there is already a documentary lined up by Universal Studios has aquired a documentary that will be directed by Oscar winning documentary director Alex Gibney, this documentary will be produced by Marc Schmuger the former chairman over at Universal Studios as well as Alex Gibney.

HBO is already thinking of co-producing with it's long time collaborator BBC to co-produce a film about Julien Assange, the source material that is said by Deadline Hollywood to be an article from The New Yorker written by Raffi Khatchadourian in 2010 called "No Secrets: Julien Assange's Mission For Total Transparency", that was an in-depth look at Julien Assange and his team as they were gearing up to leak a 38 minuite top secret video that was filmed from the inside of a U.S Army Apache Helicopter Cockpit.

This HBO project will be executive produced by Joshua Maurer Alexandre Witlin.

Mark Boal the writer of "The Hurt Locker" and Management 360 are set to produce along with Megan Ellison who will produce as well as finance through her Annapurna Pictures an option to be made into a film "The Boy Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest", this was an article that was written in The New York Times Magazine that was written by editor of its newspaper Bill Keller.

Deadline New York seems to suggests that Mark Boal might write the script for this depending if his busy work schedule gets freed up any time soon, or if not then he'll have to do it sooner rather than later!

It's likely reports Deadline New York that Bill Condon will direct the DreamWorks Pictures film, and it also reports that conversations are being had between DreamWorks and Sherlock Benedict Cumberbatch to play Julien Assange and The Killings Joel Kinnaman who will be Robocop playing Daniel Domscheit-Berg the former right hand man to Julien Assange.

But, there has been rumours says Deadline New York that DreamWorks had had conversations with Jeremy Renner who was most recently in The Bourne Legacy.

A Knight's Tale to be made into a TV series?! WTF!

I was reading this the other day and I really didn't know what to make of it and I still don't.

According to Deadline Hollywood the writer of Battlestar Gallactica executive producer/developer Ron Moore to adapt the film "A Knight's Tale" that stars the late Heath Ledger.

ABC have already brought the rights from Sony Pictures TV with them wanting a script for this series.

If your like me than you'll know that this film was about William Thacker (Heath Ledger's character) faking it as a knight of the realm to fight in a jousting competition, but then he gets found out by the black knight after following home when Thatcher visits his blind father but he falls for the princess and has a dance with her at the end to David Bowie's 'Golden Years'.

This series is said to stay pretty close to the storyline of this...but hopefully this storyline won't feature Paul Bettany as a playwrite who looses a bet and has to walk home with nothing but his fur trimmed coat.

This has already been described by Deadline Hollywood as :

"...a medieval fantasy incorporating modern music and themes that follows the journey of a young man who starts out impersonating a knight of the realm ends up becoming one."

Ron Moore will executive producing this alongside Meril Davis,- his producing partner at Tall Ship Productions-, he'll also be executive producing with Brian Helgeland who will be writing this as well as directing and producing this with Todd Black.