
Monday 29 October 2012

Review: Snow White and The Huntsman

I've been buying a lot CD's and DVD's lately some I have to say are a lot better than others such "Snow White and The Huntsman" and "Dark Shadows" as I thought that with all the hype around Snow White that I'd have a little look at it regardless of the many bad reviews from people....and now I've seen it I don't know why I didn't listen to it!

I watched it with my family and we were all just sat there thinking "WTF...What Story is this?" because it was really really as removed from the Disney story as possible but it did have elements from the Disney one like it had dwarves in, an enchanted forest, the poisoned apple, and a wicked witch played by Charliz Theron.

I do have to say though that the best part of the film was the CGI Mirror that comes off the wall in Ravina (the wicked witch's) chamber and comes to life.

The new story of Snow White is that Snow White's father after her mother dies goes into battle against an army that is created using magic and after this army gets defeated he comes across what he believes is a prisoner, Ravina and he quickly marries her but even going down the aisle she isn't happy and sees other young beautiful women around her including the young snow white. After this she kills snow white's dad with a dagger to the heart ranting that men ruin women and that they use them and when their done they throw them aside. Then she welcomes into the castle her brother's magical army after she's killed the king and so the castle get's burned and ransacked so then as time has gone on snow has been locked up in what I think is an ok tower as she has a sizable fireplace and a bed with a small window to let in the light as well as some Gladiator style figureens that I think are suppose to represent her mother and father, but these look more like stick figureens like twigman in Tropic Thunder than the wax figureens in Gladiator.

And that it one day takes a bird to show her that there is a nail sticking out of the tower that's been there the whole time for her to finally escape from the tower, she then runs into the enchanted forest which is a lot scarier than the Disney version but here is where the scene stealing in Twilight where she tries to run after Edward after he's told her he's breaking up with her and she then gets lost and trips and falls onto the floor of the forest and curls up into a ball and stays there until she gets found, this happens again once she's in the forest as it starts turning into all the things that she is scared of, for example branches turn into deadly snakes that when she leans on them start to crawl on her, but this time she falls asleep curled up into a ball.

The dwarves as well aren't like the Disney ones they were miners but now they have just become thieves like Chris Hensworth's Huntsman who already knows theses not so dwarvish dwarves (Nick Frost, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane (Lovejoy) ) and from then on all Kristen Stewart's Snow White does is run from Ravina's weirdo brother who is hunting her and Chris Hensworth just getting drunk but doing most of the fighting with axes's.

Also there is no continuity in this as when they come across a camp of women who have scarred themselves on purpose so that they can raise their families in peace without Ravina wanting them so as to like in the Mummy open up her mouth and suck the youth out of girls so as to make herself youthful and beautiful she gets a strand of hair braided but then later on in the movie she has a huge fishtail braid going down the left side of her neck.

Then comes the bit in the movie when Snow White has rallied the troops and is leading an army to fight Ravina but when the camera cuts between Ravina and the army it makes it look that Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart are in two different movies as here is where the scene stealing continues as all of Snow White's army ride onto a beach just like in Robin Hood and also in Robin Hood when they reach the gates of the castle big vats of tar gets pulled down onto the army of snow white.

But after all this here is where Snow White does her first bit of fighting she pushes someone outo f the way to face off with Ravina in her chamber but even here she seems to not be a very good fighter with Ravina keep throwing her around but then she helps her win the fight by burning herself and shouting how Snow White can't kill her and that she has lived thousands of lives, but then steps out of the fire still ranting that she need to only to live one more by taking the heart of Snow White but what a inevitable ending where she stabs her with a dagger like the Huntsman tells her earlier on in the movie that when your backed into a corner and have no choice but to kill someone you need to drive a dagger home into their body and see into their eyes, into their soul so she does that and then she inevitably ends up as queen but at her ceremony she is holding a twig of a tree supposedly this is the mark of her family crest.

All in all this is a disappointing film that looks like Charlize Theron was trying to get something out of like an award but all she managed to do was look ridiculous especially with the plaster of paris bath she has that has no reason to be in the film and I can't think why on earth this was put in the film other than to fill the movie.

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