
Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hungry Hippos and more are set for the cinema screen!

This to me is just one of the best pieces of movie news I have heard apart from how Hungry Hippos and Monopoly will get their own films.

When I first read about Hungry Hippos getting a film on the Los Angeles Times website the first thing I thought was what on earth is going to be the story behind this film.

According to The Los Angeles Times Habro has signed a deal with Emmett/Furla Films, (this is an independent production and finance company that will make "The Hungry Hippos", "Monopoly" and "Action Man" films).

Again I have to say that how on what on earth will the story for these board game...I do have to say though that I think the most bizarre film to make is one for Action Man. My first thought though was that this film might have a more Ben 10 feel to the film but if this is the case then I think it might be a bit of a shit film.

The first film in this 3 movie deal is going to be Monopoly which according to Empire is going to be done by Ridley Scott. In an interview with him at the BAFTA's last year they interviewed him, and he said that he was:

"...trying to figure out what tone of comedy it could be. It could be a really big film..."

But he did also say in this interview with Empire that:

" idea where we're going with this but it's the most popular board game in the world..."

But according to The Los Angeles Times this Monopoly film was going to be produced by Ridley Scott at Universal, he still will produce this though with Emmett/Furla Films.

These films though are going to be family friendly films ( that was a big surprise! I never expected that) with a broad appeal.

Also according to The Los Angeles  Times Emmett has said in an interview that he hope to spend less than $100 million on each of these films.

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