
Monday 29 October 2012

The competition weighs in with Microsoft's NEW! Surface Tablet

I just bought my copy of this months Empire Magazine and this was inside the front cover, and now I've been on Microsoft's website to see this bad boy in more detail, I have to say that I really like how with Microsoft Type Cover this is a cover as well as a keyboard, and that you can with the aid of a stand you can turn this Tablet into a screen so as to do work, or you can just use this as a Tablet to watch HD movies via Xbox (to do this you'll need to buy the Xbox), make movies, help you with cooking by watching the programme the recipe's or take photos by putting the Kickstand up and as it's leaning back you can start straight away hands free filming or capturing the photo and then if need be you can with email apps and social media share it.

I also like how you can with Touch/Type Cover (I've just read on Microsoft's website about Touch and Type Covers that you can use to work on this and to me there is no difference between these two other than the Touch Cover is pressure sensitive, media controls and a Trackpad), you put these over the display and it automatically turns off the Tablet and stops you from opening windows or from writing giberish sentences when your not looking like you can do if you've not locked your phone's keypad and the next time you use it you see that you've phoned someone by accident or you've started writing an email in nonsensical words as if the cover is on the display or folded back then keystrokes are automatically disabled...this I now see while reading this sounds a lot more understandable and easier to use than the Ipad as when my sister first got this we were constantly asking each other how the hell do you use this.

This is also made from something that sounds cool VaporMg, this is a molton magnesium alloy and is three times lighter than aluminum with a highly durable exterior...sounds very cool! But I also like the anti-fingerprint coating that this has on the display so as to keep the display looking as clear as the day you buy it!

Another good thing about this is that Microsoft have used an optical bonding technique to reduce the space between the panes of the display which helps minimises light refraction so you get nothing but crystal clear videos, games and photos, also there is an extra wide viewing angle so you can show others around you easily exactly what your viewing.

This to me sounds already like it's got a whole lot more on Ipad but I've just noticed that if you look careful there is a sign that they've put on the bottom of the Tablet that is similar to the icon square that is where you press on the Ipad to see your email or any other apps that are on your Ipad....sneaky!

But just when I'm starting to warm to this Tablet in favour of the Ipad I finally see the catch with all these amazing things that come with this always it's the price you'll need £399.00 if you want your very own Surface. 

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