
Thursday 23 May 2013

Return of the man! Review: 30 Seconds to Mars "Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams"

I've had a little bit of a brake folks and today thanks to the help of the release of one of my favourite bands 30 Seconds To Mars' new album "Love Lust and  Faith and Dreams",- (which it says on Amazon's website is officially released on the 21st May, but I recieved it on the 20th.)- I have now listened to it and have now been renergized and I'm ready to get suited and booted and have decided that it's time to come back and dust off the old glad rags and have decided that today is the day that I return to writing on this blog and do as this album has just done for me now...reved up my engine!, Sorry about the reference to revving engines but I just couldn't resist!

Anyhew...I digress. I have thankfully just played this on my CD player in my bedroom and thanfully there is a god! YES!
If your a massive fan of the band like me you will have already seen the amazing short teaser trailer by Bartholomew Cubbins (a.k.a Jared Leto) with all the animals in including the amazing looking black wolf Shadow, a lion and a couple of  zebras, but I have to admit that when I first saw this short teaser trailer for the album I did think it looked a little bit like 30 Seconds to Mars' had especially at the end with all the zebras running all over the place had smashed Noah's Ark up and let all the animals who went in two by two out by letting them run free, so I think it's fair to say that especially with this short also showing Jared jumping around and a man covered in wasps, a hullahoop circling on its own, a big suede looking mechanical rodeo bull with matching pink suede horns going on it's own that this album has a big box of tricks and there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.
And I have to say that this is sooo true!...even though I have just listened to it I couldn't help but be left grinning the biggest smile I think I have ever grinned when listening to a 30 Seconds to Mars album, and I think that eventhough this album sounds completely different to their other albums,-I say that this album is sounds different to "This Is War" and "A Beautiful Lie" as Jared Leto's still sounds amazing as always, Shannon Leto and Tommo still make all the songs on the album sound as thumping and amazing as ever, and for me if you try and listen to another album or song that isn't 30 Seconds to Mars after you've heard one of their songs it never sounds as awesome as that song of their's that you just heard and it makes you want to go out and just sit in your room or wherever you are at that moment and listen to that album to keep on listening to that and all their other songs on that album which after you've heard that album you just want to sit for a bit and go "Ok...let's listen to that again", and this is why to this day my favourite songs of their's are "The Kill", "A Beautiful Lie", "Attack", "Saviour", "Hunter" etc as all their songs are sooo good its really nearly impossible for me to choose just one favourite and this may sound a bit ponsy but I'm going to say it anyway, they really know how to play the hell out of their instruments to make every song sound really electrifying,- but in this album they've just added other electric sounds to their own which I think really adds to this electrifying sound making each song sound different but a good do not fear 30 Seconds to Mars fans!
I just thought with listeing to this album now I have to admit that "Up In The Air" lyric video unfortunatly real video isn't working below is really just a taster of the other fantastic tracks on this album.


The artwork for this has been done by Damien Hirst who was the artist that did an art exhibition in the Tate years ago if I remember rightly with a cow cut into half and put into a big tank the same as  a shark and if you have recieved your spotted album today the same as me those of you may or may not instantly recognise that this is Damien Hirst as he did this exact design for the last Brit awards...though for me if I were a singer/songwriter and was getting an award I think I would have  wanted more the Brit  award that was designed by Vivienne Westwood as this looked amazing to me.
Anyway...."Conquistador" is already one of my favourites from this album it sounds to me a bit similiar drum beat to You Me At Six's "Loverboy", but still sounds like an old classic rock song with the amazing guitar sounds but I think that above this track off the album " Pyres Of Varanasi " is an awesome instrumental song that when I heard it,- you may have heard this one before as it's definitly on the opening to the short for the album and I love the big dramatic sound of it, I thought that a cool idea for the video to this could be Shadow is at the front of a girl wearing something like Jenniffer Gardner wore in the film Electra when she's at her house having the big fight scene with the hand and that guy who can make his tatoos come alive, i.e he makes his tattooes of two wolves that are on his  his chest come to life and attack someone and he makes all his tatooes of snakes at the end of the film come to life and strangle the life out of the little girl, and then there's more people stood watching and there's another person on the other side that fights her and it finishes where of course team mars wins in dramatic style.
This video above of "Conquistador" and "Pyres Of Varanasi"I've put here just to give you a taster fans of the band and other music fans alike so that you can see what I mean when I say that you definitly have to get a copy of this album as if you don't I think you will definitly miss out on one of the albums of the year if not of all time...I know that I may be a little bit biased when I say this though as I am a huge fan of Jared Leto and of the band but I really do think that this is one of those important albums that you just have to have in your record collection.
 I absolutly love "Bright Lights" as it to me really sounds like it could have been a song out of Drive the movie which is one of my favourite films...but then again this could just be me. "City Of Angles" is another one of my favourites.

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